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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. But it's also the time to get the best action before lines self-correct
  2. Detained at customs for attempting to smuggle in a Schedule II controlled substance that helps him pay attention and cut weight at midnight
  3. This. In some order it's currently Zare, Masoumi, Geno. Steveson is the wild card until proven otherwise.
  4. Not a chance. Bo Basset wears the two piece and that means he's committed.
  5. No one outside of America cared about this match. But don't blame RBY because he flat out said let's do it for $ on a PPV and they would have made dough hand over fist
  6. Well no one expects hammers at Nice 57 a few months after the Olympics except the years it's a ranking tourney. I guess you could say it's the modern day Spanish Grand Prix
  7. Poeta isn't going to land anyone from Bishop McCort anytime soon but everyone says he needs to keep the top recruits at home and last I checked... this is keeping the top recruits at home. He built the stairs to get out of the basement, now it's time to grow
  8. I mean, they literally wore Illinois RTC singlets when they faced each other for the U17 spot. If Bo Basset has taught us anything it's that apparel matters 10x more than the out-of-state RTC you train at and the coach sitting in your corner for said big international matches.
  9. Nothing less than absolute wrestling class warfare. Rather than focusing on removing Dictator Carl who won't even let the citizens of his kingdom have basic needs such as national duals, he is driving class warfare among them by sowing chaos to create RTC-ficial division. The left and right of the Mississippi need to realize his group of elites has been dividing our country through means of disinformation, dodgeball, and double legs. This is the time we come together and rise up. We must unite under Basset al-Gaib
  10. Do you people want to see PSU be dethroned or are you content to complain that a blue chip athlete picked a blue blood program?
  11. After further review with our legal team, we have made the decision to decline your suggested amendment under the grounds of "nahhh"
  12. If you think I've been doing anything but shiitposting in all the Basset threads then you might want to reevaluate your critical thinking skills
  13. Again, who cares? Every one of us would be very tempted to hold our kid back a year if it means they start their adult life with $5 million bucks. The problem is that for every one Bo Basset there are 100,000 bnwTWG that will never get anything more than a few bucks of cheaper dorm rent if they are talented enough to be in the 1%. So I guess those parents and kids should care. But if there is anything that sports parents have taught me it's that their little Johnnie and Suzy are special and will be 4x NCAA Olympic champions that definitely won't have relationship issues later in life caused by this pursuit.
  14. And Mark Hall is 43 what's your point
  15. My money says Slumlord's money can't keep the lone greco hope on campus... No clue where he ends up, but hopefully the place that best positions him to break the drought... And Raneys end up with Medlin because Illinois RTC cares about greco...
  16. Raney bros are going to IL
  17. Fully agree that 61 down to 57 is a much harder cut. I don't know how most athletes and especially Americans can even hold that low past their soph year, much less into their 30s. I also assume that RBY has that sweet covid year NIL that he rightfully demanded at the press conference after his second natty + NLWC money and that MEX wrestling fed probably doesn't have much of anything to begin with, so he and Gomez knew it was on them from the jump. I don't know that, but it's a strong fair assumption. ETA: saw your second comment- Does a rankings event even matter in a post-oly year, especially if paying your own way?
  18. No Gross left because he wasn't very christ like. That happened after
  19. The full match isn't posted yet but here are the box score highlights from the UWW youtube channel. The single to inside trip with strong hamstring turk attempted finish was particularly impressive given Lee's physical impairments. It seems his recovery is coming along well and this was a solid win with regards to domestic cache.
  20. It's a non-olympic year so what's stopping RBY from going 61? It's not like he's worried about securing a spot at the MEXFinalX
  21. Don't be a Herky jerky or you will have to put $10 CB in the office cinna-jar
  22. Has a men's basketball game against SMU tomorrow evening.
  23. $150 per year but if the stream goes down he doesn't get a refund
  24. Currently, and this could change on a moment's notice, athletes that participate at the JuCo level do not begin their D1 eligibility clock. https://www.ncsasports.org/blog/does-juco-count-against-ncaa-eligibility Bryce Harper famously dropped out of high school at 16. The reason then was that a player could not be drafted prior to finishing high school. But there was a supplemental draft called the Rule 4 draft and one way to become eligible is by playing college sports. So how does a high school kid play college sports? They drop out of high school, get a GED, and go to a JuCo. So my question is based off that experience but adapted to today's college athletics landscape. Do athletes that hve the ability to command NIL at a young age, essentially the Bo Bassetts and Cooper Flaggs of the world, drop out of HS to go to JuCos where they can begin making money even earlier while benefitting from greyshirt training and not harming their eligibility clock while also being able to compete without penalty.
  25. So in my first serious non-sheeeeit post of the day, I do wonder if we will see more wrestlers (and athletes in general) reverse course from the junior high redshirt and instead follow the Bryce Harper path of GED -> JuCo (greyshirt) while collecting NIL, training at their committed RTC, and not counting against their D1 eligibility according to the courts -> D1 program
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