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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. "Pays the bills"? How much more expensive did access to my eyeballs become over night? I understand the concept of commercials paying for content. Using a historical reference; We used to get 44 minutes of content and 16 minutes of ads for every hour of broadcast viewership. Now the ratio is reversed. Now I come to the forum to see ads for things I don't want or care about and every once in awhile I can get to see something of interest about wrestling and non-wrestling topics.
  2. CNN Host - "Vice President Harris, how do you account for your incredible successes and accomplishments? Is it because you are so smart or because you are so attractive? Nice crease in your pants, by the way."
  3. And the hoaxing just keeps on rolling along . . . Funding Failure: Carbon Capture and Fossil Hydrogen Subsidies Exposed https://priceofoil.org/2024/08/27/funding-failure-carbon-capture-and-fossil-hydrogen-subsidies-exposed/ Even leftie "news" outlets are starting to catch on to the hoax: US leads wealthy countries spending billions of public money on unproven ‘climate solutions’ https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/aug/29/unproven-climate-solutions-spending Wouldn't it be cheaper and just as effective to buy all the dream catchers at all of the art and craft fairs that flourish all summer long? Rebrand them as Carbon Catchers. Put them in a field of lush, productive pasture formerly used by farting cows, and let all the lefties think something useful is happening. I am sure we can save several billion tax dollars and affect the climate by the same amount (rounded to the .00001 of a degree over the next century).
  4. SUVs will do that. And plastic straws.
  5. Ford said its EV business is on track to lose an eye-watering $5 billion this year alone. In the three-month period ending in June, the automaker lost about $44,000 on every electric vehicle it sold. That is not sustainable. Sustainable?!? Hey, Greta says it is sustainable and Greta get what Greta wants.
  6. https://babylonbee.com/news/reporter-who-asked-kamala-a-question-charged-with-hate-crime
  7. Is it illegal for an illegal to commit fraud? How about if you state yourself to be an illegal alien to get the money? Then, they find out you are illegally an illegal? Is that not a double negative and therefore positive so you can't be held responsible for the illegality of illegally declaring yourself an illegal? Better yet: become "undocumented" by conveniently forgetting where you put your documents. Easy peasy. By the way, I thought jail was the taxpayer funded housing provided for illegal aliens. Whatever happened to the housing we already provide for this purpose?
  8. Newspeak. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Blackwhite. Joycamp. Crimethink. Unperson. “‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.’”
  9. Is the criminal activity thinking un-approved thoughts? Saying the wrong pronouns? Stating that someone or something or some group has different values than your own? If the criminal activity is something that is an actual crime (such as circulating child pornography) then the police have the means to fight this crime via warrants, undercover agents, mail fraud, etc. laws that already exist. If the post master general does not go to jail when someone mails something illegal then this business executive should not either. IMHUAO (in my humble un-approve opinion)
  10. "Automotive News’ Larry P. Vellequette provides details on new property insurance guidance that helps dealerships manage fire risks when servicing electric vehicles." So, do you think the property insurance rates for dealerships is going down or up due to the risks involved with the green new EVs? They are sustainable, dontchaknow? How are Rivian's property insurance rates going to be affected?
  11. No forgetting anything here. The thread is about the DNC and the Kam-eleon. In other threads appropriate to your comment I pointed out quite pointedly that Trump has no political philosophy or principles. That he screwed the pooch tragically on covid. I did not mention there that I once compared him disfavorably to a steaming pile of dog feces. So . . . SHALLENGE LOAST!
  12. Because he killed the dog. "If he is the perp, he needs some serious life sentencing to happen. " Nah, recycle his DNA. 9 strikes and a couple of deaths - You're OUT! Serious death sentencing needs to happen.
  13. In Seattle they will list this as a COVID death and back date it to Trump's presidency.
  14. The Kam-eleon now identifies as a moderate. It has new pronouns. New policies. It is most assuredly, though, NOT having a Frisco-ectomy to excise the nutcase policies, concepts, authoritarianism, and other anti-freedom tendencies. It is merely using temporary Leftie-blockers. The effects of these blockers wear off as soon as the election is finished. FJB was on the same Leftie-blockers as was the Bamster last election cycle. Once the election finished they become de-transitioners and regress to their natural state. And, remarkably, once the mid-terms are over they revert even harder to their natural leftie state as the Bamster famously pleaded with a Russian. The most interesting thing is that the Kam-eleon is not lying to people who know her. People on the other side of the political spectrum know exactly what it is. It is lying to the people on its own side and to those who have no idea who it is. Just like the Bamster lied about every social and foreign policy (i.e. "keep you doctor" and his own foreign policy personnel bragging about telling the media bunnies anything and they swallow it without blinking an eye - or even remotely understanding what they are hearing) The Kam-eleon is simply saying the least possible to deceive the hopey changies who are not paying attention.
