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Everything posted by jross

  1. Disgustingly worse at times https://www.knoe.com/2023/12/21/governor-edwards-pardons-57-inmates-october-through-december/ Seems like this has been a problem… so why? https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/2002/01/20/murderous-pardons/d15f1391-6cfe-4919-9492-5a5528824608/
  2. Bring back the memory.
  3. Love
  4. Freedom of choice
  5. The son tithes Joe so who would Joe tithe to? FWIW: Joe did give to charity in 2022. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bidens-report-580000-2022-income-contribution-police-foundation-2023-04-18/
  6. Talk it out.
  7. The news story posted in unison is that Trump called and influenced the election not to be certified because he is bad. It’s a bad look for Trump. My first thought was if true, I can’t vote for Trump. But I could not find and listen to the recorded call to verify context. And some articles mention ‘most secure election’ propaganda. There were numerous reports and lawsuits thrown out without merit… and I am quite confident of a rigged election… so I will stay patient largely in Georgia to see what comes of a case actually being heard. With all the reports of rigging, this is a natural phone call based on the reports. If you do not believe in a rigged 2020 election, this is evidence to rig it in 2024. #Colorado
  8. For civic duty, do tax progressives donate 10% beyond required to better fund the government? Perhaps if they start a movement...
  9. Are we talking about the Electoral College or Dylan Mulvaney? Dylan is a minority with the power to get people canceled. Life is confusing. Who can tell if minority voices are good or bad?
  10. There is stronger evidence for God than I had imagined.
  11. The program is a poorly run, mandated social net for retirement and handicap insurance. Current workers pay Social Security taxes, and these taxes fund the benefits received by current retirees. This intergenerational transfer system is based on the idea that each generation pays for the benefits of the generation that preceded it. The expectation is that future generations of workers will, in turn, contribute to the system to support those who come after them. The problem is that the younger generation cannot pay for the previous generation. The benefits will reduce, there is influence to defer benefit collection until older, and there won't be funds when it's our turn. The government is not making good use of its funds. It is a wicked and lazy servant, burying the money in the ground... The effective interest return in 2022 was 2.4%. It has averaged 5.1% returns and breached 10% six times since 1940. The S&P 500 has averaged 11% returns and breached 10% forty-five times since 1940. I have already paid $240K into social security and will keep paying for a couple of decades. Without further contribution from me, this should grow 5.1% annually for 25 years to $830K... barely beating inflation. With the S&P, it should grow 11% annually for 25 years to $3.26M. My kids will not see this money. If I die, my spouse may not get any money. I'll pay another $500K until retirement, and then I'm looking at $450K returned in social security checks over perhaps 10 years. When my dad was killed in his 40s, after 20 years of government work (Air Traffic Control), my mother remarried within 2 years, and before she was 60 years old. My mother lost spousal benefits, and at 20 years old, I was not eligible either. $260K+ paid in for naught in return. I'd pay the government to encourage and enable individual empowerment and fiscal responsibility. Mandate personal 401Ks, etc. if it wants to protect Mary AND me. But the harder I work, the more money the government gives Mary. The government is victimizing me and making Mary government-dependent. Too many people depend on the government for retirement funds that are too few and will not be there when they retire. I can see the day when the disciplined folks have a larger share of the personal retirement funds taken and redistributed. How about a compromise to a hybrid, where each contributor has an incentive? Given Social Security is a 12% tax mandate... a $45K annual salary over 45 years at 5.1% return is ~$900K. At 11% it is $5.9M. Can I have some of that? I'd like to think there is some compromise between redistributing and keeping a percentage. I've averaged 55-hour work weeks for most of my career. What's my reward? A larger share of no control. There is some generalization in this... but what a poor solution for a legit problem (future savings).
  12. Buying indexes and leaving them alone is a fine strategy.
  13. The image hosting site is not working well. I'll post a better image later.
  14. Winners expect to win before the contest starts; losers don't. Any individual becomes what he or she thinks about most. If you want to be a champion, that thought must dominate your life. But most importantly, winners dwell on the rewards of winning; losers dwell on the penalties of failure. Cradles are the most powerful pinning combination known to man Winners Pin to Win These All-Americans are listed in descending order by the number of days won.
