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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. B.S. We all know that that is what this is about. The rich wingers just want to be richer and pay as little as possible in taxes and stick it to the poor. Cut the garbage rationalizing. That's really the main GOP agenda. Widen the wealth gap.
  2. I also know a person or two that picked themselves up by the bootstraps. That must mean that everybody will, IF WE JUST LOWER MY TAXES!!!
  3. All I ask is that we just cut to the chase and be honest re: what this is about. The rich want their taxes lowered and they'll give any justification that they can.
  4. "Personal accountability" is really just code for "I don't want to provide any help to people that are handicapped, old, addicted to drugs, etc."
  5. I have another question. Are NIL pots general (where the schools decide which sports get the money) are are they sport-specific?
  6. Long ways from that right now. Maybe if they can consistently beat the PA Hawkeyes in dual meets. Until then, not really much of a discussion.
  7. Voter suppression is something that happens nationwide (not specific to 2016) and has nothing to do with a "rigged" election or votes disappearing. Way to hit that strawman out of the park though.
  8. Big 10 just continues to dominate. That's all there is to it.
  9. I've never heard a liberal say the 2016 election was rigged and it never even crossed my mind as a reasonable possibility at any time. Probably 1/1,000th the number of trumptards that complained about 2020. Typical winger cherry picking.
  10. Typical winger. Skyrocket military spending and cut taxes at the same time.
  11. 4. George W. Bush (2001 to 2009) President George W. Bush added about $4 trillion to the U.S. national debt.18 Military spending increased to record levels under Bush, due to launching the war in Afghanistan and War on Terror in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks, as well as the Iraq War in 2003. Additionally, Bush supported and signed into law significant tax cuts which contributed to increases in national debt. Bush and his administration also dealt with recessions in 2001 and 2008 (the Great Recession).2021
  12. Went up more under the Bushmaster and he didn't even have to deal w the great recession. https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225
  13. Went up more under the Bushmaster and he didn't even have to deal w the great recession. https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225
  14. Many dems don't believe in God but at least they do recognize that Trump is the anti Christ.
  15. The idiot wingers insist that the 2020 election was rigged based upon basically zero evidence except the insistence of a known fraud, narcisist and criminal. Proves that they'll toe their party line no matter what, literally.
  16. I've said SEVERAL times that Biden has continued the deficit spending. Not as high as fat donny, but still way too high.
  17. Like I said, Trump got the ball rolling with high inflation. It was 100% inevitable by Jan 6 due to the massive borrowing and hence money supply growth. Biden definitely continued it w his own massive covid spending. Anybody that wants to isolate this to one party is delusional with a limited understanding of how economics works.
  18. Very obvious he thought it was going into OT. Unlikely alternative is that he just gave up.
  19. I am complaining now. Even though I'm liberal. I'm not a hypocrite.
  20. Huh? Over Mirasola, who already qualified for olympic trials? Whatever.
  21. Yup. Deficit will go even higher but you'll hypocritically stop complaining about it.
  22. That makes sense since money supply growth was higher at beginning of Bidens reign.
  23. Yup I saw that too. But you and the other wingers will stop complaining if Fat Donny wins in November. Trust me, he won't cut spending OR increase taxes.
  24. The uber rich don't work much anyway though. They had to work very hard and or be very smart on the way up but once they're really raking it in their mostly just profiting off of others.
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