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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. I voted for Bush in 2000 and Trump in 2016 (before it became obvious he was such a monster but also for strategic reasons that actually worked). Republicans making incorrect assumptions....AGAIN
  2. Of course. To you, Fox News is "fair and balanced," right?
  3. No; it isn't. Because the Republcans oppose ANY bill that helps middle or lower class. Especially in urban areas.
  4. Yes. You'll point to Democrats in "other races" as moderates but when it comes to races that actually affect Republicans (President or their own state or local district), they'll ALWAYS say that the Democrat that is running is extremist or radical.
  5. First, they complain about inflation, even though Trump is the one that planted the initial seeds by raising spending while lowering taxes. LIterally, printing money llike Al Capone. The Federal Reserve tries like hell to bring inflation down by raising interest rates. A huge part of inflation is wage inflation, which is caused by an extremely tight labor market. Now, were getting what we wanted. Inflation has come down and they are complaining about very slightly elevated unemployment numbers, but only compared to what we had before. Still, not high at all by historical standards. These people are literally impossible. They will ALWAYS find something to complain about when a Democrat is in the White House and will say the economy is great, no matter what, if a Republican is in the White House. The hypocrisy is unbelievable!!!!!!
  6. Possibly the dumbest thread I've ever seen. It's been the goal for over 2 years now for the Federal Reserve to bring inflation down and unemployment up. This is what we've been waiting for any why interest rates have been kept > 5% for a couple years (or so) now. If you really think we could get inflation down to 2% without raising unemployment a little I have a bridge to sell you. Theoretically possible, but highly unrealistic. Also, extremely difficult to stick a "soft landing" even though it is a nice goal. Again, not realistic.
  7. Nope. I recognize that there are actually some moderate Republicans. Republicans never recognize that about Democrats though.
  8. The ignorant people should look up Swyer Syndrome. You might learn something.
  9. What's really amazing is how people jump to conclusions w/o having their facts straight.
  10. It was guaranteed that, no matter who she picked, the wingers would label that person as a bad pick and an "extremist." EVERY liberal is an "extremist" so these comments just make me yawn.
  11. Great choice. He really made Trump look bad in his interviews.
  12. Not because he is Jewish. Maybe because he wants to support the continued Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, no matter how atrocious it gets.
  13. So now that Trump's lead has evaporated, he is willing to debate her, but ONLY if the rigged Fox News is host. What a cowardly punk.
  14. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/paris-2024-summer-olympics/olympics-boxing-imane-khalif-xy-chromosome-italian-boxer-quit/5662035/
  15. The wingers should be ashamed of themselves for jumping to conclusions and attacking this woman. The Olympics should have been a glorious moment in her life but instead the wingers have turned it into a nightmare with their bigotry. I'm hereby requesting apologies from all of you.
  16. Funny how the U.S. has one of the, if not the highest, incarceration rates in the world. Meanwhile, we are also one of the most violent.
  17. And yes, talk radio EVERYWHERE is dominated by the right. I live in Madison and it's still dominated by the 'wingers.
  18. You're basing the political "bias" of social media platforms based upon donations? Are you kidding me? Look at the actual content. It's 100% dominated by right-wing conspiracy B.S. and misinformation. I watch YouTube all the time but I can't escape all the right-wing garbage.
  19. Republicans operate under a premise that most people that aren't successfully financially CHOOSE to be in that position. It's a pretty dumb premise, and 100% incorrect.
  20. It's the same old record playing over and over. ALL Democrats are communist extremists.
  21. How can Kamala defund the police? What a dumb statement. Police are almost all funded by local governments and Kamala is running for President so has almost zero control over that.
  22. Yah; I think he'll take away votes on both sides. I heard that he'd take away more from Trump but that was only one opinion.
  23. I'm 71% with Kamala. LET'S GO!!!!!! Slightly behind RFK Jr. I like most of his positions but he's a conspiracy whack job. My frontrunner is Jasmine Sherman. I'll have to look into her more. She sounds great. No whacko right-wingers showed up on my list; thank God.
  24. Which right-wing propaganda media outlet did you get that list from? LMAO.
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