  15. Where is the compromise with a popular vote enabling metros to decide what is best for them is best for all?
  16. How could the US humanely deport millions of illegal immigrants? Transparent process, transparent communication 365 Day voluntary period to return home. Time to get things in order. 730 Day period of focused deportation efforts Misc. A path to legal stays with a process for work visas, citizenship, etc. Permission is based on met requirements, not privilege. Audits and a path to compliance for companies that employ illegal immigrants. Prefer to keep the families together. When both parents are illegal, the parent and any underaged (inc. birthright citizen) children can be deported together, rather than the illegals opting child abandonment to the state/others. When one parent is a citizen, expedite the legal process for permanent stay of spouse and children. IDs/documentation are free if they cannot be afforded. Everyone is given ample time to provide evidence of their status. After such time, any citizen may be requested to show status when deportation efforts are in focus. If identified in the country illegally after the grace period, the legal immigration path is denied. Review/Adopt what works best from other country processes. If Trump returns to the presidency, I predict we'll have the Supreme Court rule on birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants... The 14th Amendment wasn't meant for illegal immigrants. The WONG KIM ARK case does not apply to illegal immigrants. I have no problem being profiled to prove my citizenship status. Why would I? Automatic status checks for all law enforcement encounters. Automatic parent status checks for all kids enrolled. Workplace audits.
  17. Imagine the two reddest counties in Florida held a higher population than 50% of the country. How well would Florida represent the rest of the US? Metros folks don't represent my interests any more than mine do theirs.
  18. I'll start... No context... just the rule description to start. Do not get angry at your mistakes; learn from them. Buy the company you believe in. Do not beat yourself! Spectate on the market sentiment and sit tight with your selections. If it is a bull market, sit through the swings! Give up trying to catch the first and last 1/8. Always have sufficient knowledge to make an intelligent play. Trust your instincts and play a lone hand based on your judgment of fundamental conditions and evidence. If a stock does not act right, do not touch it! Do not buy up stocks in advance of earnings. Beware of stock limits. Trade on the general market movement rather than an individual ticker movement Test before going big. Average up, not down. Consider a pyramid trading strategy. Buy at the line the first time a stock hits a new milestone (100, 200, 300). Sell down until you can sleep at night. Buy on value, not the price. A stock is never too high or too low. Bad news is ignored in a Bull market. Good news is ignored in a bear market. In a stock with narrow resistance, wait for the price to break in either direction. There is only one side to the stock market, the right side! Never trade to get even or to buy something in particular (car). Do not buy on another’s tips. You cannot win until you bet with your money Buy the rumor, sell on the news. Anticipate events 2-3 months ahead and sell when there is misinformation. Every dog has its day. Stocks should move up with their sector. Treat sectors differently. Technology can be bullish, while retail is bearish. Let the stock test results change your mind from bull to bear or vice versa. If a shorted stock does not recover, it probably deserves the low price. Too much insider ownership can cause dead money. Your enemies are ignorance, greed, fear, and hope. A protracted decline is not a bear raid. Some is wrong with either the market or the stock. You can beat a stock but not the market. Many of those rules come from "Reminisces of a stock operator." I moved from index investment to individual stock trading around June 2020 and was making lots of mistakes due to panic and inexperience. I started writing down a few of my lessons. Later, I read that book in about two days... It was eye-opening.
  19. I listened to it last night, and it makes great points that I largely agree with. ------ From a contrarian perspective, listening to the OP video, I thought about secular and religious morals. I thought about how moral acceptance changes over time. I wondered how the surveyors considered that the responders answered kindness questions against their at-the-time moral standards. Comparing across history may not be possible when secular moral standards are changing. I remember asking my mother why the people of the Old Testament were evil, and she told me it was the normal way of life then. I wonder how the people of the Old Testament would respond to the survey. Would it also trend similar with the people of today? ------ The selection of morals and time frame enables one to make claims with supporting evidence. To many Abrahamic religious followers, the increasing number of children born out of wedlock is a moral decline. To many, the increasing number of school shootings is a moral decline. Some problems are still worsening, and more work needs to be done. ------ I listened to this Ted Talk that uses data to express progress over time. It is similar to the OP video.
  20. In some ways, sure, but the Tyranny of the majority is more repulsive.
  21. Agreed, nice post from GWN. Odds are that the cop is a good person, and he likely faced danger and put the public's safety ahead of his own before. The cop's inaction was cowardice that day, and their community will never know what could have been. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said the cop should have “addressed the killer, killed the killer.” The Miami Herald reports that deputies are trained to “engage active shooters.” “I am devastated,” Israel said at a news conference. “Sick to my stomach. He never went in.” The cop was suspended without pay.
  22. By which morals? Between which time frame?
  23. The experts record is bad. Buy a handful of companies you believe in and hold through the cycles. The market is not regulated enough from manipulation in the dailies. I am interested in a small investors club or open discussion here if anyone else is. A way to share due diligence and interesting info. A way to share what not to do. or buy the indexes and leave it alone…
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