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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. 9 D1 level college matches in 3 days!! Amazing stamina just to walk out on the mat 9 times let alone win 8 of them.
  2. How Fast is Arujau? Freaky Fast. He should be getting a NIL contract soon from Jimmy Johns.
  3. Good one to take a nap through and not risk missing any action.
  4. I agree 200% (note my hyperbole!). Lewan is a waste of my match watching time and energy and makes anyone not named Amine look like whirling dervishes.
  5. Facts?!? We don't need no stinkin' facts!! We're hootin' on a dude. Hyperbole is not only acceptable but encouraged when making a point. Are you the same sort of didact who will correct someone who proclaims a sunrise to be beautiful? "Actually, it is a beautiful earthly rotation about its polar axis."
  6. But one session can a tournament break. Yoda / Shakespearean speak provided gratis.
  7. Lee goes for a tilt. Parris is so wide that he rolls his upper shoulder on top and over Lee thereby getting the defensive pin just moments before both his own shoulders are touching the mat on either side of Lee. Lee still wins the Hodge and deserves it for the most glorious loss ever.
  8. Fewer schools, fewer wrestlers, more of the top wrestlers see each other (or duck!) in 2023 vs 1979. Much less variation of input resulting in less variation of output is not very surprising.. I don't think the seeders are more wise even with all of the computational power now applied to the system. I think it is a matter of tighter input variation. Also, that trend line really is pretty flat. It projects to an increase of fewer than 10 more top 8 seeds making AA over a 50 year period. Another way to say it - the seeders improved by less than 1 more AA every 4 years according to the best fit line. Take into account the standard deviation of the yearly difference around that best fit line and we are nearly at a distribution showing no discernible trend. Throw out the first decade (maybe when the seeders did get smarter and applied computer analysis) and the horizontal-ness of the line becomes even more apparent. Now, going back to the original question: I am hoping for the many upsets tournament. My favorite team is having a down year and has no chance get any team hardware so I am more interested in my low seed fantasy wrestlers from schools I don't care about winning to keep me interested clear until Saturday afternoon.
  9. If he is a stud then a seed of a D2 or D3 guy won't ruin his tourney. Nuff said.
  10. C'mon, dude. Divide by 1,000,000 to get QPM!
  11. 6 Pac. And it is a thing now. These college-types not being able to count is annoying. 14 is "10". 5 is "12". The next crazy thing we'll hear is that supreme court justices and other of these university educated people can not even tell the difference between a boy and a girl.
  12. Harry Potter. Big time wrestler.
  13. The old "I did not have time to wrestle" trick. Second time this week we fell for that.
  14. The ancients stole all my great ideas.
  15. Another non-problem that is not on the list to which I propose a solution: Make the wrestling area square. Just make the out of bounds lines 5 feet inside the edge of the mat all around. This will increase the wrestling area by the ration 4/3.14 which is about a 30% increase of inbounds area thus keeping action going without any lower minimum safety margin. Note: Area of a circle = 3.14 * r^2. (Pi R squared phonetically). The area of the square is (2*r)^2 which is 4 * r^2 (four R squared). Square wrestling boundaries IN! Ankle bands: still also IN!
  16. Ankles are OK. But no Cankles!
  17. 2 or 3 seed is a non-issue for almost anyone. The person who cares most is the 6 seed. Is Byrd a bigger hurdle for Nagao or is Mendez? Otherwise, 2 or 3 seed is a nothing burger. Now 3 seed instead of 4 seed is a really big deal. Amine is a bit of a surprise to me. Record and head-to-head matter but it also matters HOW one wins when seedings are close. All of Amine's matches are nail biters and he shows no offense until the last minute of regulation. That lack of manly aggression should be penalized when another wrestler who opens himself up to risk has a similar or nearly similar record. For seeding purposes I think we need do something analogous to how the NHL treats OT. An OT win is less of a win than a regulation time win. A freak pin in OT is not at all comparable to a first period beat down. The first takedown at the 8 minute mark is much less of a win than a 12 - 5 takedown/tilt/ride/release domination win. Amine has not earned the 2 seed. He should be 4. Maybe the age old question applies here: Is seeding a reward for demonstrated performance or is seeding a forecast on who will win a soon to happen head to head match? I have Amine as the 4 for performance. I can see where some (most?) would have him favored over Kennedy and Facundo in the next upcoming match.
  18. West in this context is a relative term and I read that we are talking of going West from PA to find the mecca of points per million (PPM). All the other quibbling has been mildly amusing to read but the original poster is Fact Checked as Right Enough for me. In another West context is this. HAIL!
  19. Bi-Textural. I guess it's a thing when it comes to Peanut Butter. Now, does Mr. PB Fluid do the jelly mixed in WITH the peanut butter all in the same jar?!? Truly a no boundary fully diversificated, equitated, and inclusivated PB connoisseur? About the line crossing thing: sometimes one stays perfectly still and the lines are the things that move. The lines cross me without me doing, saying, or changing a single thing.
  20. I saw it many duels. Never at states.
  21. It is environmentally sound sustainability to recycle usernames. Greta will be proud of us.
  22. Agreed. But neither does anyone think that dribbling at half court will ever win a game that is tied or one you are losing either. No one thinks taking bad and stupid shots is a winning strategy in either sport. Endless tie ups without making a serious attempt "to take it to the rim" is losing basketball and at best low AA wrestling but never championship wrestling. Maybe the "shoot more" statement is not exacting enough. Maybe it should read "If only he'd work hard enough to set up properly and take more good shots . . . ". I submit that the "work hard enough . . . " portion of the sentiment is sufficiently implied when one is exclaiming in an exasperated manner after another 1 point loss which ends up with both wrestlers leaning on each other in a tie up.
  23. A universal truth in wrestling!! If you are not pinned yet your chances are better than if you have been pinned. Your chances go down dramatically once you have been pinned.
  24. I don’t want to give my opponent the satisfaction of watching me celebrate, which would make it look like a big deal that I beat him. - Brent Metcalf
  25. Lipdrag


    Good for him. Accepting anything other than a medically driven exemption is a violation of one's principles. Accepting an exemption grants the argument that the underlying policy is valid. NU (and most of academia) showed itself to be a tyrannical human rights abusing institution subjecting students and staff to medical experimentation. Howe could not be associated with such a place. Applause.
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