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Everything posted by Lipdrag
Who needs oil?!? Windmills and solar dreamcatchers will make up the strategic energy reserve now. Wind and sunlight are FREE!!! Think how secure we will be!!! P.S. Your rising electricity bills have NOTHING to do with the increased dependence on free wind and sunlight and dreams. Your rising natural gas and artificially high gasoline prices have NOTHING to do with energy policies of the current energy department and federal administration. NOTHING. Just use your Tinker Bell Energy Dream Wand and close your eyes and wish really really hard . . . and the earth will be cooler (or at least less climate changie), safer, more securer, sustainabler, and just better.
Election denier. Indictable comment. Fani, Fani, where art thou?
Last 5 words. Thread done.
Getting a loaf of bread at Luis Vuitton.
Lipdrag replied to Threadkilla's topic in Non Wrestling Topics
Are those Iowan tyrants compelling anyone to carry a firearm? Despicably authoritarian if so. Are those Iowan tyrants using their administrative state powers to regulate that only one type of stove is allowed (not gas)? Toilet flush volume? Lighting technology? Car propulsion type? Compel involuntary participation in a mass medical experiment? How can you put up with such arbitrary authority being exercised over you? However, if those Iowan tyrants are merely ensuring that Iowan-Americans are free to exercise their rights as acknowledged by the Constitution then I can recommend to you a Governor more to your liking. She is just down the road a bit in New Mexico. Her non-authoritarian ban is probably much more aligned with your understanding of the word authoritarian. -
Choops is the worse basketball!! AARRGGGHHHH.
Now you are getting it. Your indoctrination is almost complete. We had a similar discussion on what is an authoritarian recently. Humpty Dumpty's take on the meaning of words was quite involved with that discussion also.
Yes, Mr. Mayor Adams. Reality is a heartless teacher. Sanctuary your way all the way to heaven and leave the rest of us to find our own way there. And every dimocrat in New York who voted for Biden and Adams can pony up the money to house, feed, clothe, educate, medicate, and placate their new best friends. But for those of us who knew this was going to be disastrous - leave us and our wallets alone. Note: the race of the immigrants is NOT a factor. If we let in 7,000 Norwegian cardiologist and Swedish bikini team asylum seekers a day and bussed a tiny percentage of them to New York the exact same issues would be in place and the exact same people would be against the policy. However, I am sure the people who are for the current policy would be against the educated swimclad asylum seekers based on race and their predilection to vote in an uncertain way.
People who think differently from Ban are now to be declared the most vile name of all: misoBanist. The art and study of thinking thoughts not preapproved by Ban and then uttering or posting them: misoBanism and misoBany. There may be serial misoBanism running rampant in deplorable basketfuls. The SPLC will have to categorize a new hate group. FBI swat teams will soon be standing by to counter the extreme misoBany. Keyboards will be confiscated.
Umm, I'm mixed. But this is a good start to the standard response to a disagreement. Your ad hominen insult list, however, is a bit lacking. Good start with racist and fascist. However, don't forget the rest of the insults: deplorable, bitter klinger, homophobe, islamophobe, misogynist, male chauvinist pig, xenophobe, sexist, meat eater, American, carbon lover, misgenderer.
It is a stereotype BECAUSE it is real. No one makes up a stereotype just for fun. Stereotypes are the generalizing of a trait or trend from anecdotal experience to a general population and then back down again to a different sample within the original population from whence the anecdotal experience came. Hence, our Messiah Barack Obama in describing his grandmother as a Typical White Woman. He would have described her as a Karen had the term been invented yet. He used the term as a shorthand because to have listed each of her individual characteristics, beliefs, hopes, behaviors, etc would have taken waaayyyy too long. Therefore he availed himself of a valid stereotype to advance the narrative to the actual point he wanted to make about his childhood.
Commence demonstrating.
The numbers: https://about-history.com/list-of-dictatorships-by-death-toll-the-top-10-biggest-killers-in-history/ Euros come in at number 3 on the list of the top 10 prodigious, brutal, and effective killers. And only at number 3. Therefore, the conclusion is that the Euros are NOT especially prodigious, brutal, or effective at killing. Asians (includes Muslims and Georgians which are in Asia) = 7 of top 10 Africans = 2 of top 10 Euros = 1 of top 10 Demonstration complete. Carry on with what you were doing.
Perhaps Plasmodium meant it as a compliment. Making an observation is NOT racist. It is merely making an observation. Just like making the following observation is NOT racist. It is merely verbalizing an observation: "My oh my; quite a few NBA players appear to be descended from people born on the African continent, enslaved there by other Africans, and sold by those other Africans to people who transported them throughout the world including a small minority of the total to the British colonies in the new world. " But Plasmodium's observation is demonstrably wrong. Mao (kind of non-European) was very brutal and effective at killing. Japs (defined as the imperial killing machine of the 1930s and 1940s, not the fun loving peaceniks now occupying the archipeligo of the Rising Sun) were very brutal and effective at killilng during the Rape of Nanking. Cambodians were extremely good at it in the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge. Mongols seemed to have some skills in this area. Are ethnic Russians european? Maybe but Stalin was Georgian which is very difficult to claim to be european and he was a pretty good brutal and effective killer. So the conclusion about Euros being especially brutal, effective, and frequent killers is NOT racist but at least debatable if not outright wrong.
