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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. Your desire for 0% inflation shows you are completely ignorant of basic economics. 0% long-term inflation would bring us into a deep depression. Making all federal workers political puppets would be a disaster. A significant portion need to be protected so they can do their job without significant political pressure. Be careful what you wish for. It works both ways, for Democrats and Republicans. You want somebody like AOC or Bernie having complete control over who gets hired/fired from agencies like EPA, DOJ, FBI, Dept of Education, etc? But anyway, Trump wants extremely low interest rates and was constantly telling Powell to bring them lower. You'd have MUCH higher inflation under Trump. If you look at month-to-month inflation data (not year over year), inflation was already skyrocketing before Biden even had a chance to do anything in 2021.
  2. Considering his promotion of the horrible events that occurred on Jan 6 and his desire to assert total control over the federal reserve and federal workers, this is a REAL concern.
  3. Big difference between being President for the next 4 years vs. the next 6 months., particularly when you're 81/82 years old Anybody that can't see that is an idiot.
  4. Did they forcibly break into the building and invade offices and chambers?
  5. Anybody who speaks out against the genocide and brutality being inflicted by Israel since 1948 MUST be anti-semitic.
  6. Huh? Do you understand the difference between a party nomination and a popular vote for President? The PARTY can nominate WHOEVER they want and HOWEVER they want.
  7. That's great that you are able to see the gross hypocrisy here.
  8. Very early to say it's I the bag. With a new candidate, there are a lot of wild cards. However, the fact that she's a black woman does make it very difficult for her. A LOT of bigots out there that would rather see a felon rather than a minority.
  9. Hunter has zero to do with any of this.
  10. OK. but what's so "bizarre" about any of that (assuming that you are correct, which is a big assumption because none of us were privy to Pelosi's conversation w/ him)?
  11. The D's are the ones that took the high road by holding one of their own accountable. The R's will roast anybody that is a Democrat and defend any Republican.
  12. The Democrats worked with the Republicans. It wasn't mutual one bit. The Republicans were going to attack her no matter what.
  13. The video is pretty clear. This guy is a P.O.S. and should rot the rest of his life away in prison. He had no regard whatsoever for her life and acted like an arrogant jerk the entire time. A mega lawsuit is in order and the money can come directly out of the police budget for that locality.
  14. Probably because he had COVID and is in a weakened condition with a potentially raspy voice.
  15. Or maybe just don't tell them that you'll shoot them at all, regardless of who's name it is in.
  16. She did a great job from what I could see. She admitted that there was a huge failure but didn't speculate on exactly what happened since this is still being investigated. She was WAY more professional than the thugs that were attacking her and using profanity. Kudos to her for having the integrity to do the right thing by stepping down.
  17. It happens WAY more than what is actually documented. The cop profession attracts people that are power-hungry psychopaths. My advice to anybody is to just avoid cops. Don't talk to them, regardless of whether you are innocent or guilty. Also, avoid them in your personal life. Not only does the profession attract some nasty people, but the job makes them even worse.
  18. They can still act professionally. They were treating her like she was the actual shooter. It was ridiculous and an embarrassment to our (once) great nation.
  19. These Republican legislators are brutal. Extremely rude and unprofessional. Even swearing at her. I would NOT have put up with those attacks and demanded that they show some professionalism before I answer their questions. What a sad representation of the Republican party, and then people that voted for them. The entire party is following Trump's lead of populism, arrogance, dishonesty and unprofessional behavior.
  20. What specifically is so bizarre? A candidate needs to insist on staying in until he/she decides to get out. You can't say "well, I'm thinking of dropping out" and then stay in the race because that would be political suicide.
  21. He wasn't forced out. They did put pressure on him. Trump would NOT have done the same thing if the same thing happened to him.
  22. Thank you President Biden for your service. Not only the last 4 years but your entire career. I speak for many Americans when I say that I appreciate your patriotism and love for your country. You put the country's best interest ahead of your own in this incredibly important moment in American history. We know that your opponent would never do something like that, regardless of his age or health.
  23. That's great for you, but you should respect the right for others to decide to make decisions over what is or isn't inside of their body, even if it doesn't meet your opinion of "responsible."
  24. ...because nothing is 100% perfect. People make mistakes. People slip up and don't use contraception appropriately or the contraception fails. It isn't YOUR place to force them to keep the fetus in their body or tell them that they have to remain a virgin unless they are "officially ready" to have kids.
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