I've noticed a growing trend of Republicans gravitating toward leaders that are "strong." When I say "strong," I really mean, rigid, unwilling to admit mistakes, unwilling to compromise, aggressive toward anybody that disagrees with them, and doing whatever it takes to "win," including lying about anything and everything. They also complained constantly about Biden's physical weakness and health, insisting that we need somebody that is strong. So, I don't think this is strong but Republicans really like these types of people.
Evidence? Look at the GOP nominee. Also, look at the people that spoke at the RNC, such as Hulk Hogan and the President of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Dana White. Trump called Kim Jong Un a "real boss" or something to that effect, and is very much a fan of combat sports. Shakes his fist and says "fight" when he's grazed in the ear by a bullet, and the Republicans LOVE it. His minions call him Braveheart and a "tough SOB" instead of talking about his actual policies. I could go on and on.
They also have a fascination with general military service, even though it is basically just another job, unless you've been in actual combat, special forces, etc.
A disproportionate amount of Republicans (by far) think women shouldn't have rights over their own bodies, think women should stay home and get pregnant and stay in the kitchen (or better yet, actually get pregnant IN the kitchen.
MANY members of their party campaign on an image of a tough guy wearing cowboy boots and cowboy hat and/or carrying a rifle.
I"m just wondering where this insecurity comes from? Discuss.