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Everything posted by mspart

  1. 125 - #28 Cardinale WVU, #27 Ventresca VT, #10 Courtney ASU 133 - #10 Byrd ILL 141 #1 Woods barely made it with a 6-5 victory over #17 Emilio. He's feeling lucky tonight. #12 Filius PUR, #10 McNeil UNC For all three weights, top 4 seeds are all in the Quarters. mspart
  2. And that's why you quoted me? Not buying it. Just more deflection. You should be a politician, you are good at it. Question: What did you do yesterday? Answer: Well, today started with a call to the President and we discussed the Russia/Ukraine crisis. Last week, I was in Brussels meeting with our NATO allies. We came to good agreements on a host of issues. mspart
  3. Perhaps you can put as much effort into answering my question that you quoted as you did in trying to figure out who Charlie Kirk is. mspart
  4. What does that have to do with the question? Does this give license to those students to throw eggs, spray pepper spray, break windows, and injure to police officers? I'll answer for you since I think you might have a difficult time with this one. The answer is: NO, there is no excuse for this behavior, even from left wing students, and those involved should be arrested and convicted and the result put on their permanent criminal record. mspart
  5. PSU has 16, NCState has 12.5 and Iowa has 12. PSU only lost one match in the first session with 9 total wrestlers. NC State only lost one also. Iowa lost 2 matches in the first session with 10 total wreslers. All three still have 8 in the winners bracket. Northern Iowa moved all 7 forward in the first session. PSU showing how to do it. 3 pins vs Iowa 1 pin. Iowa has 4 bonus points, PSU has 8. The trend continues it seems. mspart
  6. Which is more offensive, Iowa or PSU? How do you mean offensive? mspart
  7. Or he did it because he has dependence on it. that is on him, just like being addicted to anything is on the individual. You both can debate how powerful of an addiction it might be, but pot can cause dependence which is addiction which I demonstrated above. This all started with Oliver being censured for pot again. He can't quit it appears. So I suggested he either doesn't care or is addicted. If he is addicted, he feels he can't quit. Or if he is addicted, he doesn't really care. Take your pick. But to use prior to a tourney means something. It is not meaningless. Essentially what you are saying is I shouldn't believe CDC or NIDA. They both say the same thing as I demonstrated. Am I to believe you or CDC and NIDA in the realm of addiction and effects of pot? My gut tells me to go with CDC and NIDA. Sorry guys. mspart
  8. Would you say the same for a heroin addict or fentanyl addict? They have a use disorder that takes the form of addiction. Granted pot is not as addictive as those other two, but addiction is dependence and dependence is addiction. When you are dependent, you are physically addicted. Yes you are responsible for it but it is addiction just the same. mspart
  9. I would hit the BBQ for sure. But I wouldn't try to do so. mspart
  10. Officials either are really good, or they aren't putting up with it. mspart
  11. Like 50% lost, or more like 90% lost their challenge? mspart
  12. At 165, #8 Olguin of ORST lost to #25 Wilson of NEB 3-1 At 184, #8 Finesilver of MICH lost to #25 Bonino of DREX 3-2 This rounds out the top 8 seeds to go down first session. I guess we'll see what happens tonight. mspart
  13. Yes, all top 4 won their first round but Ramirez. Kind of an uneventful morning session in that regard. mspart
  14. I'm giving up on this thread, there's a much better one with a better title. mspart
  15. 165 #4 Ramirez of Cornell loss to #29 Fish of MSU by a score of 8-4. All other 1-4 seeds have won up to 184 lbs. Please add what may transpire here. mspart
  16. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive Marijuana use disorders are often associated with dependence—in which a person feels withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug. People who use marijuana frequently often report irritability, mood and sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, cravings, restlessness, and/or various forms of physical discomfort that peak within the first week after quitting and last up to 2 weeks.20,21 Marijuana dependence occurs when the brain adapts to large amounts of the drug by reducing production of and sensitivity to its own endocannabinoid neurotransmitters. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/addiction.html Some people who use marijuana will develop marijuana use disorder, meaning that they are unable to stop using marijuana even though it’s causing health and social problems in their lives. One study estimated that approximately 3 in 10 people who use marijuana have marijuana use disorder.1 Another study estimated that people who use cannabis have about a 10% likelihood of becoming addicted.2 The risk of developing marijuana use disorder is greater in people who start using marijuana during youth or adolescence and who use marijuana more frequently.3 Say again? I disagree with your first two points. Agree with your last 3 points. mspart
  17. He went 61 in the Dan Kolov tourney and got creamed 11-1 by Kaise Tanabe (JPN). I think he goes back to 57. mspart
  18. That is a response but not to the question I asked you. Here it is again in case you forgot: What do you think about the folks at the UC Davis throwing eggs, used pepper spray on breaking windows, and spraying graffitti as a protest of his very presence at the university? mspart
  19. So the thread starts with evil government and Plasi plays that as a religious thing. I think BB is correct, he has little reading comprehension. mspart
  20. Plasi, Since you have not heard of him until now, what do you think about the folks at the UC Davis throwing eggs, used pepper spray on breaking windows, and spraying graffitti as a protest of his very presence at the university? I'll even provide some links so you can read all about it. From left, middle, and right wing media sources. So you can pick and choose which you prefer. But just a hint, they all report the same thing. And guess what? Police Officers were assaulted and injured as part of mostly peaceful fun!! https://www.kcra.com/article/2-arrested-building-vandalized-uc-davis-event-conservative-activist/43326784 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/elon-musk-others-respond-after-protesters-smash-windows-hurl-eggs-at-charlie-kirk-event-on-college-campus/ar-AA18E5Bp?li=BBnbfcL https://www.foxnews.com/us/elon-musk-respond-protesters-smash-windows-hurl-eggs-charlie-kirk-event-college-campus https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/elon-musk-charlie-kirk-campus-protest-b2301722.html https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article273154315.html mspart
  21. He knew the risks. Whether pot should or shouldn't be illegal, is not the issue. It is illegal to use. Therefore, he was not too serious about being in competition or is addicted and can't stop. Either way it is a problem. mspart
  22. 55 might be too much of a cut. But Gilman is in the room and maybe he thinks he has a chance. I would guess not. 61 this is more than likely. Going against Seth or Daton would be more up his alley. That would be quite interesting. mspart
  23. Accountability - Something the left hates except when applied to the right. mspart
  24. It's a good tactic except it is for juveniles. This is not how adults handle things. It is crazy that Law students at Stanford just can't stand to listen to an opinion that doesn't meet with theirs. How can these people become good law people if they cannot see the other side or even just listen to the other side? It is just too dangerous because they are out of their safe space. Coddling these ingrates really needs to stop. And the Head of DEI justified them in front of them and did all but cradle them in her arms. mspart
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