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Everything posted by mspart

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kate-cox-did-not-qualify-for-an-abortion-in-texas-state-supreme-court-says/ar-AA1lo683 Kate Cox did not qualify for an abortion in Texas, state Supreme Court says Story by Bayliss Wagner, Austin American-Statesman The Texas Supreme Court in a highly anticipated decision ruled on Monday evening that Kate Cox, a Dallas area mother carrying a fetus with a fatal condition, did not qualify for an abortion under state laws based on her doctor's "good faith belief" that she needs the procedure. "The statute requires that judgment be a 'reasonable medical' judgment, and Dr. (Damla) Karsan has not asserted that her 'good faith belief' about Ms. Cox’s condition meets that standard," the opinion reads. In a near-total abortion ban, Texas prohibits abortions beginning at fertilization, with exceptions only for cases in which a pregnant patient risks death or “substantial impairment of major bodily function." The opinion is the last twist in a six-day legal saga and comes just hours after Cox's attorneys said she had left the state to terminate her pregnancy. So she had the means to go to another state, but tried to fight TX over their law. In addition, her Dr did not assert that Ms Cox's life was in danger, at least to the threshold necessary to get the deed done. Now she is in another state and has probably already gotten the abortion or is about to. So in other words, Ms Cox did not convince her life was threatened by this pregnancy. Therefore, the TXSC followed the law as written and stated so. Now if she had shown that her life was in jeopardy, then I believe the TXSC would have allowed the abortion to take place per the law. mspart
  2. This is an interesting article regarding efforts to get rid of Trump. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/469504-the-curious-timeline-for-taking-down-trump/ mspart
  3. OK, I looked at each at competition and it looked like Brooks is in his 5th year of full competition. Maybe one of those was the covid year. OK. I can understand that. I've read the comments and I appreciate the clarifcations. But no one has offered comment on my statement that someone needs to step up and bury them like Mark Schultz did to Banach. Is there no one out there that can do that these days? The kid from Lehigh, Crookham, seemingly has come out of nowhere to be #1. Someone needs to make a move on these two guys. mspart
  4. Frank kind of took it to him. Even after giving him a chance to adjust which McKenna did not take. I was in Italy a few months back and I swear I saw Chamizo there at a bus stop. I did not stop to say hi, but I swear it was him. mspart
  5. We built a tiny house in the back. My son lives there. Mostly used screws with those cordless drills except for the framing. I have a pneumatic gun for that. It was wearing out and didn't put the nails in all the way. They have cordless nail guns too. Pretty amazing. mspart
  6. Well there is that. But still a waste of time. I brought charges but the DA and judge won't go for it so it was not worthwhile. Kind of like in Seattle, there is no law about this but unless the shoplifting is a certain amount, the cops won't arrest. Why? Because the city attorney won't bring the case because the judges here will throw it out. Not equitable or social justicy or some such crock. mspart
  7. Ha!! There were monkeys but precious few cats and dogs. mspart
  8. I think you should always do what is right. But this is a political event, not an ethics event. The result if you are right should be removal from office. This will never happen. So to me there is no point other than to waste time and money, and ensure independents see GOP as vindictive in general. If the dots can be traced to show J Biden is guilty of something, that is something. Most people can see dot tracing and make decent conclusions from that. mspart
  9. I met a monkey in KL. He wanted some kid's ice cream. He got it. I ended up with montezuma's revenge. I also got the revenge after eating a Subway sandwich there as well. I don't think I ate for 3 days after that. Bad case of food poisoning. My first food after that was chicken curry. I don't know how good it really was but it sure seemed spectacular to me. I was starving. mspart
  10. Unless you are an illegal alien in the US. No need to follow laws then. mspart
  11. That is why they are having hearings on this. Your wish may soon be granted. But to me, impeachment by the House without a credible threat to convict in the Senate is an empty gesture. D are well acquainted with that. mspart
  12. I believe a case could be made with National security and the border. Still there is the Senate is 50-50. Not going to happen. Who cares if it is on record he got impeached. No one cares because it won't go anywhere. No one cares that Clinton got impeached. No one cares that Trump got impeached. With Clinton, everyone knew the evidence was there, it was determined it wasn't enough to impeach.
