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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. Invoking his Mom in a post!! Buddy banter gold there. The first dude to drop an F-bomb loses so here we have Hillbilly by pinfall!
  2. Just like all those nurses agreed to take a medical experiment shot and all those Canadians were not forced to do it. Just ask Justin Castro. "Agreed" under duress is not agreeing. It is capitulating. Pete should be in the Hall of Fame. Write all about his failures as a man on his plaque or in a special section of the Hall if you want but his accomplishments should not be denied. It is revisionist history and it is horrible.
  3. The Stazi had rules. They were crap too. Jaywalking is a crime. Does the NCAA make them sign a morality clause which can get them banned for that also? This is as outrageous as the Ohio State football "scandal" several years ago when young men traded their own property (college bowl game swag) for goods and services (tattoos, etc) they preferred to have. That was crap also.
  4. Illegit sites such as NYT, WaPo, PBS, old traditional broadcast networks, Pravda, CCP government news, etc. Such also exist on the other end of the social spectrum. "Consider the source" is a term I heard decades ago. I thought it applied only to specifically titled opinion and editorial articles. Now it must be applied to the title of the publication/broadcast and applied to any information, article, even sometimes the advertisements which come later. Sadly, journalists have given up journalism. Caveat Lector. Reader beware.
  5. Is there bias in the news media? Yes. Nuff said.
  6. No, dude (I use the term loosely), I hit it out of the park. Grand Slam (in baseball vernacular wherein that is good rather than a disqualifying penalty within a wrestling context). I understood your pernt (really stupid NYC term there) perfectly and expertly turned it back on you. With elan and humor thrown in. So man up and realize that we are all on these boards for fun. We are here because of our mutual love of wrestling and we like to talk about it with like minded numb skulls with messed up ears. In the off season other topics come up which add to the fun. But the whole point is . . . FUN. This is the online version of dugout or locker room banter wherein guys are engaged in a constant back and forth of jokes, jibes, valid points, and trying to get under each others' skin in witty ways - because they like each other! By the way, first one to say WOWZA loses. You have to carry my gear to and from the wrestling room for a week.
  7. Every time I think you have exhausted all the possibilities you shock and amaze me by plumbing further depths of stupidity and ignorance so I am going with - Most assuredly. Final answer.
  8. Can it go to the non-wrestling topics forum? It is now about elections, honor, integrity, gambling, public opinion, and other issues. And, most egregious of all, the word Basketball (albeit with a modifier) is constantly at the top of our college WRESTLING forum.
  9. Right. That is the point and thank you for making it. Despite Churella beating Hendricks in all phases of that championship match including pinning him the score thing did not reflect the facts. Hendricks was the lesser of Churella's opponents that day.
  10. For Michigan my first thought was Johny Hendricks. Ryan Churella beat him in all phases of that championship match. Every call piled up against Churella. But the hated rival is really this referee. This was the 4th or 5th wrong, not even close call in that match. Video review came about due to this debacle.
  11. Whoa! Brilliant. Not indictable due to not being competent to stand trial!! 4 dimensional chess being played there. Almost as forward thinking as Colonel Flagg's strategies:
  12. Who needs oil?!? Windmills and solar dreamcatchers will make up the strategic energy reserve now. Wind and sunlight are FREE!!! Think how secure we will be!!! P.S. Your rising electricity bills have NOTHING to do with the increased dependence on free wind and sunlight and dreams. Your rising natural gas and artificially high gasoline prices have NOTHING to do with energy policies of the current energy department and federal administration. NOTHING. Just use your Tinker Bell Energy Dream Wand and close your eyes and wish really really hard . . . and the earth will be cooler (or at least less climate changie), safer, more securer, sustainabler, and just better.
  13. Election denier. Indictable comment. Fani, Fani, where art thou?
  14. Last 5 words. Thread done.
  15. Are those Iowan tyrants compelling anyone to carry a firearm? Despicably authoritarian if so. Are those Iowan tyrants using their administrative state powers to regulate that only one type of stove is allowed (not gas)? Toilet flush volume? Lighting technology? Car propulsion type? Compel involuntary participation in a mass medical experiment? How can you put up with such arbitrary authority being exercised over you? However, if those Iowan tyrants are merely ensuring that Iowan-Americans are free to exercise their rights as acknowledged by the Constitution then I can recommend to you a Governor more to your liking. She is just down the road a bit in New Mexico. Her non-authoritarian ban is probably much more aligned with your understanding of the word authoritarian.
