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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Some names in that list for sure. mspart
  2. Anyone know his status? Is he recovered? Is he continuing on in his quest for 97kg glory? I feel a little bad for him being a tweener but not too much because of his attitude of he is the king and will show everyone. Still waiting for that. I think that is not characteristic of his overall character, but I don't know him so maybe not. For the record, I don't think he makes the Oly team. Taylor and Snyder are too much for him. He fits into 92kg really well. Anyway curious for any info that is out there. mspart
  3. 10 weights! Lets do it!! At least FILA or UWW heard us and made it so for WCs. That's at least something good. I believe it makes the non Oly weights weaker but they still get medals. mspart
  4. So that guy that got pinned also gets gold? Agree, bad precedent. Either leave it be or fix it. mspart
  5. Agree to an extent. It is a credit to the US system to bring about such a rapid change in the caliber of our wrestlers. The 1990s was ok. Usually we had a medallist at WC and Oly. 2000s not so much. 2010-2023 except for the first couple of years we have always had a medallist. And recently more than one each year. Our program has been getting better and better. It was Burroughs, then Snyder, then Cox, then Dake and Taylor, and then Gilman. This year we have 7 medals out of 10 weights with 3 gold, 1 silver, and 3 Bronze. That's pretty darn impressive. And in the Oly weights, 1 Gold, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze for 4 out of 6 weights with a medallist. And not only that, but mostly the weights are deep here in the US. I guess we'll see how deep when 2025 comes around. That's assuming not much changes for 2024 Oly team. 57 and 65 are who knows who will win those, but I think it is pretty clear for the other 4 weights. mspart
  6. It would appear to be the case. If only the news actually reported news rather than their own narrative. mspart
  7. Oct 7 is a classic example of why they cannot share the land peacefully. All the intifadas are other examples. Hamas does not want peace. They have said so very clearly in media. As long as Israel exists, Hamas will fight against them. Yes they are bad guys as you say. Very bad guys. So Israel feels the need to destroy them. What you want is peace through appeasement. It worked so well for Chamberlain and Europe now didn't it. You want peace and that means no more Israelis in Israel. Then there would be peace. Golda had it right. If the Palestinians lay down their weapons, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down their weapons, there will be a massacre. It is that simple of an equation. The PLO, and now Hamas have made this their MO. They don't want peace, they want Israel gone and all Israelis dead. You can't appease them without weakening your position. This is why Hamas is being annihilated. They have had 20 years or so to describe peace. They have done it with rockets and incursions. But this last incursion was too much, too brutal, too costly in human terms. Hamas is doing what they have always done - attack and then expect the international community to prevail upon Israel to lighten up. Israel is not caving to that this time. They are preventing unneeded civilian death. They went into shifa hospital and did not shoot up the place. They offered fuel to keep the hospital running and it was rejected. Hamas wants death and destruction on either side, they don't care. Israeli death and destruction is good, because it gets rid of some of them at least. Gazan death and destruction is good because it brings out the warrior spirit in the Palestinians. Israel does more to keep Palestinians alive than Hamas does by Hamas' own admission. You want peace? Quit belly aching, let IDF eliminate Hamas, and there might be a chance. mspart
  8. Xi wants the US to say they don't support independence for Taiwan. That there is a no go item. mspart
  9. Decorum in our highest institutions is going the way of the electorate. Is it any wonder? mspart
  10. What are you reading? Obviously not what is being written. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/13/politics/al-shifa-hospital-us-intelligence/index.html Hamas has command node under Al-Shifa hospital, US official says https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/14/middleeast/israel-alleges-hamas-armory-under-hospital-in-gaza-hnk-intl/index.html Israel shows alleged Hamas ‘armory’ under children’s hospital in Gaza. mspart
  11. You don't know nothing. But maybe you are right! mspart
  12. Crookham is a freshman afterall. I think he has great potential. Let's see how he weathers the season. mspart
  13. Where are the Ferraris? Not in that lineup. I like the score above, OSU needs to do well so they can keep Pendleton for a few more years. mspart
  14. When they had the mini tourney to get into the US Nationals, they did the same thing. Finalists did not wrestle, they were just included in the truncated bracket of the US Nationals. I remember Cary Kolat did a come back and finished well enough to make it to the big show the next day. mspart
  15. I can see it from all sides here. Us purists want him to compete because he is that good. But I think it is also reasonable to see that he might want to do something different. And that was all fine until he won WTTs this year. Then we all got excited thinking he was back. But, something happened that did not allow that to happen. Miscommunication? A change of mind? But I think that is where all this is coming from. He has apparently decided to concentrate on WWE now. By the way, the look of his NXT fight that is at the top of this page reminds me of the local pro wrestling scene in Huntsville AL. Grady Reeves did the commentary for these Saturday afternoon bouts. I remember thinking this was all fake, until the blood started. Then that was cool. My mom told me they cut themselves with razor blades - look at all the scars on their foreheads. Well, that's what that pic reminded me of. Gable has to do what he is gonna do. Maybe the lure of Olympic glory will bring him back. Maybe not. I would think WWE is not all that glamorous. I watched Kurt Angle on Joe Rogan and he said the mat is plywood and it hurts. And they get injured quite a bit, much more so than real wrestling. But they love it for some reason. But I also think it takes a special personality to be a WWE guy. I really, honestly, do not see that in Gable which may be why he is having a tough time getting established. mspart