  13. Someone needs to step up and bury them ala Schultz did to Banach. It is seemingly getting much easier to be a 4 timer as time goes on. Just looking at the PSU website, Starrocci is in his 4th year, Brooks in his 5th year. That is just wrong. Just my opinion. You get 4 years of active competing, not more. mspart
  14. So Semi finals are Lee, Mega, Suriano, and some unnamed lower tier person. That guy will have a lot to celebrate, especially if he gets in the finals. He may even hold up a sign after winning that says nhs tiers suck!! I'm living proof. My guess is that won't happen, the win or the sign. Ha. mspart
  15. At this point, who cares. It's his last full year next year. Of course it didn't stop the Ds now did it, so perhaps Biden should get impeached. With a 50-50 split in the Senate, it is a fool's errand. Nobody remembers Trump got impeached twice, but when they do, it was like what was the point. No 2/3 majority Trump haters in the Senate so it was going nowhere. Same with Biden. I believe it will only have relevance in the election if Biden actually runs. mspart
  16. My favorite Christmas present happened some time ago. I only include Christmas's after I became an adult. Some years ago, we held Christmas in Leavenworth and my wife sneakily I must say hid her present from me. If she had asked me I would have said I don't need that junk. She got me a DeWalt set of cordless drill, impact, saws all, and jigsaw. I never wanted cordless, what's the point, I have corded stuff and it works great. Well, I use that stuff all the time. I hardly go for my corded stuff anymore. I can't believe how strong and functional these cordless tools are. And now they have the same in lawn mowers etc etc. At the time it was not my favorite but I have used it more than any other present I've ever gotten. mspart
  17. I'm not 104 and would not voluntarily jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Kudos to her. My son's GF got him to do it. The after photo was hilarious. She was smiling and he was trying to smile, obviously still traumatized by the whole experience. The look on his face was the best. mspart
  18. If he decides to participate, I wish the same. mspart
  19. https://nypost.com/2022/05/08/hollywood-lawyer-kevin-morris-paid-off-over-2m-of-hunter-bidens-taxes/ A big-shot Hollywood lawyer reportedly paid off Hunter Biden’s delinquent taxes — which a source told The Post amounted to more than $2 million — as President Biden’s notoriously troubled son awaits the results of a Delaware grand jury’s investigation into his personal finances. Kevin Morris, an entertainment attorney and novelist who earned a fortune representing the co-creators of “South Park” and won a Tony Award as the co-producer of “The Book of Mormon,” footed Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes totaling over $2 million — more than twice what was previously reported, a source familiar with conversations between the two told The Post. There are other articles that show the same. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/10/us/politics/hunter-biden-kevin-morris-lawyer.html https://www.businessinsider.com/hollywood-lawyer-helped-hunter-biden-pay-off-tax-bill-nyt-2022-5 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/hollywood-megalawyer-paid-off-hunter-bidens-2m-delinquent-tax-bill-report https://www.mediaite.com/print/south-park-lawyer-reportedly-paid-off-hunter-bidens-2-million-delinquent-tax-bill/ mspart
  20. There are no charges against Joe, he is the sitting President. That will come from the impeachment committee if they ever get that far. I am talking about election interference in government and social media's attempts to stifle information that probably would have changed the election results as noted by the article I posted saying 1 in 6 Biden voters would have changed their vote if they had known about this. You can deny all you want. The laptop is Hunter's and implicates him in federal offenses and implicates his father that the impeachment committtee is looking into along with other information gathered as a result of the laptop. It is good that Hunter is being held accountable is it not? mspart
  21. It means nothing to you because that is what you want it to mean. mspart
  22. Do that and both of us will be in trouble. We also cannot change ownership of firearms without filling out some form or other. I expect these will get found unconstitutional soon. mspart
  23. What has been verified? 1. The laptop is Hunter Biden's. 2. The info on the laptop is not Russian Disinformation. 3. The information on the laptop shows Hunter's corruption 4. Twitter suspended NYPs account based on their article which showed the above true. 5. Twitter took similar action with other accounts that retweeted the NYP story. 6. Hunter gun possession while using drugs, a federal offense. 7. Hunger using drugs which is technically a federal offense. 8. Hunter's financial shennigans. Truth is Plasi, the information on that laptop has been verified to be true and all the above is a result of the information or the result of the story describing the information. To your assertion that Twitter couldn't censor the article, that is true, but they did not allow it on their site due to government pressure. The NYP published the article but Twitter actively used its power to discredit, not disseminate it, and call it Russian disinformation. Right before the election. The election where 1 of 6 Biden voters said if they had known about this they would not have voted for Biden. mspart
  24. At the hearing with Presidents of MIT, Harvard and Penn, were deplorable. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/06/investing/bill-ackman-harvard-penn-antisemitism/index.html In response to Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik asking whether calling for the genocide of Jews would violate Penn’s code of conduct, Penn President Magill said: “It is a context dependent decision.” Stefanik responded with shock. “That’s your testimony today? Calling for the genocide of Jews is dependent on the context? That is not bullying or harassment? This is the easiest question to answer yes for,” Stefanik said. The other two Presidents responded to similar questions from Stefanik the same way. Now if the question had been about genocide of blacks, gays, or trans folks, it would not have depended on context or if actual actions had happened as a result. We have all seen this. You say something bad about any of those groups you are rushed off campus. But with Jews, it is context based and no resulting actions happened from the speech. Be consistent. If not, then stop with all this safe space crap, free speech as long as it is not against favored minorities crap. The hyporcrisy is evident here and these three should be fired immediately. mspart
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