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Everything posted by mspart

  1. https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/a-big-deal-for-voting-pennsylvania-relaxes-mail-in-ballot-rules-will-no-longer-match-voters-signatures/ ‘A Big Deal for Voting’: Pennsylvania Relaxes Mail-in Ballot Rules, Will No Longer Match Voters’ Signatures Colin Kalmbacher Sep 15th, 2020, 4:51 pm 49 comments The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relaxed controversial verification rules for the processing of mail-in ballots last week in a decided victory and boon for voting rights advocates. The decision also short-circuits a voting access lawsuit already in progress. Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar (D) issued guidance to counties that local election officials cannot perform on-the-spot signature analysis. Effectively, this means that ballots cannot be rejected because an election official believes the voter’s signature on a ballot envelope does not match the signature on file. “Once the qualified voter’s absentee or mail-in application is approved, the voter is mailed a ballot with instructions and two envelopes,” the memo explains. “The outer envelope includes both a unique correspondence ID barcode that links the envelope to the qualified voter’s application and a pre-printed Voter’s Declaration that the voter must sign representing that the voter is qualified to vote the enclosed ballot and has not already voted.” ... But “signature analysis” is specifically mentioned as a no-go area for election workers. So how do you prevent fraud when this is the standard? SOS Boockvar broke PA state law but issuing this guidance in my opinion. Even a whacko left wing state like mine (WA) does signature matching. And if signature matching is not sufficient, then how does anyone propose to preclude fraudulent votes from coming in and being counted? mspart
  2. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/24682527/hamas-terrorists-gang-raped-israeli/ UTTER BRUTALITY Hamas terrorists gang-raped Israeli before one executed her while still sexually assaulting her, horrified witness says Captured Hamas terrorists also revealed they planned to reach the centre of Israel during their bloody October 7 attacks HAMAS monsters gang-raped a woman before shooting her in the head while still having sex with her, a traumatised witness testified. Israel's FBI, known as Lahav 433, is gathering horrifying evidence of sexual assaults in order to prosecute hundreds of captured terrorists who unleashed hell on Israel on October 7. The investigators spoke to a female witness who claimed to have watched the gang-rape and murder of a young Israeli woman by Hamas terrorists. The witness told Lahav 433 that she hid as the horrors unfolded in front of her, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports. "As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her," she recalled. "They bent her over and I realised they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [gunman]." The witness said that one of the rapists subsequently "shot her in the head while he was raping her" and "didn't even lift his pants". She then described that several of the gunmen then mutilated her dead body. They were not close to what they wanted to do, that darn IDF got in the way, just too bad eh UB? Too bad they couldn't keep going and control half of Israel in the same brutal manner, eh UB? Hamas kills Israelis. Hamas kills Gazans. Hamas does not want peace. Hamas wants war. Hamas wants Israelis annihilated. They have said this in the last month in no uncertain circumstances. Hamas depends on the blood of their women and children to gain sympathy. These are the same women and children they use as human shields (note UB that this is a war crime). These are the same women and children they don't allow to escape. These are the same women and children they refuse to defend putting that onus on the UN. They don't care about life. They care about killing people, their own, Israeli, they want to kill. Is it wrong for Israel to demand total surrender? Or do they have to accept a situation where they are constantly harassed by rockets and bullets and the occasional incursion with brutal brutal results? Such freedom fighters these pious people are eh UB? Isn't it time for Gazans to rise up and do in Hamas themselves? Or do they still support this terrorist regime they voted in 20 years ago and can't vote out because of no more elections? I say they should do the former. But if the latter is true, then they are complicit with Hamas and are also enemies of Israel as well. mspart
  3. Crookham looked really good in that match. Vito looked like he wasn't excited to be there. Maybe it was a mental mistake on his part. Vito had some great shots but Crookham had some great defense. For a freshman, he showed maturity beyond his years. I say Crookham is a player this year barring injury. mspart
  4. Smith is definitely in the mix for greatest. But we are blessed to have witnessed over the last decade a wrestling renaissance happening for the USA. Who would have thought that we would have multiple Gold medalists at WCs a decade ago? Multiple Silver medalists and Bronze medalists. In 2023, 7 of 10 MFS medalled. That is just outstanding. Individual Neutral Athletes got 4 medals. It is a good time to be a US Freestyle aficionado. mspart
  5. Yes Rasta - Here's hoping that everything works out well for all involved. mspart
  6. Can you imagine how much power it takes to recharge one of those? Bring down a whole town. I hope it works well and was worth the extra money. mspart
