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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2024 in all areas
2 points
X is 100% better for us because we decide what information is shared rather than a few editors with agendas. Imagine how many nit wits would believe all the information hoaxes without Twitter.2 points
So you think Biden is somehow better human than Trump? Trump cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star? Says the porn star, who blackmailed Trump! Biden cheated on his wife too with a married woman. Says who? Jill's at the time husband! Trump banned certain religions from entering our country? No, factually incorrect. He banned ppl from certain countries from entering our country that were predominantly Muslim. Not all muslin countries and not all Muslims. He also banned ppl from China which is not Muslim. Agree or disagree with the ban, but it was not a Muslim ban. Pushed a "stolen, rigged election? That is a talking point. There were so many irregularities MANY rational people would call it stolen or rigged. (But courts said... we all saw what courts can do in the case against Trump in the misclassification campaign contribution vs legal expense case). Mathematical impossibilities of some of the overnight vote imports and so many more. "Find votes" is not a call to change votes or anything nefarious. Simply, find illegal votes counted, votes not counted, miscalculated tabulation, or whatever. Scrutinize everything to find enough to restore Trump's lead is not asking anyone to cheat. "Find votes" is not a call to cheat. It is a call to seek out; discover. "sent his craziest followers to the capitol to off the vice president and speaker," I think his speech was just the opposite "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Read the entire speech here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial&ved=2ahUKEwjp2-CUkYSHAxV4SzABHaCzCFMQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1nh4XqvOD0-jD-nwRjXzm5 withheld funds to an ally, to investigate... ? that is rich. Biden's famous "Son of B" they fired him" to stop the investigation into the company his son was on the BOD. One was an impeachable offense and one was a nothing burger??2 points
2 points
They = Libtardos Us = People that value America as the Republic it was founded upon2 points
His condition has been obvious since before he took office. By not covering it, they just participated in disenfranchising millions of dimocrat voters who’ll have no say in who their candidate is, if he drops out before the election.1 point
As it is topical: Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone is on a different level. Also: the top 8 of the women’s 1500m all ran PBs in the final. Bonkers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
That was actually the 2015 Midlands in the 2015-2016 season, which was his one season at Grand View. He was arrested for his parole violation in March or Feb 2016, so he was likely in a stable training situation for Midlands. He admitted to using cocaine and alcohol recently at the time of his arrest, so probably wasn't totally on the straight and narrow. Long was 3rd at NCAAs at 133 for PSU in 2011, so it's not surprising to see him have success up a weight. Especially considering those guys you listed went a combined 1-4 at NCAAs that year. What's surprising is how easy his path was, considering that Midlands bracket contained Seth Gross, Anthony Ashnault, Matt Kolodzik, Chris Mecate, Kevin Jack, and Rick Durso.1 point
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/why-does-the-media-ignore-hamas-crimes-against-palestinians-opinion/ar-BB1paDP8?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=4f1ed57a2aaf45f182f9cc6580a74068&ei=531 point
1 point
oh no sorry If I was insinuating that I did not mean for the blaze brothers to be training there for any college affiliation I think micic runs pretty much his own club/camp. Its very dumb of me but I guess I never really thought of Joey and Marcus as a package deal because I pretty quickly ruled out Purdue in my brain just given Marcus's level. I was trying to say that I wonder wherever Marcus commits if Joey will then follow him and transfer.1 point
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Someone claimed in another thread that Coleman Scott interviewed1 point
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I’ve been “rooting” for wrestlers transitioning from their school career, regardless of where they’re from, to the MMA ever since Diego Sanchez stepped into the ring during the Ultimate Fighter season one in 2005.1 point
Field events are long and drawn out. No one would watch. It's bad TV. They show the winning throw/jumps and final results then call it a day. Running events are more relatable. That 5K/10K resonates with a lot of people who run 5Ks religiously and even people who just started a couch to 5K program. They also cut away from/split screen the 10K to show other events/ads. If you've never been to a track meet you may not understand the energy that the final day hits you with. Final after final, everything is on time. It's a beautiful thing to watch, even if you don't know anything about track. Everyone understands on your mark, set, go...winner.1 point
