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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Oregon St only 1-4? Pendleton needs to do some better coaching and get better recruits. Maybe he can steal Casey Cunningham away from PSU. Who doesn't want to end up in Corvallis? 1 hour from beautiful Newport, OR on the Pacific Ocean. C'mon - Go get him!! mspart
  2. I'm thinking the same in reverse. Perhaps bonus scoring would add quite a bit to Iowa's total, more than 1.5 points. But yes, it might be easier to reduce PSU's score. This is really interesting. I'd like to see a breakdown of it all. mspart
  3. They got 170 in 1997. So you are saying that the current rules would have given them 171.5 only? They had a pretty dominating performance. With the 3 point takedown, would that not change any DEC to MD or MD to Tech Fall? That could make more than 1.5 point difference. Does anyone have access to the 1997 Iowa performance and detailed scoring of their matches? Meaning how many TDs, Es, NFs, Rs, Cs etc. I would guess that with the new 3 point TD and new near fall rules not in place at that time, their score would go up by more than 1.5 points. mspart
  4. I guess we'll see if he raises it on Monday or Tuesday. mspart
  5. https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/latest-federal-income-tax-data-2024/ So Top 1% pay 45.8% of income taxes. Top 2-5% pay 19.8% of income taxes. Top 6-10% pay 10.2% of income taxes. Top 11-25% pay 13.4% of income taxes. Top 26-50% pay 8.5% of income taxes. Top 51-100% pay 2.3% of income taxes. If you tax the rich more heavily, what does that do to their earnings? What does it do to the treasury? I think it is fairly apparent that as tax rates go up, less comes in. As tax rates go down, more comes in. I believe that is rather historical. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/laffercurve.asp This says that tax revenue is lowest at low tax rate and very high tax rate. Revenue is highest somewhere in between where it doesn't affect businesses or people adversely. If you set the lowest tax rate at 10%, the next at 52% and the next at 100%, there will be very little incentive to make more money that will get taxed at 10%. People will not work harder to make more money that is immediately taken away from them. That is logical. mspart mspart
  6. Yet he doesn't. What is a fair share? Maybe the discussion can evolve from there. mspart
  7. How does Iowa's record change with the new scoring rules? Needs to be apples to apples. mspart
  8. I'd say it is too early to count PSU out. I'd like to but I think it is just too early. mspart
  9. Top 4 seeds in all weights won their first match. mspart
  10. mspart


    Wow, I'm messing up here. I guess I have to wait until the match is over and then wait for 15 minutes until they update the score. When the timer went to 0, the score was 10-1. I was trying to be cutting edge without watching matches, just watching the Track Hub. I guess that is a lesson learned. Updated bracket: mspart
  11. mspart


    After first round mspart
  12. mspart


    Well, they started back up and neither did anything in the 3 period. Fix wins 10-1. mspart
  13. mspart


    I can't watch, only following on Track hub. Fix's match is stopped at 1:38 to go in the third for 5 minutes. Anyone know what is going on there? mspart
  14. mspart


    First round is over. mspart
  15. mspart


    Fix is up 10-1 with 3 minutes ride time in the second period. Couldn't turn him in 2 minutes in the first. mspart
  16. mspart


    I just took what was posted on Track. Wait - it was his record that was in bold. I thought that was the score. I see my error and I thank you for pointing it out. Crooham won 4-3. That's just a little too close. He will need to step it up. Fix is on deck. mspart
  17. mspart


    Vito came out like a banshee. Won his first match 17-4. That's the biggest win so far for the first round. Still have the Fix match and Crooham match to be reported. Perhaps Vito is not too injured. I hope he does well. Crooham will have him in the semi final if they both win three matches. Update: Crooham won 19-0. He's come out the gate in strong fashion as well. This might be an incredible semi between these two. mspart
  18. She'll do that but she'll screw over Trump as well. She will be sure to take the lowest bidder because that is what government contracts require. I hope all investment in NY goes away fast. It probably won't but the precedent will have been set and they will go after other supposed enemies. Then they will be hosed. mspart
  19. This is the point. As long as China and India keep on increasing, by way more than other countries are decreasing, it is all for naught. China and India do not suffer, while those that did will as per the above. Innovation will be the key. New technology will also be the key. Creating a siphon to move atmospheric CO2 to the sun or moon is ideal. It should be easy, there is vacuum there and pressure here. Just need a pipe. mspart
  20. Why are we talking about this? Because AOC made this claim to Tony Bobulinski by repeatedly asking TB what specific crime did Joe Biden do? TB is not a prosecutor. But he started going and she argued with him. He didn't say RICO was a crime, but that Joe had broken RICO per the definitiion given by our friend TPT. AOC fought him on that. But of further importance, where is the reporting on this hearing? Where is the reporting on Hunter not attending the public heraring he was scheduled for and fought so hard for? mspart
  21. TPT has again diverted the discussion into something irrelevant. Now we are arguing Captain America instead of the Border Crisis. Let's get back on track. mspart
  22. So we have a SCOTUS justice that sees no issue for government censorship. I think is the key takeaway. mspart
  23. He's got 5 days to announce. mspart
  24. He has collateral as I demonstrated. That is not helping him so that is not the answer. There is no recourse unless he gets the bond. But demonstrably he has the collateral for such a bond. mspart
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