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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I never did one of those Ban. But even the steaks I smoked that I left in too long weren't bad, just a little tough but good on flavor. Never had a bad piece of smoked meat and I guess I've tried hard enough. mspart
  2. It takes a charisma and an extroverted personality. WWE is not for shy people. He may just come off as boring. mspart
  3. Ban, I don't understand why you are on this tirade. You say you are an educator yet refuse to be be educated about this. You are saying Gov Abbot and DeSantis forced people onto the buses. This is a flat out lie and this has been shown to you time after time. You know this, yet you still parrot this. For an educated individual who has taken it upon himself to educate others, this is egregious behavior. I'm sure you would not applaud your students if they did the same. mspart
  4. And he knows it but won't quit. That is bothersome. He has been shown by his own logic that this is not criminal. No prosecution so not criminal. That's the basis of his reasoning in other cases. But not in this case of course. mspart
  5. Yes, the request is not unreasonable but TX's requests go unfulfilled so why should Adams think NYC will be any different? The real request is to close the border and exercise the rule of law rather than some executive authority which is allowing the fiasco. But the WH will not do that because the plan is working and the border is overwhelmed with D voting grateful migrants. mspart
  6. With their permission. Not criminal. Hence no such prosecutions. mspart
  7. If prosecutors don't prosecute, what are the police doing? Following suit I would posit. Why arrest someone so they can just be released? Makes no sense. mspart
  8. 9 votes so far. Does that represent a quorum? mspart
  9. Ah now we see the reason the estimable BobDole has relegated BB to the hinterlands on the boards all these years. I never figured it was a personal vendetta but the possibility is compelling. I'm sure BB did not make it too difficult for BobDole to make those decisions. I vote BB free and clear based on Jross's very good analysis of the situation. Plus BB has done his time in purgatory. Let him be free!! mspart
  10. If the article is of uncertain legitimacy, then do we really know these three have those connections? mspart
  11. Do they sign an agreement to be bused off the island? mspart
  12. Excellent article and explains clearly what is going on. mspart
  13. Smuggling and Human Trafficking? That is illegal. Why haven't those governors been prosecuted under smuggling and human trafficking laws? Are you suggesting that all these people should stay put in FL and TX? Who is going to make them do that? They all sign papers saying they want to go to these northern paradises of inclusion, tolerance, and sanctuary. And they don't have to pay to get there. Pretty sweet deal really. You know that this business of asylum is a bastardization of the immigration laws. It is just a way to allow more people into the country that should not be here but for their mostly bogus asylum claims. And why should TX have to keep them all when there are self proclaimed sanctuary cities where they harbor humans that are not illegal? You guys want it both ways. You want almost unlimited immigration and none for sanctuary cities. It doesn't work that way. You must, as sentient beings, recognize that. mspart
  14. Actually, gun laws have been passed at least here in WA in the last session. No more selling of semi auto rifles and many handguns, magazines limited to 10 or less rounds. With all the gun laws in the country, why is there an increase is gun crime? No relaxing of gun laws here. Perhaps you also know gun crime is increasing here. mspart
  15. Yes, Mayor Adams sounded unhinged. He trumpeted that NYC is sanctuary city, but I guess that was as long as all them people stayed out of NYC. He's crying about 10k people a month and they can't keep up with it? Cry me a river. He asked for this and he is getting it and now thinks it isn't fair. Hey genius!! The policy is wrong and you are recognizing it without calling it out. Change the policy and control the flood of illegal immigration and the problem will be mostly solved. mspart
  16. It would be easy to find people to say all kinds of things. The fact of the matter is that a black guy wrote this. Would other black professors or not professors push back? Yes. Would American Indian professors push back? Yes. Would any professor of any race push back? Yes. Does that make them right or wrong? I remember the situation where the anthropology professor in a debate with Riley Gaines said that there would be no way to tell if a person was male or female by the bones they left behind. The room laughed out loud and the professor protested saying that they were a prof and knows this stuff and they don't. And they laughed more. You can read about and watch video here: https://www.foxnews.com/media/audience-laughs-professor-telling-riley-gaines-difference-male-female-bone-structure The show BONES was based on being able to tell from bone structure if the murder victim was male or female. And not a few months after the incident, a dig found bones hundreds of years old and they were identified as female because of the bone structure. So could a professor be wrong? mspart
  17. I have had a few arguments with Ban over the past several days, but I fail to see where his high powered math is wrong here. His math computations are correct. Perhaps he should pull out his Fourier transforms and really wow us. mspart
  18. Answering with a question is not an answer. Answer the question please. mspart
  19. What we are talking about happened during the depression as a way to increase prices. My dad witnessed this as a kid. He wondered why farmers were digging up their crops while people were starving. Fortunately nowadays, we don't have that as much as we did during the 1930s, the starving paradigm that is. mspart
  20. This is what it says: Do you agree with this statement, or disagree? If agree, give reasoning. If disagree, give reasoning. mspart
  21. Agreed, he owes us nothing. But if he is going to be in, he needs to be all in. Barring injury of course, of which we have no information. Best of luck to Parris, I hope he makes a statement in Belgrade. mspart
  22. Unless there is an injury, I find this weird. Gable had to get WWE permission, I assume, to train and go to US Nationals and then Final X. So then why the pull out at kind of the last minute? Injury? At least injury would be acceptable as an excuse. Some contract thing with WWE? Inexcusable. mspart
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