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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2024 in all areas

  1. We work hard as posters. Bob & Du are making a lot of ad coin off our backs. Sure Bob gives us some nice stuff but if we unionize we can demand the things we really need and want. First item: 25 minutes to edit posts. C'mon @BobDole or we're gonna strike. Who's with me?!
    6 points
  2. Very true. If it is Trump things will turn ugly because of the lefties going nuts via mostly peaceful riots, arsons, chaos, and mayhem. If it is Biden things will turn ugly because of the lefties going nuts via climateer mandates, medical experiment coercion, unconstitutional governmental overreach, unfettered DC Swamp regulation, open borders, increased child mutiliation, criminalization of pronoun utterances, etc.
    5 points
  3. Hopefully those extra 13 minutes was enough time to rethink your actions.
    4 points
  4. Let's discuss what the Bob button actually means. When you respond with the Bob Dole, what are you actually communicating to someone when you respond with it?
    3 points
  5. @ILLINIWrestlingBlog, better yet, let's add Jombo as a new reaction option!
    3 points
  6. See how I did that.... as you were saying?
    3 points
  7. Hopefully we can get the dads going at it in the undercard.
    3 points
  8. B1G- https://bigten.org/sports/2024/1/29/WREST_CHAMPS24.aspx B12 - ESPN+ and Finals on ESPN2 PAC12 - Pac-12 Networks Pac-12.com EIWA - FLO ACC - ACC Network Extra. The finals on ACC Network. MAC - ESPN +
    3 points
  9. Can you do one on Jombo's tats?
    2 points
  10. Garrett Joles, he’s been somewhat under ranked all season. He has taken most of the best guys right until the end and beaten a couple. He really wasn’t much more than a body out there his first few years, qualified as a HWT last year and now comes back wrestling well looking like Big Papa Pump Scott Steiner
    2 points
  11. I don’t see it, am I the idiot here?
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Be nice if they went old school and just had a " Like" button
    2 points
  14. Quoting this so they’re all in a row. These times are Central The brackets for all 10 weight classes can be found here
    2 points
  15. This is nuts. Our enemies are celebrating our stupidity.
    2 points
  16. In North Carolina it was 1.95. The minute Biden accidently won the election prices started to go up.
    2 points
  17. Hey Champ, WrestleStat guy here. Can you tell me which page this is so I can track it down? Also, what's your league name? You can send me an email directly if you don't want to post here: andegre@wrestlestat.com
    2 points
  18. Anybody wanna join the military? Thank God I did my 4 years over a decade ago.
    2 points
  19. Probably none. Trumps on record saying, if he wins that he’ll reverse all of Bidens road blocks and re-institute the corporate tax breaks he had implemented while he was in office.
    2 points
  20. She will but I don't think she will be there in case of emergency. Let me see if I can do a preview; Kamala - Oh look there he is, my President. Did you know that he has called me President a few times he he he he. I have to tell you it felt good to be called President. What's he saying? Oh. Wait. Of course. Trans people are the backbone of our country. Why are they called Trans people? Because they are transforming the way we do business in this country. Before the trans people came we did business one way. Now we are beginning to do it another way. It's really quite wonderful to see this happening in the here and now. Not in the past, but in the today of our history. And it is in that history that we can look back and see that today, we were history. Oh wait, he's on to something else. Oh yes, getting Trump off the ballot is the most democratic thing that can be done in this country because Trump wants to rip my access to the White House away from me. When has there been a powerful black woman whose ancestors owned slaves had this kind of opportunity? We must protect our democracy by keeping Trump off the ballot. That's a good thing. What - The SCOTUS said what? Oh, that's just wrong. They will be found to be on the wrong side of the history that we are developing right now. People in the future will look back at the people in the past and wonder how we got it so wrong in the present. If I have said it once I've said it, that the future is our present for those who are in the past. We are so fortunate to be living in our present future so that our past people can look forward to something really good in the future of our present. He he he he. Oh he got Trump with a good one there calling him a convicted criminal. Oh Trump has been convicted many times and our DOJ is going after him with everything they have both in the present and in the future because we all know that the future will be the present of our children...... mspart
    2 points
  21. I may. But no guarantees. He will blather on about this and that. He will ask for money so he can bribe votes. It will be generally the same nonsense it always is. Except Johnson won't tear up the speech in front of the whole country. mspart
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Biden is a laughingstock. Where have you been? We have no respect around the world because he falls asleep in mtgs and makes no sense when he is awake. He doesn't know where he is half the time and wonders out loud that he will get in trouble if he says anything. That is laughingstock material. Trump is combative for sure, but he knows it. He feeds off of it. I don't like that, but his policies were good. Better than Biden's. Biden signed EOs on inauguration day that undid many of Trumps policies and we are where we are. And you are actually pleased at where we are? Of course you are. mspart
    2 points
  24. That would be spectacular!
    2 points
  25. Big time on steroids. Where is Dr. Phil when we need him?
    2 points
  26. Well my 25 min turned into 38 cause Bob is an old slow scoundrel.
    2 points
  27. I literally laughed out loud at this!
    2 points
  28. Big 12 Championships Schedule Saturday, March 9 Session I (First Round, Quarterfinals) – 10 a.m. (Big 12 Now on ESPN+) Session II (Semifinals, Consolation Quarterfinals) – 5 p.m. (Big 12 Now on ESPN+) Sunday, March 10 Session III (Medal Matches) – 12 p.m. (Big 12 Now on ESPN+) Session IV (Finals) – 7:30 p.m. (ESPN2)
    2 points
  29. Goes on a rant about Trump being nasty and saying nasty things then proceeds to do what he accused trump of doing. Oh the irony.
