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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. Feel bad for you. I have a lot more to offer my partner than just money.
  2. Not all all. that would be a disaster. The poor actually need their money and they spend it. The rich merely stash their money away and pass it on to their kids. Our tax system isn't progressive enough. Also, almost everybody does pay income tax even if it isn't called that, because they pay into social security and Medicare. Those are such huge portions of our federal budget that I'd actually say that you are LYING. NEVER ASSUME THAT A WINGER IS TELLING THE TRUTH
  3. The uber-wealthy need to pay their fair share, which should be a MUCH higher % than the rich or middle class. It's that simple. They're making ALL of their money off of others and it does almost zero benefit to the economy to allow them to merely stash their cash, which is basically what they do.
  4. You may want to make it clear who you're talking to
  5. They pay other taxes though, so your statement is misleading.
  6. While stricter immigration policy enforcement is something that's generally needed, now is NOT the time to start deporting undocumented workers. Unemployment is still extremely low so any deportation will merely cause more inflation. Wait for unemployment to go up before doing this, or even spending crazy money on a wall.
  7. If Trump gets elected, I think you're going to see a perfect storm that will return us to the hyperinflation that he initiated in 2020. Most of the right-wingers are ignorant to this so let me lay it out for you: 1) Deport undocumented workers at a time when we are already at near-full employment. This will simply force employers to pay much more to attract workers for necessary (e.g. agricultural) work and ripple through the rest of the economy. Jacked up wages will simply be passed on to consumers. 2) Lower income taxes. Just like he did last time. Increases the deficit spending, which is basically money printing. 3) Jack up tariffs. The businesses will merely pass on the costs to consumers and other countries will also continue to jack up tariffs on us in retaliation. 4) He wants to exert more control over federal workers, such as the Fed Reserve Chairman. Most of us know that he was complaining during his last term about interest rates being too high so it's a fair bet that he'd like to get his own puppet in there and lower rates down to closer to zero.
  8. That''s extremely simple math so yes, but the % should also be higher. Unbelievable that you are dismissive of that.
  9. Some people are dumb enough to think that the VP just sits around and does crossword puzzles waiting for the President to die.
  10. Yes, so there's zero excuse for the uber-rich to be paying a lower tax rate than the rich. YOu can't make this stuff up. It's absolutely crazy and proof that we are living in an age where we've gone off the cliff fiscally to the right.
  11. Soaring like an eagle that symbolizes the liberty and strength that our great nation was founded upon. Our founding fathers would be proud today!
  12. https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxnotes/2023/03/20/are-the-superrich-more-burdened-and-paying-the-highest-tax-rates/ As a group, the rich had 10.1 percent of total AGI and paid 20.4 percent of total federal individual income tax. Meanwhile, the superrich had 6.5 percent of total AGI and paid 12.3 percent of total federal income tax. The rich had an average AGI of $2.2 million with federal income tax equal to 27.5 percent of AGI, while the superrich had an average AGI of $31 million with an average tax rate that was 2 percentage points lower than that of the rich, that is, 25.5 percent. So even though federal income tax is progressive throughout most income levels, it turns out that it isn’t progressive at the highest level. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
  13. More misleading posts from the right. Revenue only went up because of inflation. See https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFRGDA188S. Long term trend is down since 2020.
  14. We have more important priorities than locking up people for this type of behavior. It's a pretty basic transaction that goes back to the beginning of societies and doesn't necessarily hurt anybody except that people that are consenually deciding to do it.
  15. https://bradfordtaxinstitute.com/LibRepository/a4e468c0-480b-4d08-a9db-cb0a4a381e70.JPG This figure is fake news. Nevermind the real data.
  16. I'm actually conservative by 1990s standards.
  17. Yup. All fake news and fake stats. The actual data is all a lie. Impossible to debate the fringe wingers when you provide real data and all they do is say the data is "fake."
  18. Yes; that is why the rich are richer than they've ever been, the poor are poorer than they've ever been, local govt budgets continue to shrink, taxes for the rich are ridiculously low, and the right for women to have autonomy over their bodies continues to erode. Yah, shifting to the left. LOL.
  19. There's zero argument against the FACT that the center has completely shifted to the right. I actually used to consider myself a Republican but as the entire country has gone off the deep end to the right, I now lean left. Basically, everything, social and fiscal, have shifted radically to the right. It's crazy.
  20. He's the lesser of 2 evils. It's that simple. You can have a President with cognitive issues or a President that is evil, corrupt and narcissistic., and a felon.
  21. Yes, the entire tax code has been rigged by the GOP
  22. https://news.gallup.com/poll/506765/social-conservatism-highest-decade.aspx I've been saying this all along. Becoming a radical right wing country, both fiscally and socially. Large corporations are manipulating our entire system. All I hear every day are lies coming from the right-wing propaganda machine and common folks are swallowing it up hook line and sinker while the right continues to dumb down our education system. This country is also becoming a better and better safe haven for the ultra-wealthy. Pretty soon people will be stashing their money here instead of the Cayman Islands. Why, not when the top 1% pay a lower tax rate than the middle class? What a great tax system.
  23. I don't see how any objective person can say that the left is more "radicalized" than the right when we've absolutely 100% gone off the deep end to the right in this country. The rich are getting richer than ever, marginal tax rates keep going down, the top 1% actually pay a lower tax rate than the middle class, the poor keep getting poorer , our military budget keeps getting more and more bloated and environmental regulations keep getting strangled in the name of bigger corporate profits.
  24. Wrong again. 150%. I don't really care about Soros. He's a philanthropist, like many other philanthropists, that has his own causes that he wants to support. Some of them I'm OK with and some of them I don't like. Koch Bros. are much worse BTW, but that is besides the point. Again, 100% of AIPACS efforts are directed toward funneling as much of YOUR money out of the country as possible. Sad that you don't see a huge problem with that; a problem much worse than the many agendas of Soros, most of which help specific people in the U..S. I know you don't like it when your tax dollars support poor people or minorities, but at least they're U.S. citizens and they're not using that money to murder and torture innocent children.
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