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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Yes, we had Chaz/Chop here on Capitol Hill in Seattle. They would not allow city resourced in and the city obeyed. If someone got shot or otherwise needed to get to the hospital, the had to get out of the zone so they could be picked up. It was a wonderful summer of love as the Seattle mayor described it. And that went on for weeks until it imploded. mspart
  2. Vischy slime! mspart
  3. But the law was not needed according to what you are saying. So why was it needed? Seems like a quirk in history. mspart
  4. So you are against any bill curbing the 2nd amendment or any other part of the constitution? mspart
  5. Here in Seattle, It would be high hundreds coming on to thousands. Police were laser shot in the eyes, ice bottles thrown that them, destruction of property not just from arson, police precinct burned down, at another precinct they tried to lock the doors and burn the police alive inside their own building. Protesters wandered onto I-5 with impunity. And then there's Portland OR. mspart
  6. That doesn't sound like many people given the participation rate of the BLM riots here in Seattle. For goodness sake, they took over a neighborhood and called it Chaz and then Chop autonamous regions that the mayor called the summer of love. They were allowed to police themselves and that didn't turn out so well when people started getting killed. So 110 under consideration is ok with you when 260 were arrested? And you are ok with only 260 arrested? mspart
  7. RV - What does he really want? mspart
  8. 1. Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, why was this necessary given the 14th amendment. 2. Personally I think EOs should not be used except in rare occasions, or only in those things that are executive in nature and not legislative. For instance an EO stopping enforcement of immigration law should be immediately suspect and not followed on legislative grounds. An EO turning that around would be a proper use of an EO. 3. I agree that this is what makes the President into would be dictator. 4. Since there is no line item veto, an EO should not be used to say I'll enforce this part but not that part. 5. An EO eliminating student debt is not legal. And it should be apparent. That is the legislature's prerogative. Why it has the force of law I do not understand. How did EOs that make new law get to the legal status of actual new law? That needs to be reversed. mspart
  9. Again you didn't answer the question. What other rights in the Constitution should be curbed by Congressional action? mspart
  10. Trump had a part to play due to the pandemic. Congress (dems controlled) more than willingly chose to spend money to get out of that spiral. We were coming out when Biden had another D congress appropriate even more and then spent crazy on green new deal and inflation reduction act. Yes, Trump reacted to the issue and it was under control . Biden made it worse. Up until the pandemic the economy was running great. It hasn't been there since. That's why we have Trump again. mspart
  11. Today is the worst. I cannot see what I am typing for 15 seconds and can see for 5 seconds. It just cuts out. I can't move the cursor or anything. There has to be a way for the ads to do their thing and not bog the site down like this. mspart
  12. Bird flu is a different issue like covid is. Biden doesn't get any credit for covid because he spent his way out of it and caused 9% inflation and we are living with the effects of that still. He caused the current economic issues by spending another huge amount on covid spending then a huge amount on the green new deal/inflation reduction act. mspart
  13. https://komonews.com/news/local/city-attorney-charges-brought-in-8-out-of-261-protest-related-arrests-in-seattle City Attorney: charges brought in 8 out of 261 protest related arrests in Seattle That is 3% of those arrested in Seattle. The next question is why were only 261 arrested? I don't think that constitutes many many. Maybe other jurisdictions persecuted more. But I think this was fairly typical around the country. mspart
  14. WKN - Just asking when was this opinion made? Is it possible for it to be amended? It certainly is compelling. mspart
  15. Yes that did happen. But before that happened, we had a lot of economic activity that was positive. Plus you live in FL where the restrictions were lifted quickly and didn't feel the full weight of the lock downs. Here in WA we lived in lock down mode for over a year and a half. mspart
  16. Ouch!!! Stinking tax dodger! mspart
  17. You did not address my question. It would seem you only hold this position on laws to restrict constitutional rights to the second amendment. That is inconsistent to say the least. mspart
  18. Better investigate. mspart
  19. This is a good question. There will always be folks that come through. They used to be folks looking for work. Now they are looking for benefits. or easy criminal activity. That has dried up. So a guy has to ask himself, Do I feel lucky? mspart
  20. Trump won because people were better off 4 years ago than they were under Biden. Trump won in 2016 because the people were tired of Obama and his version of "this is as good as it is gonna get" and wanted better. Trump gave better. Better economy, better tax structure, better business environment. That is what MAGA was about. It was a repudiation of Obama and his economic thinking. You might argue this and that is fair. But that is what happened. mspart
  21. Trip - In other words you are in favor of laws that restrict a constitutional right like owning guns. Do you feel the same about other rights and provisions in the constitution? mspart
  22. I don't think I'll invest in any of these. mspart
  23. In general I support these pardons. The exception is the pardons for those that were actually violent to the Capitol Police and those that destroyed property. The rest that were non violent, I am not against those pardons. Just saying. mspart
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