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Everything posted by mspart

  1. The differing results of the same action by Rs and Ds. Very different outcome. Criticize Ds, you are unAmerican. Criticize Rs, and you are a patriot. mspart
  2. Gee, when Hillary did it and was proud she did it, it was because she loved America. So it's true, there's a standard for liberals and a completely different one for conservatives. We are seeing that in the Hillary/Biden/Trump classified documents scenarios. Dem? Get a pass. Rep? Taken to the cleaners. mspart
  3. Same goes for electricity and fuel. Gaza could be self sufficient. But they are not because Hamas wants war. They have it now. mspart
  4. And the reason for that is the constant rockets being fired at Israel from Gaza. Gaza is given lots of money, why are the people in famine there? Because Hamas does not spend on the people, they spend on munitions and tunnels etc. It could have been beautiful but for the thievery of Hamas towards their own people. A peaceful Gaza brings no Israeli aggression. mspart
  5. Except that we have a mentally compromised President. Everyone should take exception to that. mspart
  6. I found no praise of Putin. It was a simple comparison of abilities. Everyone knows Putin is and evil warmonger. mspart
  7. Why? https://www.npr.org/2024/02/08/1229749527/in-gaza-anger-grows-at-hamas Hamas has not tolerated dissent among Gazans in the 17 years it has ruled the tiny territory.
  8. And that excuses the massacre of Oct 7? Not hardly. Not even Bill Maher buys that. mspart
  9. Well, he does like the 3 point takedown, what do you expect!! mspart
  10. Just more evidence the Ds are turning against Biden. The DOJ report says they won't prosecute because he is a doddering old fool who has a bad memory. Next, all of the MSM try to help him saying he was combative at the presser without being specific of the crap he said, but then mention boldly what the DOJ report said about him. So everyone in the nation now knows that Biden is a doddering old fool with memory issues. It won't be long before he is no longer a candidate for President for 2024 for the Democrats. The D wagons are not circling around him. mspart
  11. You call having rockets rained on you daily not current persecution? Rockets have been flying out of Gaza for years on a daily basis. And do you call the Oct 7 surprise massacre just venting of frustrations or would you call that further persecution. Truth be told, Israel never takes war like stances until they have had enough of the violence thrust at them. They have been patient long enough with all this. I don't wish for more civilian casualties, but I also don't wish for Israel to stop hunting Hamas terrorists. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/08/1229749527/in-gaza-anger-grows-at-hamas Hamas has not tolerated dissent among Gazans in the 17 years it has ruled the tiny territory, choked by an Israeli-led blockade. But dissent against the Islamist militant group is now widespread and out in the open, voiced alongside Gazans' fury with Israel. Hamas' surprise Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel was the deadliest attack in Israeli history, killing 1,200 people, according to Israeli officials. It prompted Israel's deadliest war on Palestinians, killing more than 27,000 people in Gaza, according to Gaza health officials. Entire areas of Gaza have been reduced to wastelands. Most of the population has fled their homes, many living in flimsy tents in the rainy winter. Hamas still has supporters in Gaza. A recent poll found 57% of Gazans support Hamas' decision to attack on Oct. 7. Most of the Palestinians surveyed said they had not seen the videos of Hamas' attacks on Israelis that day and didn't think Hamas committed atrocities. But even supporters of Hamas launching the attack say the group misjudged the consequences. The part bolded is funny to me. In Seattle this is the case for the homeless drug addicts. Any attempt to get them into shelters is fought tooth and nail. We can't deprive them of their rights by getting them shelter. If it is good enough for our people, why is it not good enough for them. Just a disconnect in how we view our homeless vs other people. 57% of Gazans support Hamas, but many are frustrated with them, apparently 43% of them. That's a pretty big dissaffection number. Hopefully they will choose their leaders more wisely when they get the chance to do so. Probably not though as 57% support Hamas after the Oct 7 massacre. mspart
  12. I think the DOJ report is what has been happening for a long time. Just a more overt effort to lessen Biden and give the Ds reason to move to another candidate. The presser confirmed that and the media who normally wouldn't mention what Hur said about memory are shouting that from the rooftops. So there is massive disaffection with Biden. He will not be the D candidate in November in my opinion. mspart
  13. True that. Green has been a mainstay. I thought he retired before. He was/is unfortunately a tweener, but he did well. mspart
  14. Whew, thank goodness. I liked him when he was partially dead. mspart
  15. He told everyone he spoke to a dead guy in Vegas. Then he did it again 2 more times. He's on the edge I tell you. Almost on the outside looking in. Poor guy actually. And his family is telling him to run again. Shameful. mspart
  16. Too bad DOJ goes there. But all of that is true. He does come across as kindly and old. Truth is he is/was ruthless and a corrupt individual. There is no question he had the documents. If that is good enough to go after Trump, it is good enough for Biden. Everyone hates Trump so he is a good candidate to prosecute. Everyone thinks Biden is a doddering old fool so no one would throw the book at him so don't waste time. That's the way to get real justice. mspart
  17. Three had the temerity to consider this on the merits rather than hatred of Trump. Now that is a simplistic answer but I think it fits. Trump has not been charged with insurrection. I think that was made clear in the SCOTUS arguments. Does a state have the legal authority to drop a presidential candidate that otherwise met all qualifications to be on the ballot is another question that was asked. I think that will play into the decision. From what I read, it looked like an 8-1 vote on this saying CO cannot do what they did. But that can change obviously. This is a big big question. There is plenty of opinion on insurrection. But charges have not been leveled and Trump has not been indicted of it or convicted of it. As I said earlier, just because a few people say so in CO does not make it so. Trump was not part of the proceedings so to levy this on him is a gross miscarriage of justice. He was not able to defend himself so no due process. I think that will also come up for CO And Maine. Now if he had been convicted in federal court of insurrection, 1. he could be ineligible, 2. would be in prison and not campaigning unless allowed to be free during appeals. But this has not happened so this is putting the cart before the horse. mspart
  18. At that point you just hope no one gets hurt. But looks like a lot of fun. mspart
  19. So for 55 we have Zane and for 65 we have Nick going to the Pan Am qualifiers. Is that correct? All other weights are qualified for FS. Is that correct? mspart
  20. So what you are saying is those two saw the truth where 422 of the others did not. And you have a really good bridge to sell me. Got it. mspart
  21. The Constitution is for the self governed. It is not a compact that the government will give you things. It is a compact that the government will allow you to live your life with liberty in your pursuit of happiness. Those were ideals listed in the Declaration of Independence and then after the War and Articles of Confederacy, were guaranteed in the Constitution as the Bill of Rights for starters. There were states that would not sign unless such amendments were added. When all agreed the original Constitution was ratified. Then the Bill of Rights came. In fact, there were 17 original amendments that were whittled down to 12 amendments, only 10 of them made it to ratification. John Adams famously said - “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” There's your lesson for today. mspart
  22. Whether they are meeting or not meeting is not the appearance of morning joy, but it is in the words of the philosopher, an understanding of the root causes of who can get it done. Once we get to the root causes, then progress can be made on the root causes so that the root causes will be addressed to address those root causes that we were addressing. And I think about it in that way, too. mspart
  23. I think BobDole is finally really dead. Has not made an appearance here when summoned. Usually he swoops right in. RIP BobDole. mspart
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