At least she didn't start throwing people. Given her athletic accomplishments that was a pretty timid reaction. Shouldn't be as famous as it's going to be meme'd
@Perry and @CraigOR this is a premature request, but since you have both been so generous as to create each of the session threads thus far...
I have an early request to name tomorrow morning's thread "The Wasteland Invitational Session IV Saturday Morning Discussion" and embed the Hidlay video from last year by pressing the return key after pasting. One of the rawest clips ever and a heck of a quote. We can hold off on discussion of the clip until tomorrow though and I'm not embedding yet for the same reason
Nope. Not taking the bait. We do this every four years with a new crop and every four years Team Carl wins half the weights. It's like betting against the house and I'm not falling for it anymore. After 12 years I have finally learned to never ever bet against PSU ever again.