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Everything posted by mspart

  1. mspart


    Yeah, the kid should be kicked off the team for awhile, not allowed to wrestle for a determined time and counseled. Hopefully he learns from this and can improve on his impulsiveness. mspart
  2. Nick Saban is not a fan of NIL money. Has said in the past he won't give it to an unproven freshman when his Juniors and Seniors aren't getting any. Cael has a proven track record, like Dan Gable had his. It is indisputable that PSU is dominant in the NCAA and has now become the FS club of choice. With Snyder, Dake, and Gilman going there, they obviously saw something that intrigued them. Maybe Dake just wanted to smash Taylor a few more times. But it seems to have not hurt either one. I would not say that NLWC is dominant yet, but it is on the way to getting there. Gilman, Retherford, Dake, Taylor, Snyder. That's half of the team is NLWC. But Gilman, Dake, and Snyder were already world team members so NLWC did not develop them. But they have them now and gives them more representation than any other WC. mspart
  3. Vak, The article you posted says it is an expansion approved by the Board of Education. The Board of Education approved a ban on classroom instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades, expanding the law that bans those lesson up to grade 3 at the request of DeSantis as he gears up for an expected presidential run. I did not find anything in the article that said the law always applied to all grades. The only thing close I found was this statement. “We’re not removing anything here,” Diaz Jr. said on Wednesday. “All we are doing is we are setting the expectations so our teachers are clear: that they are to teach to the standards.” I'm not sure the article says what you think it says. My opinion on this is as follows: 1. I don't mind the expansion of the law going for 4-12. I personally don't think it is appropriate to discuss. But I know it is being discussed so for 10-12, I would have less reservation. I agree 100% with the K-3 law and think it should have been K-6 at the very least. 2. An additional item in the article concerned legislation on drag shows and children. The drag shows get lewd and that is not appropriate for children. That is adult entertainment in my opinion. 3. An additional piece of legislation on bathroom policy I agree with. I don't want a woman in my bathroom and don't want to go into a woman's room. But the new law talks also about making unisex bathrooms and that is acceptable unless it is for groups. Not into that. 4. No matter what is done, the activists on this issue will never be satisfied. Even if they appear to be satisfied for the moment, they will find a way not to be. It is their MO. mspart
  4. It might be tough to get into the WTT at 61Kg if he doesn't go to the US Nationals. NCAA 2nd place doesn't cut it. mspart
  5. How different is this than Adam Schiff, having been proven wrong about the Russia connection, still abiding by his statements that Trump was and is a Russian stooge. And he'll supply the goods on all of that at some future time. His dishonesty is astounding. That's why is no longer on the House Intelligence Committee. Again, I don't see the beef. Ds do it and Rs do it. mspart
  6. I haven't heard this in a very very long time. Made me laugh!! mspart
  7. Give that one a year and he'll be vicious!! mspart
  8. Has he signed up for US Nats yet? If not, pure speculation. He should go 57kg and give us the thrill of a possible Lee/RBY matchup everyone was itching for this last season. Kidding aside, he should make it to the US Nationals. Unless he is just not a freestyler. Terry Brands was not a freestyler and won Olympic Bronze. Here's to hoping he enters. mspart
  9. I can't even imagine doing something like wrestle with a torn ACL. mspart
  10. Couture was runner up twice in NCAAs. He was on the world team 4 times placing 9th the last year he was on the team. Cormier runner up at NCAA. Was US National champion 6 times and took bronze at world Championships. So both were very accomplished in wrestling before moving on to MMA. mspart
  11. I maintain that I have never seen this before. I have never seen someone intentionally slam a head into the mat during a wrestling match. I see no reason why this move isn't illegal. In front headlock, you can flatten the person out, but that does not involve head slamming. It's a wonder we don't see this more often in wrestling if it is a legal move to do. mspart
  12. That wasn't my point at all. If you want to go there we can discuss my governor's holding on to covid emergency power still. Where is that a typical duty of a governor? But that is really not germane to my post. My point was it doesn't appear he was being serious. Le Duke did not report on the whole quote from DeSantis, just the part he thought would be most provoking, as if that was the only thing he said. I was just providing the entire quote and to me it does not sound like he is serious about putting a prison there. mspart
  13. Anyone with any power has done similar things. Not sure what the beef is with that. Was anyone expecting he would not take this on with the same zeal that won him a National Championship? mspart
  14. https://qz.com/desantis-florida-prison-walt-disney-world-1850347094 DeSantis is considering various options to get back at the company, which first fell foul of the governor for speaking out against the so-called Don’t Say Gay bill. During his latest attack, DeSantis floated the idea of building a state park, a rival amusement park, or even a new state prison next to the company’s central Florida theme parks. “The possibilities are endless,” he smirked. It sounds like he was being really serious. mspart
  15. I feel I need to clarify. I was never that good, but did wrestle at Veterans Nationals 3 years in Vegas. I had a good time, met some great folks, and lost a lot. The match described above, probably would have ended in a loss as well without the crossface. Looking back I think I should have gotten really mad and took it to him, but I was really stunned to where I couldn't move much. It wasn't even real competition, just a side match because he didn't have any competition at his age and weight. I've been crossfaced many times, but that was the hardest one I have ever had put on me. I would not say it was illegal or illegitimate. But I certainly was not ready for it. mspart
  16. OK, so I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. That's pretty simple. mspart
  17. I have to say I have never seen anyone do that in any match I've been in or have watched. I would call that slamming and not part of wrestling. I was crossfaced once in veterans competition that was pretty brutal, I almost went out. I was stunned and really couldn't wrestle for a little while, and as a result lost pretty bad. mspart
  18. Lesnar was huge as a college wrestler!! mspart
  19. Does that mean he will make it to the semis guaranteed and maybe lose there or win and lose the finals? If he makes it to the finals, what shot do you give him? I think he makes it to the finals. I don't know after that. I would guess he wins but Glory and Suriano are at least 2 probables that might get in his way. mspart
  20. I see you quoted my post, but did you read it? It appears not. mspart
  21. Not sure what you are getting at there. Mixing terms? Latinos are white? https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-09-09/south-los-angeles-immigration-displacement-latinos-blacks-2020-census Op-Ed: Why did so few Latinos identify themselves as white in the 2020 census? The 2020 census results made a splash in mid-August with this clear message: A declining number of people in the United States identify themselves as white, and the shift is happening faster than many had predicted. But all the justified focus on the “browning” of America obscured a second storyline: the browning of Brown America. Strikingly, the share of Latinos who identified their race as white in the 2020 census fell from about 53% in 2010 to about 20% in 2020; the share who identified as “other” rose from 37% to 42%, and the share identifying as two or more races jumped from 6% to 33%. mspart
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