  15. Yes. Like 401k, IRAs, 501c3, etc. Tax delay, avoidance, deferment. Subsidies. Credits. Deductible. Make it all go away. Flat tax after a personal exemption of $20k or so. If Social Security is an insurance system - like it was advertised and originally implemented - then treat it as such. No double taxation, no offsets due to any other income. It was bought and paid for and is out of the taxes discussion. If SS is an income re-distribution system then just put it in with the flat tax and make all outlays some sort of welfare/means test. But, of course, none of this matters when politicians and bureaucrats can just keep spending without penalty anyway. Let me get back to counting angels on pinheads.
  16. A couple observations and comments: Unless we have a balance budget mandate all talking about debt, deficit, government spending, and tax revenue is counting angels on pinheads. It is fun for nerds and theorists but means nothing in real life. Decreasing tax revenue, especially federal, is a good thing. The federal government does too much and has too much power and its power to tax and regulate. The federal government should be capped at spending no more than 15% of GDP and probably much lower. The ability to go into debt should still be allowed but just like taking out a mortgage the costs to pay off the debt must be included in the budget/revenue plan and other spending must be eliminated to accommodate A form of taxing unrealized gains and asset values already exists. One form is called property taxes. Personal property taxes in some states and road taxes based on vehicle value are other examples. They go up when the value of the property goes up and no sale or realization of the gain has occurred. Generating revenue in this manner is not wildly controversial, unique, or creative. However, some asset valuations will be problematic and there will certainly be a run on Persian rugs or Faberge Eggs if those fall outside the taxing of assets scheme. So while this has been quite fun but ultimately useless until spending is restrained by more than any politician(s) sense of shame and credulity; I must get back to the real world of voting for the person who believes governments should do the least thing necessary for them to do with the least of my property necessary to accomplish it. Next, let's set the Federal Reserve Bank straight with a target of 0% year over year money devaluation (i.e. actual money that reflects the effort to earn it, now and in the past).
  17. Relax. It is only transitory evil. Just ask Janet Yellen.
  18. I am hearing very contradictory information on job growth numbers. Possible conclusions/consequences: more than 100% are going to immigrants (legal and illegal) a huge portion of the job growth (25%) is in government jobs Conclusions(?)/ Conxequences Are government entities are hiring huge numbers of illegal aliens? I really have trouble wrapping my head around this. Probably not the case. BUT . . . do government entities sub-contract to firms that have a large illegal alien labor force? Does Davis Bacon prevent this in at least Federal contract situations? Maybe the answer is that US Citizens are moving into the government jobs and leaving a giant sucking sound of vacated jobs in the private sector pulling illegals into our country. But what about all of the US Citizens - especially male - of working age not working? That list seems to be ever expanding. If >100% of the jobs go to outsiders at below market prices then we must be expanding the roles of people on the dole simultaneously. It is not sustainable (nor green, climate-y, or consciounable) that for every 3 new private sector job recipients they have to pay for a new public employee and another increase in the number of free loaders.
  19. He panicked and fired Gen Flynn rather than take on the swamp right away. Disastrous. He screwed the pooch on COVID. Operation Time Warp was a fraud and a farce. Not firing "Don't need masks/Must mask and shut down economy" Fauci. The completely ridiculous gesture of sending a Naval Hospital ship to NYC thinking that would stop the Dems and Cuomo from bitching. After the 14 days to flatten the curve debacle he should have opened every federal building, no work at home at all, every national park open to the public. States have some sovereign rights but he should have closed down Rhode Island when that set of nincompoops made their own border more secure than anything achieved at our national borders. Trump is a loose cannon on policy. No real principles. Gut instinct can be right a majority of the time but when it is wrong it is catastrophic without a logical underpinning.
  20. Perspicacious use of perspicacity is always a delight to behold. Thank you.
  21. Japan owns everything below 80 kg
  22. By stalling I mean not improving one's position. Not working for hand control. Not trying to get back to neutral. I understand that preventing points on bottom takes effort but my concept of stalling on bottom is more aligned with the folk style concept where actively trying to improve your position/situation is required. It is not sufficient to merely try to stifle the other wrestler's efforts
  23. This articulated my feeling very well. A guy rolling across his own back (i.e. pinning himself) while the other wrestler remains sitting and never gets his shoulders closer than 2 feet to the mat does not indicate control at all to me. Lying on one's stomach and spreading out arms and legs as widely as possible seems to me to be the definition of stalling, not wrestling. I wish some sort of merge of folk and free could get the best of both - no resting in neutral, top, or bottom. Control is control and not the result of nearly random dynamic motion. And I bet that is the most original thought ever stated on this board!
  24. Kirk or Picard? ANSWER THE QUESTION!!
  25. Right. And she is VP because of race and genital configuration* *the euphemism I need to use to avoid the minefield of "gender" and "sex" and "pee pee shape" seems a little crass
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