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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Thanks, the flow article is what I was looking for. mspart
  2. There is that, but the Feds do not enforce it, so on it goes. In my mind, sanctuary entities need to not receive any federal funds of any kind. But there is not a chance that would pass right now. But that is what is needed. WA is a sanctuary state and actively tries to subvert federal attempts to capture illegals. mspart
  3. I need to amend what I said and I can't edit it. It's not that someone was killed or died on his watch in the first instance, it is that he allowed it to continue by taking no action. The underlined items are the changes. mspart
  4. Someone(s) already died and he did nothing to stop more from being killed. It's not that someone was killed or died on his watch, it is that he allowed it to happen by taking no action. I don't think that is an insane precedent. mspart
  5. DOJ will try to strike it down. It will be up to the courts to do so. No doubt DOJ will sue to get this stopped like they did last time. mspart
  6. https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/interactives/u-s-unauthorized-immigrants-by-state/ Illegals in the states: AZ 275,000 TX 1,600,000 FL 775,000 CA 2,200,000 NY 725,000 So TX, FL, and CA have more than all of NY. AZ has less. So technically you are correct. mspart
  7. If the state law is equal to the fed law, then there is no problem. I believe that is how the laws are written. It's just that the executive branch has decided not to enforce the law. And that is creating all this mess. This is a new problem, not something we've had a lot problem with except in the recent past to now. And that is because of a decision not to enforce federal law. mspart
  8. Can we agree he had no obligation to serve and protect the people inside the school? mspart
  9. For me it is if the Fed abdicate their lawful responsibility as in this case. Then the state can act and I think TX is well within their rights to do so. How does the law cover work visas? I don't know. mspart
  10. TX, AZ, FL, and CA are housing many times more than that. TX and FL only send a small portion of what they receive everyday. What does the federal law say about giving immigrants work visas? What does federal law say about allowing everyone that wants across the border to come across the border? I don't know about the visa deal but the law on immigration has a certain amount of qualified people that can come into the country. That has been abdicated. If everyone that comes into the country per the law gets a visa, then I suppose the city could give them a visa. But now you have too many workers and wages will go down and this will be a huge economic issue everywhere, which is why we have immigration law in the first place. There are intended and unintended consequences to abdicating responsibility at the border. mspart
  11. So this is why I am not sure I believe you when you say in your opinion, it is not good to have tens of thousands crossing the border daily. You say it is not good. Yet TX is doing something about it and you are now questioning their authority to do so. So do you really think it is a bad thing for so many people to come over? If you do, but don't think a state has the authority to stop it, then what are you doing to get the Federal government to stop it? From what I have seen, you are pretty much a rah rah for the feds and what they are doing. As far as I am concerned, the Federal government has abdicated their duty. By doing so they authorize the states to do it for them. Period. mspart
  12. What are they there for if not to serve and protect? That is the job of a police officer. mspart
  13. Then it should be stopped. TX is making that attempt at least along their border. This would not be felt necessary (and never was) except the Federal Government has abdicated their responsibility to control immigration. mspart
  14. Slow thinking and smart are not necessarily related. mspart
  15. Why is having tens of thousands daily crossing the border a good thing? mspart
  16. The Jazzy theme holds up but the story does too. The animation is not the greatest I'll give you. But the Peanuts Christmas show is an all time classic. The music makes it happen. mspart
  17. It is really a shame. But on the other hand, typically there is just a world of difference between D1 and the others. Now maybe that is because of the rule change. There was a guy in MN named Marcus Lavasser (I think that is how it is spelled) and he could have been a D1 champ, but chose DIII instead. He was undefeated and a 4 time DIII champ. Apparently couldn't hack the academic side of U of MN. mspart
  18. I retired from coaching a few years ago. The head coach quit so I thought it was a good time to go myself. The HS season ends in Feb and I was still sore in April. It was time. My competitive days were limited to HS and some Veteran wrestling. Both were very fun. My last veteran competition was in 2002 in Vegas for US Nationals. mspart
  19. That is a great short clip. Everyone should watch and make their day brighter. mspart
  20. We have been blessed with the longevity of JB and KS. KD and DT are next in line. mspart
  21. Kolat was responsible for at least 2 rule changes. Taping shoe laces and if a match is overturned on review, it must be rewrestled. mspart
  22. How many did Simmons choke out. mspart
  23. A Christmas Story is a classic. It has everything. Home Alone I cannot stand because Culkin is worse than the kid that played Anakin. I forgot about Gremlins, that is a good one. I like Its a Wonderful Life also. Very Christmassy. mspart
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