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Everything posted by mspart

  1. That's probably why he isn't going 65!!! mspart
  2. So he is pro choice, he is for a 15 or 21 week limit. And he said, "I’m not going be in a position, put myself in a position, where I am going to tell a woman to bring a child to term." Is his statement complete as in, he would not oppose abortion at birth? Or could it be said that his statement is his position before 15 or 21 weeks? Does it have to be absolute as in the first, or can it be nuanced as in the second. Reading US polls, most adults are in favor of limited choice abortion. That limit is around 15 weeks. Now there are extremists on either side, but most US citizens support a 15 week abortion. Most do not support a 2nd trimester abortion, and a vast majority do not support a 3rd trimester abortion. I believe these refer to choice abortions, not to save the life of the mother. Is it possible he is reading those tea leaves and falling in line with the majority? I don't know him or his political leanings in the past or present. I have no idea. So is the above a change in his stance? Is that a no no or is it smart politics to meet the US voters where they are? Next question is why is there a discussion of him in the first place. He will not win, he picked a flaming progressive for VP so it seems clear where his positions are - left of center. mspart
  3. RFK Jr is a rock. No movement. mspart
  4. I assume you are speaking of Biden, NYC city council, mayor, DA, and/or governor. I would opine that the police do not think highly of these people who have taken a once safe city from not too many years ago to what it has become now. I know the city council was expressly told not to attend the funeral. They are not happy with the state of affairs. mspart
  5. Vote the idiots out. They did that in Seattle City Council. It is now somewhat reasonable. You have to vote in law and order types. Or you get a perpetuation of a justice system more concerned with perps than victims. mspart
  6. We have had parents sexually abuse their children for a long time. But what kind of person does that? That person does untold damage to their child laying waste to their life as well as their own. It is horrible and my heart goes out to those kids that have endured this. The parent/adult that did it should receive more than 5 years. I don't think death is too strong myself, but would be happy for 30 years. This person needs to go away and not have a chance to endanger their child again or anyone else. This makes me very angry is all I can say. mspart
  7. Yeah, they know how to do it in Haiti. Just kidding. We don't want vigilantiism. But how far away are we from that with all the egregious treatment of victims in the name of the perps? mspart
  8. Is he still U23 eligible? mspart
  9. Of course they were let go. They receive extra benefits because they are part of the underprivileged class that I as a law abiding citizen don't get. mspart
  10. The root here is that TPT is saying that there is no wisdom found in the NT or OT that cannot be found elsewhere. That would be correct. But there are more pearls of wisdom for happy living in the OT and NT (especially NT) than in many other books. They are more dense with these things than many other books. Hence I think that JRoss finds them worthy of consideration, if not from a theological standpoint, from a right living standpoint that will lead to more happiness than not.
  11. Maybe Carter just doesn't show up. mspart
  12. Nex Benedict was abused by her father before transitioning. He went to jail for the sexual abuse with a 5 year jail sentence. He was released from jail a month before Nex killed herself. She left notes about her suicide and none of them detailed anything from the bathroom incident. She was a traumatized teen with very real mental issues, if not before, then after the abuse took place. Her story becomes more clear with this new revelation that is not making it into the mainstream news because it does not follow their orthodoxy on trans issues. Nothing of this whole thing made sense but this at least brings some amount of reasonableness as to her situation and subsequent actions. I believe she decided she was trans to somehow prevent her father from abusing her anymore. What else could she do? I believe she killed herself due to the fact her father was out of prison a month before she killed herself. Rather than go through the horror of facing her father and with the great fear of him abusing her again, she ended the situation with a drug overdose. That makes sense, sad sense and that father should be put away forever for the abuse of his child. It is heartbreaking really that this happened to her. The father should have been put away for 20 years, plenty of time for his daughter to grow up and get out of his orbit. Instead it seems apparent she was scared to death and chose death rather than suffer more abuse from him. Maybe that's not why she committed suicide, but it makes better sense to me than a fight in a bathroom. https://ocpathink.org/post/independent-journalism/queer-activist-calls-for-keeping-oklahoma-parents-in-the-dark-about-childs-mental-health https://www.nationalreview.com/news/the-anti-trans-hate-crime-that-wasnt-nex-benedict-was-abused-by-her-father-not-transphobic-peers/ https://www.yahoo.com/news/trans-teen-nex-benedict-left-193529264.html https://thepostmillennial.com/wapo-hinted-at-sexual-abuse-of-nex-benedicts-by-teens-father-in-initial-report-libs-of-tiktok-was-blamed-for-her-death-anyway?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral mspart
