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Everything posted by mspart

  1. So when will this "where will they end up" circus be over? mspart
  2. True, but it is also good to have ADs that support wrestling rather than trying to get rid of it. mspart
  3. I guess we'll see how he does. I too hope for Lee to do well. Maybe he should try stem cell therapy to build back those tendons better. mspart
  4. Sorry Le duke, I just tried it and it worked for me. Local TV station news in Daytona. mspart
  5. Randy Couture, Jon Jones, Johny Hendricks, Brock Lesnar, to name a few. It is a natural progression but it is rare I grant you. mspart
  6. This is good stuff!! mspart
  7. Ron DeSantis has a new plan. As I noted earlier in this discussion, this isn't over, DeSantis will make sure it is not over. He is making a move and the news of it is less than a day old. Very new right now. https://www.newsdaytonabeach.com/stories/desantis-announces-legislation-further-sanctions-against-disney,40012 Posted Monday, April 17, 2023 12:11 pm Chris Gollon TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday announced a set of new sanctions against the Walt Disney Company in response to a recent agreement that deflected an attempted takeover of the land in which Walt Disney World sits in Central Florida. mspart
  8. From wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latinx Origins The first records of the term Latinx appear in the 21st century,[22] but there is no certainty as to its first occurrence.[23] According to Google Trends, it was first seen online in 2004,[11][24][25] and first appeared in academic literature around 2013 "in a Puerto Rican psychological periodical to challenge the gender binaries encoded in the Spanish language."[23][26] Contrarily, it has been claimed that usage of the term "started in online chat rooms and listservs in the 1990s" and that its first appearance in academic literature was in the Fall 2004 volume of the journal Feministas Unidas.[27][28] In the U.S. it was first used in activist and LGBT circles as a way to expand on earlier attempts at gender-inclusive forms of the grammatically masculine Latino, such as Latino/a and Latin@.[24] Between 2004 and 2014, Latinx did not attain broad usage or attention.[11] So apparently, it was academic Latinos or Latinas that first coined the term. But in the US, it seems that it was first done in activist and LGBT circles. I'm inclined to say that this latter group is white leftists. But obviously it was coined before that by Latinos (let it be known that this is a term that includes Latinas if both genders are involved). So I agree with you GWN partially. I'm sure it was not white conservatives that came up with this term. Can we agree with that? mspart
  9. Is it me or does Zahid look huge in that pic? mspart
  10. Yeah, you just gotta feel for them. mspart
  11. Now, being the bad draw never worked for me. I guess my mindset on the mat was not that strong. But the idea works. I tried to wrestle that way but I was never all that good. But I learned a lot doing it. mspart
  12. I would think Spencer will have to fight his way to the finals. It may not be an easy road for him but easy roads are for wusses. I have always felt that you need to be of the mindset that you are the bad draw. Therefore, Lee is the bad draw no matter where he is seeded or not if he has that mental outlook. mspart
  13. Yeah, that is true about the language. Latinx is some made up thing probably by some white leftist with nothing better to do than to think they know the spanish language better than anybody. Gender assignments are made on a host of nouns and articles. In fact you would get a weird look if you said "La hermano" - Must be a gringo speaking, don't even know that the brother is a brother. Latin languages just be that way. mspart
  14. This will certainly make heavyweight more interesting. Do you think anyone will be affrighted of him? he is the Olympic champ afterall. mspart
  15. I agree with your assessment of me. Hopefully everything works out for him in the best way. mspart
  16. The bracket is pretty full now. I suppose there can be more signing up. 26 signed up as of now. Winner of this faces Gilman at Final X correct? mspart
  17. I'm glad Lee has signed up. Hopefully he'll be ready and fully healthy. mspart
  18. And the guy could not make a coherent sentence. He really needs to work on that if he still has a job. mspart
  19. You know that is what they said here in the Legislature. So they created a law that taxed capital gains over 250k. That is illegal under the constitution of WA which says a tax must be employed uniformly. The WA state supreme court has numerous times stated that there can be no graduated income tax because of the Constitution. However, the State Supremes are a bunch of leftists and they allowed this to pass by calling it an excise tax. As soon as they made that determination, a bill was put forward to bring the level of capital gains down to 11k. So I guess it depends on your definition of rich. mspart
  20. No it was in response to George Floyd anti-cop rhetoric. They said it would increase safety on the roads with fewer chases. But that hasn't been the case. https://wtsc.wa.gov/2022-saw-most-traffic-deaths-on-washington-roads-since-1990/ 2022 Saw Most Traffic Deaths on Washington Roads Since 1990 Impairment by drugs or alcohol implicated in more than half of fatal crashes For Immediate Release January 18, 2023 OLYMPIA – The Washington Traffic Safety Commission’s (WTSC) initial data for 2022 shows the greatest number of deaths on Washington roads and highways since 1990. Preliminary reports show that 745 people were killed in crashes last year. Impairment by drugs and alcohol is involved in more than half of fatal crashes. According to a December 2022 report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “Alcohol-involved crashes resulted in 14,219 fatalities, 497,000 nonfatal injuries, and $68.9 billion in economic costs in 2019….” “During 2017 through 2021, 32 percent of fatal crashes in Washington involved alcohol positive drivers,” said WTSC Director Shelly Baldwin. “Alcohol impairment, whether alone or in combination with other drugs, continues to be a leading risk factor in traffic fatalities.” Health and safety experts have long advocated for states to reduce the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) per se limit for DUI from 0.08 to 0.05 percent. The state of Utah and more than 100 countries have set BAC limits at 0.05 percent or less. The Washington Legislature is currently considering Senate Bill 5002, which would change the state’s limit to 0.05. “The goal of this bill is not to increase the number of DUI arrests but to remind and encourage people to avoid driving after drinking and thereby save lives. This was the outcome in Utah, and we expect a similar impact in Washington State,” said Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste. At a BAC of 0.05 percent, a driver has reduced coordination and ability to track moving objects, difficulty steering, and delayed response to emergency driving situations. “The evidence is clear that a driver’s ability to drive safely and react to unexpected traffic conditions is affected when their BAC reaches 0.05 percent,” Baldwin said. The WTSC reminds all people in Washington that there are simple things we can do to prevent impaired driving like planning ahead for a sober ride home if you will be out drinking. Friends and loved ones can help to prevent DUIs by being a sober designated driver, calling a rideshare, or offering a place to sleep. WTSC analysis shows impaired drivers are more likely to speed and less likely to wear seat belts. These factors increase crash risk and are more likely to result in death. Remember, that law about police chase went into effect in Jul 2021. The above is saying road deaths increased in 2022. The law did not help reduce road deaths. mspart
  21. Yep. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/02/aoc-met-gala-ethics/11384545002/ A congressional watchdog says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might have violated House rules when she received gifts associated with her attendance at a prestigious fashion event in 2021. The Office of Congressional Ethics recommended the House ethics committee continue investigating an allegation against the New York Democrat “because there is substantial reason to believe that she accepted impermissible gifts” associated with the Met Gala, according to a release Thursday from the agency.... The review said Ocasio-Cortez paid for the items, including the rental value of the dress, only after the watchdog office started its review. Investigators said that if the office hadn’t opened the inquiry, “it appears that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez may not have paid for several thousands of dollars’ worth of goods and services provided to her.” Playin' the game like a pro. Nothing to worry about here. mspart
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