  16. Just so some on here don't point to the source and cry fake news: https://apnews.com/article/voting-machines-georgia-lawsuit-cybersecurity-d8a4653211bf19c21d3b9dc2d59a7a61 Constitutional challenge to Georgia voting machines set for trial early next year
  17. That would disenfranchise someone as the article says. mspart
  18. Crookham the next Cael? As in undefeated 4 years? Ok, that's a long shot but does anyone see why he couldn't be a 4 time NCAA champion? A lot of promise shown in that match. Not a feared of anyone. Confident. Very impressive. I guess we'll see when the time comes. mspart
  19. This is Ouch like major triple dog dare Ouch!! Double groin - Ouch!!! mspart
  20. Oh, yeah. I think you have to limit how large the batteries are and you can only take them on carry on luggage when flying. These batteries are no joke. mspart
  21. https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/a-big-deal-for-voting-pennsylvania-relaxes-mail-in-ballot-rules-will-no-longer-match-voters-signatures/ ‘A Big Deal for Voting’: Pennsylvania Relaxes Mail-in Ballot Rules, Will No Longer Match Voters’ Signatures Colin Kalmbacher Sep 15th, 2020, 4:51 pm 49 comments The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relaxed controversial verification rules for the processing of mail-in ballots last week in a decided victory and boon for voting rights advocates. The decision also short-circuits a voting access lawsuit already in progress. Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar (D) issued guidance to counties that local election officials cannot perform on-the-spot signature analysis. Effectively, this means that ballots cannot be rejected because an election official believes the voter’s signature on a ballot envelope does not match the signature on file. “Once the qualified voter’s absentee or mail-in application is approved, the voter is mailed a ballot with instructions and two envelopes,” the memo explains. “The outer envelope includes both a unique correspondence ID barcode that links the envelope to the qualified voter’s application and a pre-printed Voter’s Declaration that the voter must sign representing that the voter is qualified to vote the enclosed ballot and has not already voted.” ... But “signature analysis” is specifically mentioned as a no-go area for election workers. So how do you prevent fraud when this is the standard? SOS Boockvar broke PA state law but issuing this guidance in my opinion. Even a whacko left wing state like mine (WA) does signature matching. And if signature matching is not sufficient, then how does anyone propose to preclude fraudulent votes from coming in and being counted? mspart
  22. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/24682527/hamas-terrorists-gang-raped-israeli/ UTTER BRUTALITY Hamas terrorists gang-raped Israeli before one executed her while still sexually assaulting her, horrified witness says Captured Hamas terrorists also revealed they planned to reach the centre of Israel during their bloody October 7 attacks HAMAS monsters gang-raped a woman before shooting her in the head while still having sex with her, a traumatised witness testified. Israel's FBI, known as Lahav 433, is gathering horrifying evidence of sexual assaults in order to prosecute hundreds of captured terrorists who unleashed hell on Israel on October 7. The investigators spoke to a female witness who claimed to have watched the gang-rape and murder of a young Israeli woman by Hamas terrorists. The witness told Lahav 433 that she hid as the horrors unfolded in front of her, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports. "As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her," she recalled. "They bent her over and I realised they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [gunman]." The witness said that one of the rapists subsequently "shot her in the head while he was raping her" and "didn't even lift his pants". She then described that several of the gunmen then mutilated her dead body. They were not close to what they wanted to do, that darn IDF got in the way, just too bad eh UB? Too bad they couldn't keep going and control half of Israel in the same brutal manner, eh UB? Hamas kills Israelis. Hamas kills Gazans. Hamas does not want peace. Hamas wants war. Hamas wants Israelis annihilated. They have said this in the last month in no uncertain circumstances. Hamas depends on the blood of their women and children to gain sympathy. These are the same women and children they use as human shields (note UB that this is a war crime). These are the same women and children they don't allow to escape. These are the same women and children they refuse to defend putting that onus on the UN. They don't care about life. They care about killing people, their own, Israeli, they want to kill. Is it wrong for Israel to demand total surrender? Or do they have to accept a situation where they are constantly harassed by rockets and bullets and the occasional incursion with brutal brutal results? Such freedom fighters these pious people are eh UB? Isn't it time for Gazans to rise up and do in Hamas themselves? Or do they still support this terrorist regime they voted in 20 years ago and can't vote out because of no more elections? I say they should do the former. But if the latter is true, then they are complicit with Hamas and are also enemies of Israel as well. mspart
  23. Crookham looked really good in that match. Vito looked like he wasn't excited to be there. Maybe it was a mental mistake on his part. Vito had some great shots but Crookham had some great defense. For a freshman, he showed maturity beyond his years. I say Crookham is a player this year barring injury. mspart
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