Another take along the same lines: “Thank God My Granddaddy Got on that Boat” FEBRUARY 9, 2018 BY DEBBIE YOUNG With his customary cheekiness, Muhammad Ali responded to the reporter inquiring about his thoughts on Africa after his Rumble in the Jungle boxing match. It was 1974. Ali had just returned to the U.S. from Zaire, where he had beaten the previously undefeated world heavyweight-champ George Foreman. It was not for nothing that Ali thanked God that his “granddaddy got on that boat,” Pedro Gonzalez tells readers of American Greatness. Citing Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson, Gonzalez writes: [America] is now the least racist white-majority society in the world; has a better record of legal protections of minorities than any other society, white or black; offers more opportunities to a greater number of black persons than any other society, including all of those of Africa.
Yeah, it does kind of sound like they were at a trade school. The fact that it was for several generations and against their will does seem to tip the Cost/Benefit equation waaayyyy in one direction so much that "benefit" is an unfortunate characterization.
Authoritarianism is someone else suggesting to me to do something that I don't want to do. Even if they don't have the ability or intention of using force to compel me. Or stating their opinion that I disagree with anywhere, anytime, in anyway, at all. Me or people who think like me telling other people what to do even if they don't want to do it and enforcing it under the threat of loss of livelihood, property, freedom, and life itself is . . . Democracy. Anyone who challenges this definition of authortarianism is an anti-democratic authoritarian. Q.E.D. and Ipso Facto. Therefore, absolutely no contradiction between the two statements made on two different threads. Channeling my inner Humpty Dumpty and Ban here.
They should teach their children about the past In the context of the past. Now we may not do A, B, or C due to the evolution of thought, morality, balance of power, developed constitutional and legal structures, etc. But people who practiced the norms of their time were not inherently evil and should not be judged by the norms of today. Were societies who practiced cannibalism inherently evil? Or virgin sacrifice to appease the gods? Or rain dances to influence global warming in order to raise sea levels via increased precipitation? No. Chronological snobbery is the basest and simplest of the types of intellectual laziness but does make one feel smug, superior, and warm all over. When eating animal based proteins and keeping animals in captivity for companionship become the progressive crusades in the near future then our Messiah Barack Obama will have all the roads and schools bearing his name re-branded because he ate hamburgers and had a pet cat. Because, you know, it is evil and how could he?
The original post to which I was replying did not essentialize Indians within the relative roles of our country. There are many premises in this question. "are we poorly educated" Yes. Definitely. But not for the reason it seems you are implying. Human migrations have happened since . . . wait for it . . . there have been humans. Indians, no less than any other set of humans, migrated. And, when they came across other humans in their way they gave options to those other humans: 1 - go away. 2 - merge with us. 3 - die or kill us to keep your land. The Indians killed, tortured, raped, subjugated, enslaved, took land, pushed out, broke treaties etc. etc. with and to each other for the length and breadth of their history. They simply encountered a couple of forces which they could not overcome. European germs and European's ability to migrate, organize, and enforce their will through the clash of a stone age hunter-gatherer culture with an agricultural & pre-industrial one. Note that in MesoAmerica the clash was much different. The Indians there were agricultural and had huge political centers but still succumbed to Euro germs and Europeeps. There, however, the Indians chose more of an option 2 (merge) approach. It would be good to teach that history so that everyone can be better educated. Not to sugar coat anything. But also not to talk about "treatment" as if the Indians were children.
Was racist slavery or slavish racism the essentialler role? Don't forget the anti-semitic homophobic islamophobic misogynistic agoraphobic flat-earthing global-warming-denying misgendering which can be found in documents back to 1618. All essential building blocks without which no USA exists. Only once those essentially essentials are properly and with full fidelity incorporated into the identity of the youth of today can they possibly understand their responsibility to reject anything like the concepts of inherent rights endowed upon our creation (merging of two gametes into a distinct zygote), individual freedom, limited government, civic responsibility, etc. Isn't it strange that countries with much more slavery (longer duration, more slaves as a percentage of the population, no civil war to end it, etc.) than the USA did not become the USA? Wouldn't those countries have become even more USAish than the USA if slavery were the essentialist essential of all essential to our country become our country?
She's been homeless since the Maui-scale kitchen fire. I think she might be shacking up with Corn Pop. Sad, sad first family status.
Can't do chewables. With Chewables there is no permanent record nor Booster Visa Passport for use in tracking submissive compliance and restricting the PureBlood Control Group from participating in society, accessing surgeries, seeing loved ones, earning a living, breathing air, etc. Comply or Die cannot be enforced by chewables. Convenience be damned.
Appropriate for adult audiences. Not appropriate for pre-school through grade 12 libraries. Just like everything that was on the top shelf and hidden at the magazine/newspaper stand when I was a kid.
Or your health.