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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Will tips inflate because of no tax on tips? Both poobahs are proposing this. Although one poobah thought it up first. mspart
  2. Again, you are not arguing the article, but association. What in the article do you disagree with? Be specific. mspart
  3. What did she say? She apparently forgot to add in "unburdened by what has been". mspart
  4. True. I like gymnastics but not that aspect of it. Can she be taken to some IOC court (or some international body) and forced to give it back. Maybe the equivalent of UWW disbars her from ever competing again. I don't know. Seems like IOC has a lot to answer for in this. mspart
  5. And yet you have nothing at all to say about the merits of the article? Or is it guilt by association? Or is it when they agree with you they are a good liberal rag, but when they disagree with you, they are a product of some unnamed rich guy and are in the tank for the wealthy? Perhaps a discussion on the merits of the article would be an appropriate response. Or you could just knee jerk react with an ad hominem that makes very little sense regarding the topic you are responding to. Only you can decide. mspart
  6. Why argue about this? Even WAPO said this plan is waco. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/08/15/kamala-harris-price-gouging-groceries/ When your opponent calls you ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls? mspart
  7. Where does he say he is making another run? Not doubting it, cannot find it. mspart
  8. Are you kidding me? https://www.newsweek.com/secret-service-investigating-report-agent-left-trump-event-breastfeed-1939973 https://www.mrctv.org/blog/brittany-m-hughes/report-duty-secret-service-agent-snuck-nurse-her-baby-during-trump-event https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/aug/15/secret-service-agent-at-donald-trump-event-left-po/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13747173/donald-trump-secret-service-investigation-breastfeed-child.html mspart
  9. I was there as a company rep to a local business. I lived on the west side, Makakilo hill which is in the second city of Kapolei. This is on the way to Waianae from Honolulu. It was great, I loved it there. Unfortunately the assignment ended and we moved back to the Seattle area where we started from. I think the sun was bad for us there. I got a pre cancerous mole on my back that had to be removed and my wife similar on her nose that has been removed. So it was probably not the best place for us fair skinned folks, but I sure loved it there. mspart
  10. Yeah, poor UCLA. They must protect Jewish students on campus and ensure they can make it to their classes safely. Whodathunkit? mspart
  11. I think one of the great things that Trump did was put the lie in Obama's vision of lethargy in the economy is the new normal. Trump killed that idea and showed that the new normal was economic growth. Biden or his string pullers have tried to revive it but I think most know we can definitely have better days ahead of us. What Kamala is saying, in effect, is that her and Joe's policies really bad and price controls are the only way to fix it. This is pure bunk. Price controls have never worked. It is a leftist's dream that it can work. The only thing it does is stifle innovation and cause shortages because eventually manufacturers cannot make stuff cheap enough to make a profit. So then you get an underground economy. That is just a throwback to Obama's New Normal. Which was proven false. mspart
  12. Sounds like there is some anger in Michiganistan. mspart
  13. True. It seems to be hitting a few roadblocks. https://thehill.com/homenews/4824496-harris-campaign-joy-sour-moods/ mspart
  14. Well, those numbers show wages did not keep up with inflation, in fact real wages went down because of inflation. mspart
  15. Yes it is when you do so only for political gain. No, not when facts prove your position wrong and you change to agree with facts. Now I was trying to make a funny about the double standard that is applied. R's are not allowed to change their minds. D's are expected to. Kamala, the architect of the Biden economy is now trying to distance herself from him. That much is apparent because she is going to "fix" the economy. But she really cannot hide who she is when she offers money for votes, $25k for first time home purchasers. That there is sound economic policy. mspart
  16. Nice. I lived on Oahu for 4 years and would have visited if I ever found it. Nice place! The water looks like the water adjacent to the Honolulu airport. Where is this? mspart
  17. Things are falling apart and all they can say is you need to report what we tell you to report. It is cynical. mspart
  18. I do have problems with Trump. I have clearly stated numerous times that I'd rather have DeSantis as the GOP nominee. Walz just brazenly lies about himself and dares the truth to catch up with him. It is catching up. Just more and more instances of him misrepresenting himself. That's his resume and he has lied on it. mspart
  19. This is a really good video. He is not pro anything other than critical thinking. mspart
  20. Just another example of a man bereft of honesty. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13748345/tim-walz-campaign-lied-dui-arrest.html Some will come on here and say it was his staff that lied. Ok, but did Walz correct them? Did Walz direct them? It seems that this was discussed before hand and it was decided how to respond if it comes up. They completely lied and made up stuff. And Walz did not have the honesty to correct them. Whether he directed them to say it or not, he is just as complicit for his lack of integrity. He has lied about his service and his rank at retirement. He has lied about being in war. These lies have continued through the years as he was never called on them. He lied about being arrested for drunk driving. mspart
  21. Yes. I hope the concussion he suffered will not affect his future. Best of luck!! mspart
  22. I think going to the knees to prevent a pushout is not good. If a guy is pushing you out that doesn't change when you go to your knees. If you are already taken down, that is a different situation. I don't mind the pushout, I think it is amazing what they do to avoid it when it is imminent. But if you aren't going to wrestle hard, you get pushed out and penalized. Not a problem for me. Just don't get pushed out. mspart
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