  7. So The Hill and Politico, the sources I cited are not believable? NYT calls it a Trial going on now as well. Everyone is. That's all it is known by. So yes, I try to research but when everyone says it, tough to find someone who doesn't when you have no reason to go searching. mspart
  8. Never liked Michigan. Bo Schem.... embodied them for me. Was too good to play UW in the Rose Bowl and lost. Was too good to play BYU in the 1984 Holiday Bowl and lost. Each of those he gave tiresome diatribes of how great Michigan was and they were just too good to have to actually play low lifes like UW (Washington) and BYU. What rude schlubs. Well, Karma coming 40 years later. mspart
  9. Not good if insinuations are true. That's for sure. I'm sure we will be hearing more about this. mspart
  10. They are not hiding behind civilians which is a war crime. They are letting civilian leave in scheduled times every day now, something Hamas did not afford all of the civilians they butchered. You are just on the wrong side of history here. Hamas leaders have said they want perpetual war and perpetual martyrs. They do not want to shield the Gaza civilians, they want them as martyrs. Now that's a cause you can get behind. mspart
  11. Heroin and opium were things people were hooked to way before the oxy's came out. I'm not minimizing the impact the corps have had, just that they did not begin the issue. mspart
  12. Beating Ionel to it - mmmmmmmmmm!! Very nice. Where can I get some? mspart
  13. Agreed. Tough to take Burroughs out of the mix. But Snyder is also in the same running with not so many golds. I think other than Taz, he would have won Gold. Where did Taz come from anyway? Wow. mspart
  14. In the picture, it is heading away from us. The fact that you did not discern that is a tribute to the anti wake design. Now notice it is not an anti woke design, just an anti-wake design. mspart
  15. You should do it. However, on the San Juan Islands run, you have to reserve a spot at the ferry website. You don't pay on the website but it guarantees you get on that ferry. But, if the ferry is not running, then you wait until it does. San Juan ferries are not very reliable that way. I have not been to Orcas, we always head to Lopez. I've been to San Juan also, but never Orcas. I had friends in Jr High saying Orcas was the best. Everyone says so. But we know someone with a cabin on Lopez on the Mud Bay so that's where we head. mspart
  16. Biden is senseless and Trump can still put together a sentence and not trail off with - whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrr. But I agree with Vak's statement above. Neither should be candidates. mspart
  17. Did you know the WA state ferries are designed to make little to no wake? These carry hundreds of cars and people, big boats!! mspart
  18. Gee, that's what is happening in D run big cities today. Obviously MAGA is against that. mspart
  19. Trump is at least mentally lucid. You cannot say that about Biden. mspart
  20. You mean IDF is assisting the evacuation. Say it ain't so. Those devils wouldn't do that would they UB? Save Gazan's lives? No it just can't be. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-772068 https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/07/middleeast/gaza-civilian-casualty-criticism-grows-israel/index.html https://www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-of-gazans-waving-white-flags-head-south-along-idf-evacuation-route/ https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-11-08-23/h_92f3d64ede6bc0c84af9c0cf2822f7c9 Well it looks like that is what they are doing. Who does this in war? No one but Israel. They don't want to kill indiscriminately like the Palestinians do. They are showing that by this move to help civilians get out of the area that will soon be under attack. If Palestinians would give up their weapons there would be peace. If the Israelis would give up their weapons, they would be annihilated. Golda mspart
  21. To be honest, I had not read anywhere where Trump was already tried in front of a judge. If that is the case, then my argument is moot of course. I thought the judge made the determination before the trial, which is what all the new agencies are calling the current event. You have to admit, if this is the trial, the judge would have been wildly out of bounds which is what I thought was happening. Again, I have only heard of one trial, the one going on now. I was not aware there was a bench trial to establish guilt and then a penalty trial. I have never heard of a penalty trial. Civil trials usually end with the penalty. Criminal trials will sometimes have a penalty phase or hearing after the main trial. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4299301-new-york-fraud-trial-ivanka-trump-testify/ Ivanka Trump takes the stand in New York fraud trial targeting family business: Live updates This is from today's TheHill.com. This says the fraud trial. That's what I was going on. Perhaps the news media has it wrong as well. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/01/trump-civil-trial-new-york-00119297 Trump goes to trial in New York before a judge who just ruled he’s a fraud Again, Politico says similar. They don't say penalty phase of the trial, just the fraud trial. So if what you folks are saying is true, then I was wrong, and apologize. But in looking on Google, I'm not finding anything about a prior trial, just that the judge made the decision. I welcome any links that can be provided to allow me to understand this more. mspart mspart
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