  13. I think that dream has come and gone. mspart
  14. All of the weights are really tough. A bunch of hammers out there. No wonder there are so many using their dual citizenship. I think JB has a very good chance to win the mini tourney. I don't think he has much chance against Dake but he has been working hard, I'm sure, on figuring him out and practicing practicing and practicing. If anyone has a chance against Dake, it is JB. I think he is #2 in the weight but he might be able to do it. mspart
  15. That boy just looked like a boy all through college and a little beyond. He changed his look at some point. He looks different now. More man-ish than boy-ish. He had a late growth spurt I guess. mspart
  16. Do we know that? Nothing on themat.com about Gable participating. I'm saying he's a no show until I see differently. If the March 25 date that someone on here stated as the deadline for entry is true, then he's not in. But I saw today that those accepting their placements in the finals or in the semi finals had to do so by 25 March. So not sure 25 March is a real thing or not for participants. mspart
  17. Will they seed him with the toughest or give him a break? I personally don't think he needs a break. Retherford is obviously scared of JB and Dake because he opted to go 65kg ha ha. But I am concerned about JB saving strength for Dake when he gets on that stage. If he feels on that day like I do 2 days after changing the EGR valve in my wife's car, he won't be doing too well. mspart
  18. Here we have burn bans. And that includes wood stoves unless that is your only source of heat. WA also just passed a law that eliminates new gas hookups and allows the nat gas folks to ween us all off gas. mspart
  19. Buy high sell low. My mantra! mspart
  20. In short, these are sad individuals that need counseling, serious counseling. It is time to stop the grooming of children into this kind of behavior. That was the point of the "no say gay" bill in FL. It was to stop the indoctrination of little kids that they could be different than they are. Everyone said that is not happening. Well, it is now happening everywhere and it is in the open. FL was right to take this seriously. This is wrong and there is no place in the universe where this is not wrong. I feel for those caught up in this. They are sad, depressed and have little hope of every getting out of that. They need counseling, they need help. They need understanding. And they will need that throughout their life most likely whether they actually transition or not. That is where the concentration should be. Not in saying a man is a woman just because he feels that way. There is not a place in the world where that man is a woman. He may feel like one, he may want to be one, but he is not. He is a man. With all the plumbing and cellular DNA stating so. mspart
  21. Not sure what you are driving at here. NBA / WNBA Soccer / Womens Soccer UFC / womens UFC MFS / WFS Swimming / Women's swimming I could go on, but no need to. 4 examples of women's sports. But you are right, they are just sports. But there is a designation because otherwise women would not have sports to play. That's why there are some where women cannot compete due to physical and physiological differences in those sports that men dominate. Some where men are probibited from competing because of their unfair advantage in size and strength. A man saying he is a woman does not make him a woman any more than a child saying they are a monkey is a monkey. It is fallacious and idiotic to pretend otherwise. By your own admissions here, a man can say he is a 13 year old and play in middle school sports. A man can say he is a 13 year old girl and play girls sports in middle school. It is happening in Canada. https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/01/29/why-is-a-full-grown-man-competing-against-teenage-girls-in-swimming/ https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/police-called-on-50-year-old-trans-swimmer-sharing-locker-room-with-young-girls-toronto-sun-womens-sports-transgender-lgbtq-sports-athletics-fairness-riley-gaines-canada-ontario https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12868227/transgender-woman-Melody-Wiseheart-swim-canada.html This is lunacy but it must be accepted if you accept the premise that a person is who they say they are no matter the biological markers that prove that person is not who they say they are. This 50 year old man is not a girl teenager, no matter how much he says he is. He isn't. That's the truth. There is hard truth and that is one of them. He is 50. He is not a teenager. He is a man. He is not a girl. To have men changing in places reserved for women is wrong. That used to be true. It is still true except for some people who think that it is right for a man to say he is a woman and then use their facilities for seeing them naked and having himself in there naked as well. Even the Will Thomas, the NCAA women's champion swimmer, who changed in the women's locker room, while full on still a male, said he is attracted to females. So now he is either lesbian or he is a man masquerading as a woman so he can win in sports and gain access to women's locker rooms and quote have it be ok. What is unconscionable is allowing this to happen. mspart
  22. The same could be said of the modern Democrat party. mspart
  23. Yeah, the gov signed a bill that prohibits new hookups and allows the gas company to start cutting off service. I think that will get reversed. mspart
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