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And who gave the UN a billion dollars to give to Hamas?1 point
1 point
IIRC, it was just Pucillo (coming off a redshirt), and Chris Vondruska. We're there any more?1 point
"you give the horrible impression of someone who has never read any of the counter arguments to their position"1 point
1 point
Very profound and very true in any context. Facts are not racist. Facts are not sexist. Facts are not transphobic. So why is it that any fact that does not make a black person appear godlike, or any fact that does not make all women appear flawless, or the fact that a man is not a woman cause the person who states it to face certain social ostracism and the very strong possibility of loss of ability to make a living up to and including total loss of freedom in some jurisdictions? Even in the case of Jewish people: Stating Jews in America have much more influence than the raw numbers of their population percentage would predict - a measurable fact - has caused more than one public figure to lose his job. However, it seems that stating Jews have won many more Nobel Prizes than the raw numbers of their population percentage would predict never results in a job loss.1 point
Let's slow down and wait for it. They'll soon be lying about how they weren't lying to us.1 point
1 point
News flash lady. Arizona is always really hot. I spent 2 years in Yuma ,Arizona in 1974 and 1975. Its unreal how hot it gets. It is the same temperature still today. Now, northern Arizona is considerably cooler.1 point
you say that as if ignorant of the fact that china is a nefarious influence on the world1 point
1 point
most straightforwardly, he didnt mock a disabled reporter, and the soldiers are suckers thing was apocryphal as well.1 point
1 point
Hey Dumb Dumb...first thanks for making my point with a paragraph long rant about how you hate Trump. Second, I don't like Trump, but I sure as hell don't lose my freaking mind over him and spew stupid political talking points and divisive rhetoric any chance I get. But hey, continue to let the MSM tell you how to think...that should keep the TDS in you strong for years to come.1 point
I’m from Colorado and went to college in Wyoming, so I’ve seen both ends of the marijuana spectrum, legally speaking. You sir, are fear mongering. Do you want to bring it onto USFS, BLM, or NPS administered lands in Colorado? No. Besides that, the chances of getting in trouble with the Feds here are very minimal. Now Wyoming et al. are a different story. Still, I knew many a wrestler and non-wrestler that imbibed there, even some who were caught, and did not end up in jail, prison, or holding.1 point
I don't think he has wins over them, but pretty sure their dad beat both of them. That level of surliness doesn't come from nowhere.1 point
1 point
Who the fu** is "They"? And who the fu** is "us"? All the paranoid crazies running from shadows and scared of any squirrel that looks at them wrong. And now you're a piece of that pie.-1 points
Did he mock his appearance? No, mocked his memory and his reporting. Because he has a disability does not mean he is beyond reproach. If anything, the reporter should be happy he was treated equally as others. Look how often Trump, Biden, and Pelosi are mocked. Remember all the Trump balloons over emphasizing his weight? Pelosi with her contorted, plastic face? Biden open mouth breathing empty stare? Stevie Wonder memes? Only one group gets their panties in a wad and can not let it roll of their backs. McCain was not called a loser just for getting captured. He was called a loser for his political views and the decades of actions since entering the political field.-1 points
Hearing some Big candidates to replace Pritzlaff at The State University of New Jersey. Going to be interesting on Who takes job!-1 points
It's sssooo much better that they are begging for advertisers... https://futurism.com/elon-musk-begs-advertisers-return-twitter-revenue FTA: Now, Musk and CEO Linda Yaccarino are back in damage control mode, trying to scrounge up some much-needed funds at this year's Cannes Lions festival in southern France. The mercurial billionaire reportedly met with executives from the likes of the NFL, L'Oreal, Qualcomm, and Target, according to new reporting by the NYT. But whether these measures will help Musk's hate speech-ridden echo chamber from bleeding hundreds of millions of dollars per quarter remains to be seen. After all, who could forget that Musk quite literally told advertisers to go ***duck** themselves in November — fighting words that likely didn't sit well with the execs he's now pleading to return to X.-2 points
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