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Everything posted by mspart

  1. It is always a series of give and take. You can get better mileage but give up performance. You can get better performance but give up mileage. With the heavier car such as EV, you give up tire wear to have zero CO2 emissions. mspart
  2. Men are better at beauty pageants than women are and that's saying something. mspart
  3. Cops told the city council to stay away. That's how much they like those guys. Just stay away or it will get ugly. mspart
  4. Not really. The Ds won before that but it is easier for the Ds to all of the sudden find ballots that they didn't know about. That has happened just about every election since. Personally I like going to the precinct to vote. But ont he other hand, we have a state and county sponsored voters guide that presents all the candidates and isues being voted on. I used to just get the guide and had to figure how which applied to me. Now I have a ballot and can cut that time in 1/3. So that is good. But I think voting in person is much better and safer and more secure. We do have to sign and those are checked. Unlike in PA. mspart
  5. If she lied knowing she lied, then she gets what is coming to her. mspart
  6. Well, I just have to say it is about time this is happening. We had squatters in the neighborhood and the owners could not get back in. I'm not sure how that ended up, but the house was sold (estate I think) and it was not in good shape. That is not the way it should be. You should not be forced to sell to get rid of the squatters. All that time though, you get to pay the property taxes so you would think the social contract with the city/county would say you get to kick them out or have the police kick them out. But no, you have to take up to 6 months or more for that to happen. That is just plain wrong. mspart
  7. Yes, WA is a blue state. You could call it a deep blue state where the people are actually moderate. They lean conservative on some things and liberal on others. But they vote D. So it is weird we don't have an income tax. But it is nice not having to deal with those state forms. I lived in MN and HI and hated that rigamarole. mspart
  8. He was a HS debater that trys to divert every thread he posts on. We had a guy in college that did that. It was annoying but he would have us laughing in stitches for about 2 hours straight while he was doing it. He was really funny. mspart
  9. Interestingly, WA state constitution states that a commodity (land, money, whatever) if taxed must be taxed at the same rate. This is why all property taxes are by mill rate. Your property has the same percentage taken away as richer properties and poorer properties. WA has no state income tax. It could, but everyone would be taxed at the same rate. That is not good enough for Ds. So they have schemed and tried to figure out ways to tax income. The latest is a capital gains tax that every state and the Feds consider income. No, for WA it is being called an excise tax. That new law is about to go down in flames in an initiative this Nov. But again, a flat rate tax is no good and the Ds won't implement that because they want a graduated income tax which is specifically prohibited by the Constitution. So as a result, we have no income tax. Which I think most here are happy about. mspart
  10. How do you define accurate? And what about my post was inaccurate? Are you just trolling to troll or to make a point? If my post was accurate then what's your point? If inaccurate, then make a point. mspart
  11. My point exactly. mspart
  12. BB - I think RV meaning is that he does not support ultra high spending for defense. He want's to cut defense spending hard. That is a somewhat reasonable position based on all the waste that there is in that category. That same logic can apply to the rest of the budget. Drop spending across the board by 10% and the wasteful and unacounted spending will be stymied. mspart
  13. P Diddy does Rap right? I mean he does Crap right? No respect for what they peddle. Sounds like a bad person overall. mspart
  14. According to https://pistolsfiringblog.com/guide-ncaa-wrestling-tournament-scoring/ Placement Points 1st place: 16 points 2nd place: 12 points 3rd place: 10 points 4th place: 9 points 5th place: 7 points 6th place: 6 points 7th place: 4 points 8th place: 3 points Advancement Points Each advancement in championship bracket: 1 point Each advancement in consolation bracket: 0.5 point Bonus Points Each fall, forfeit, default, disqualification: 2 points Each tech fall (w/ near fall points): 1.5 points Each tech fall (w/o near fall points): 1 point Each major decision: 1 point Does it not seem reasonable that the bonus points should be halved for the consi bracket like the advancement points? mspart
  15. Like I said before, my heart says JB, my head says Dake. I hope JB at least gets the opportunity to get to Dake. mspart
  16. My opinion means nothing here. But I think Taylor wins in 2. To whoever comes knocking. mspart
  17. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/florida-governor-ron-desantis-signs-212011291.html Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Legislation to 'End the Squatters Scam & Protect Homeowners' In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced that he signed legislation “to end the squatters scam & protect homeowners.” "We are putting an end to the squatters scam in Florida," DeSantis said in a release on his website. "While other states are siding with the squatters, we are protecting property owners and punishing criminals looking to game the system." Under HB 621, “a property owner can request law enforcement to immediately remove a squatter from their property” if certain conditions are met, and it “also creates harsh penalties for those engaged in squatting and for those who encourage squatting and teach others the scam.” It is about time that a state has taken this path. For too long it has been legally acceptable for squatters to take over a house. And the property owner, who pays the property taxes, has no rights to get rid of them. That is just plain wrong. Hopefully other states around the country will jump on board. This is a long time coming and is a good thing for the property rights of property owners. mspart
  18. Tell that to China!! mspart
  19. Guzintas need to match guzoutas. Or be more. If not the case, it has a finite life. mspart
  20. Yikes!! Now that electricity will be so much more expensive. I guess someone forgot about hail in their calculations. Kind of like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Perhaps they will make those so they won't shatter with baseball size hail, because although uncommon, it is not unheard of. But then they'll be too heavy. So many tradeoffs. mspart
  21. Since there's a thread about personal accountability, we should be consistent and treat people in other countries like we treat our own people. We should enable/lift Palestinians and Gazans in particular up by allowing them to be accountable and come up w their own funding and weapons for their genocide. See what I did there? mspart
  22. Even with lower rates, more money came in. So that part is not a lie. The fact that spending continued to increase is another topic and piece of the pie. Your solution is to get more money. This will work but only if spending is throttled. But you only address one side of the issue. There are the income and the expense. Both are supposed to equal each other. By saying we need more money, that means we will spend more. But we are so far in debt that something needs to stop. Spending is the easiest thing to stop so we should do that first. But we won't. Too many people want too much stuff. So the spending stays and increases. So we need more money. But more money will not help if spending does not stop increasing. It takes both to make the recipe work. But neither D nor R have the will to do either, at least for very long. mspart
  23. How about the Gazans become self accountable and fully fund their own economy and everything else and stop killing Israelis for fun and giggles? mspart
  24. I remember when Carter introduced what he called a Lean and Austere budget at $500 Billion. People thought he was out of his mind. mspart
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