    2 points
  30. Here comes a long winded babbling response about why you don’t understand
    2 points
  31. Curious...how does one have no balls AND balls at birth???
    2 points
  32. One shouldn’t bother with trying to “apologize” if they’re just going to continue to justify, excuse, and deflect at the same time.
    2 points
  33. You know what the best thing to do during a housing crisis is? Bring in millions more people. Build back better baby!
    2 points
  34. ESPN2 ; 3/10 @ 19:30 ESPNUc; 3/13 @ 09:00
    2 points
  35. Dur dur dur... orange man bad!!
    2 points
  36. Gable isn’t a natural actor or stage performer. He can do flips in front of a wrestling crowd but he doesn’t have “it” when it comes to drawing the eye. He looks like he’s trying too hard. It’s super awkward and it makes me uncomfortable to watch him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  37. No. And I also failed to research which style prevails in the Prison Yard Conference.
    2 points
  38. @ILLINIWrestlingBlog 2025 should look something like this? 125: Joey Ruzic 3x Illinois 1A state champ 133: Lucas Byrd 141: Danny Pucino 149: Kannon Webster 157: Joe Roberts 165: Dan Braunagel 174: Edmond Ruth 184: Dylan Connell 197: Zach Braunagel 285: Luke Luffman
    2 points
  39. 125: Nico Provo 133: Dylan Shawver 141: Jordan Titus 149: Michael Cetta 157: Michael Blockhus 165: Caleb Fish 174: Gaven Sax 184: Sam Wolf 197: Zach Glazier 285: Yonger Bastida
    2 points
  40. This is going to take a while, so you might want to go grab a beer. We'll need a legend to keep track of everything. So here's the legend: LEGEND OLYMPIC RED SHIRT MEDICAL RED SHIRT INJURY SURGERY REGULAR RED SHIRT 125. CARDANI. He missed last season because of an INJURY that required SURGERY. He has worn a large shoulder brace all this season. 133. BYRD/MADRIGAL. This was a double-whammy. Over the Summer Lucas Byrd was going to qualify for the Olympics in Greco. He was signed up to do so, and he's made age-group teams in the past. My money would've been on him, but he suffered an INJURY to his hand/wrist. I don't know if it required SURGERY but suspect that it did. He's had either padding or a brace on his hand/wrist for months. He had to take a MEDICAL RED SHIRT. Luckily, Tony Madrigal wanted to finish up his eligibility at the U of I. Unfortunately, he suffered a hamstring INJURY pretty early in the season and missed duals. He came back and suffered a re-INJURY of the hamstring. Good news is that he's back and looks great. 141. PUCINO. Unknown INJURY or illness kept him out of a couple duals this season. 149. WEBSTER. The question was whether he would take his true Freshman redshirt. In the end, the decision was made to take a REGULAR RED SHIRT. The good news is that Kannon and Braeden Scoles showed up at the Zingo Nationals and cradled everybody from the ticket-taker to the referees. 157. ROBERTS. A lot happened here. Austin O'Connor became an assistant coach, and wrestled with Joe. He said Joe has what it takes to challenge for the podium. But, Joe had some concussion issues. He had a re-INJURY during the season. On top of that, he suffered an INJURY to his hand, which caused him to miss duals and eventually wear a wrap that looked like an oven mitt. 165. LITTLE BRAWNY. He is training for his shot at the Olympics and is wearing an OLYMPIC RED SHIRT. The good news here is that he has apparently become even better at hand-fighting because, hey, you know, hand-fighting is what Greco dudes do. 184. CONNELL. Dylan had an INJURY to his foot/ankle early in the season. He then had a re-INJURY to the same foot/ankle at Midlands. The good news: He should now be healthy and have his gas tank back. Only 8 auto-bids at this weight at the Big Ten tournament, so he'll need to kick butt. 197. THICC BRAWNY/PETTIGREW. OMG. Where do we even start? The Brawlnagel is on an OLYMPIC RED SHIRT. Isiah Pettigrew was doing well in the lineup and then suffered a knee INJURY. He had SURGERY and came back about a month later. What a BAMF! 285. LUFFMAN. Big Luuuke had an INJURY that required SURGERY. He will hopefully have a MEDICAL RED SHIRT for this season. If not, he still has eligibility remaining.
    2 points
  41. The only thing I learned is Yashika Dutta is a really bad writer.
    2 points
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