  16. Choops is the worse basketball!! AARRGGGHHHH.
  17. Now you are getting it. Your indoctrination is almost complete. We had a similar discussion on what is an authoritarian recently. Humpty Dumpty's take on the meaning of words was quite involved with that discussion also.
  18. Yes, Mr. Mayor Adams. Reality is a heartless teacher. Sanctuary your way all the way to heaven and leave the rest of us to find our own way there. And every dimocrat in New York who voted for Biden and Adams can pony up the money to house, feed, clothe, educate, medicate, and placate their new best friends. But for those of us who knew this was going to be disastrous - leave us and our wallets alone. Note: the race of the immigrants is NOT a factor. If we let in 7,000 Norwegian cardiologist and Swedish bikini team asylum seekers a day and bussed a tiny percentage of them to New York the exact same issues would be in place and the exact same people would be against the policy. However, I am sure the people who are for the current policy would be against the educated swimclad asylum seekers based on race and their predilection to vote in an uncertain way.
  19. People who think differently from Ban are now to be declared the most vile name of all: misoBanist. The art and study of thinking thoughts not preapproved by Ban and then uttering or posting them: misoBanism and misoBany. There may be serial misoBanism running rampant in deplorable basketfuls. The SPLC will have to categorize a new hate group. FBI swat teams will soon be standing by to counter the extreme misoBany. Keyboards will be confiscated.
  20. Umm, I'm mixed. But this is a good start to the standard response to a disagreement. Your ad hominen insult list, however, is a bit lacking. Good start with racist and fascist. However, don't forget the rest of the insults: deplorable, bitter klinger, homophobe, islamophobe, misogynist, male chauvinist pig, xenophobe, sexist, meat eater, American, carbon lover, misgenderer.
  21. It is a stereotype BECAUSE it is real. No one makes up a stereotype just for fun. Stereotypes are the generalizing of a trait or trend from anecdotal experience to a general population and then back down again to a different sample within the original population from whence the anecdotal experience came. Hence, our Messiah Barack Obama in describing his grandmother as a Typical White Woman. He would have described her as a Karen had the term been invented yet. He used the term as a shorthand because to have listed each of her individual characteristics, beliefs, hopes, behaviors, etc would have taken waaayyyy too long. Therefore he availed himself of a valid stereotype to advance the narrative to the actual point he wanted to make about his childhood.
  22. Commence demonstrating.
  23. The numbers: https://about-history.com/list-of-dictatorships-by-death-toll-the-top-10-biggest-killers-in-history/ Euros come in at number 3 on the list of the top 10 prodigious, brutal, and effective killers. And only at number 3. Therefore, the conclusion is that the Euros are NOT especially prodigious, brutal, or effective at killing. Asians (includes Muslims and Georgians which are in Asia) = 7 of top 10 Africans = 2 of top 10 Euros = 1 of top 10 Demonstration complete. Carry on with what you were doing.
  24. Perhaps Plasmodium meant it as a compliment. Making an observation is NOT racist. It is merely making an observation. Just like making the following observation is NOT racist. It is merely verbalizing an observation: "My oh my; quite a few NBA players appear to be descended from people born on the African continent, enslaved there by other Africans, and sold by those other Africans to people who transported them throughout the world including a small minority of the total to the British colonies in the new world. " But Plasmodium's observation is demonstrably wrong. Mao (kind of non-European) was very brutal and effective at killing. Japs (defined as the imperial killing machine of the 1930s and 1940s, not the fun loving peaceniks now occupying the archipeligo of the Rising Sun) were very brutal and effective at killilng during the Rape of Nanking. Cambodians were extremely good at it in the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge. Mongols seemed to have some skills in this area. Are ethnic Russians european? Maybe but Stalin was Georgian which is very difficult to claim to be european and he was a pretty good brutal and effective killer. So the conclusion about Euros being especially brutal, effective, and frequent killers is NOT racist but at least debatable if not outright wrong.
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