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Everything posted by mspart

  1. You gotta admire commitment, up to a point. mspart
  2. I don't know if Uber/Lyft drivers are getting held up or they are doing the holding up. But this seems like a solution looking for a problem. mspart
  3. Uber and Lyft have had problems. But to screen drivers that are armed is problematic I would think. Someone bad gets thru and that would be the end of that service. mspart
  4. It is tremendous for sure. I would have to say this is the lineup with the best results ever. mspart
  5. First, the House has presented a bill to the Senate. It is not blackmail as you suggest, it is reducing spending that got us in the inflation trouble we are in, and it is increasing the debt limit. That is a compromise position. That is what democracy is about. The previous Congress authorized that spending and threw us into massive inflation. The current Congress, a correction by the voters, wants to reduce that spending. Effectively that is what the voters voted for is it not? https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/23/politics/cnn-poll-debt-ceiling-increase-spending-cuts/index.html Demonstrably so. Which is why Biden decided to "negotiate" but he is not doing much to move the ball to completion. What is morally and ethically bankrupt is having put us in this position in the first place. Frankly, the D's and Rs should take full responsibility with that from 2001 and on. The R's are taking a stand against runaway spending right now, the D's are saying that is blackmail. Who is morally and unethical? A proposal that offers fiscal discipline later for relief now, will never materialize later. It never does. No one that is anyone in constitutional law expertise circles thinks the 14th amendment being bandied about is a solution. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/05/23/debt-limit-solution-14th-amendment/ If you think the Rs are negotiating in bad faith by saying debt ceiling rise comes with spending reductions, let's look at the D's position. No change to spending and a rise in the debt ceiling - period. And they are holding to that apparently trying to put the Rs in the hot seat. The R's have a plan to resolve this, the D's don't. I understand there are different ways to look at this, but that is how I look at this. Compromise is the art of democracy. So which side is on the side of democracy in this case? We can all decide. Those on the left that say our democracy is in danger need to look inside themselves and ask tough questions, because it is clear in my opinion. mspart
  6. What would be the problem of adopting 2019 levels of spending? That should bring the deficit way down with ability to pay off some of the debt. What we spend today, revenue catches up with in a few years. We just need to readjust. mspart
  7. The House has a plan all ready to go. mspart
  8. Yes, this is what I have been thinking. As long as the debt is serviced, we don't default, and the feds should have plenty of cash to handle that. mspart
  9. Either that or he is just a freak of nature. Kudos for him to keep going. mspart
  10. He needs NLWC apparently. Everyone else seems to. mspart
  11. That is an adventurous list. mspart
  12. I don't know anything about MM. Why is everyone here thinking he wins over Zahid? mspart
  13. Fix needs some fixing maybe? mspart
  14. No it is not. But it brings the mind into focus. But with the attention span limited these days, I trust the focus will be fleeting. mspart
  15. Hence the reason to rein this in now and start paying it down. mspart
  16. Your 65kg prediction is intriguing. I don't know much about Lee but he may get there. I think Yianni has too many FS chops to let him get by, but as they say, this is why they have the big dance. mspart
  17. Ha, You are a sharper stick than I PencilNeck!! mspart
  18. Don't know what HEW means, but how does that apply to Fix? All the talk on here is Garrett/DeSanto. Was Fix injured before or after the Garrett match? That poor guy just doesn't get any breaks at all. He needs a Vito moment or two. mspart
  19. The US government runs out of money to spend or runs out of money to pay interest on bonds? Or does it mean they run out of cash on Jun 1? If it is the former, the spending goes to interest on bonds period. Then back off spending on other items as necessary to have sufficient cash. No default. If it is the latter, then everyone is in deep doo if that is the case. Default. mspart
  20. I buy these, but I think Valencia overcomes the odds at 92 and makes the team. I agree with all else, unfortunately for Nashon. If Vito is the guy we all think, he will have a fantastic Final X. mspart
  21. In a manner of speaking, yes. It was pretty cool. Skies were clear and as the eclipse started happening we could see off in the distance a shadow coming towards us at a rapid pace. When it got to us, the eclipse was on. It got overcast during that time for a short period but we could see the corona and my friend had a telescope with a sun filter so we saw that. Then the cloud went a way and we could see light coming towards us from way far away. When it got to us, the moon was just barely off the sun, but it was blinding and full light, even with just a sliver of sun making it to us. It was a great way to get out of school and see something a lot of people never see. mspart
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