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Everything posted by mspart

  1. But did they protest the civilians? That's my point. Did anyone protest the Syrian civilians. Has anyone protested the Ukrainian civilians? Not with near the ferocity of the Gazan civilians. If you can't see that Israel does more than anyone else to minimize civilian casualties, then you are unwilling to see truth. If that is the case, I will agree to disagree with you on this subject. mspart
  2. Or you can believe what he says on his truth social. It is up to you. But it appears you prefer whatever animates you the most. Good for you. mspart
  3. Again, Hamas, the puppeteer, is pulling strings. War is war. People die. You cannot honestly say any country has done more to minimize casualties than Israel. No country has done as much to avoid civilian casualties. But war is killing people and some will be civilians. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi The US killed 281-315K civilians in Iraq. https://www.newarab.com/news/syria-war-death-toll-over-507000-13-years Syria's war has killed more than 507,000 people, a war monitor said Thursday ahead of the 13th anniversary of the conflict which has displaced millions at home and abroad. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293409/civilian-deaths-related-to-russia-ukraine-conflict/ As of February 15, 2024, 10,582 civilians were reported to have been killed during the Russian invasion of Ukraine Is anyone concerned about these civilians who have died like for the outcry for Gazans? Nope, didn't think so. mspart
  4. OK, that article was updated May 21, 2024. On May 22, 2024, the following was reported. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/facing-backlash-trump-walks-back-comments-restricting-contraceptives/story?id=110464898 The former president quickly took to social media to clarify his position, claiming that he was not advocating for restrictions on contraceptives. "I HAVE NEVER, AND WILL NEVER ADVOCATE IMPOSING RESTRICTIONS ON BIRTH CONTROL, or other contraceptives," he posted on his social media platform. So now you get to choose what to believe. mspart
  5. In what context? Because I read that he says he will never support that. mspart
  6. How many innocent German and Japanese civilians were required before their respective countries acquiesced? 1.1-3.7 million Germans, and 500k to 1 million Japanese is the answer you are looking for. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-worldwide-deaths-world-war Was winning WWII more important for us than beating Hamas into submission is for Israel? When Hamas crowds themselves with civilians, then you have to expect there will be civilian casualties. You want zero civilian casualties and that is not how war works. Period. Ghengis Kahn didn't work that way. Atilla the Hun didn't work that way. Caesar didn't work that way. Alexander didn't work that way. Hamas doesn't work that way. To get to unconditional surrender with Hamas, you have to blow them all away or get close enough that they unconditionally surrender. They use civilians as shields. Some will perish. War is hell as was previously said. Hamas has the power to stop this. But they don't and continue to put innocent or not so innocent civilians in danger as human shields so they can get folks like you to say this is unconscionable. It is calculated on their part. Again, they take no responsibility for civilians, that is the job for the UN. https://cis.org/Rush/Hamas-Official-Protecting-Civilians-Gaza-UN-Refugee-Agencies-Funded-US Interviewer: Many people are asking, since you have built 500 km of tunnels, why haven’t you built bomb shelters where civilians can hide during bombardments? Mousa Abu Marzouk (Hamas Political Bureau): We built the tunnels because we have no other way of protecting ourselves from being targeted and killed. These tunnels are meant to protect us [Hamas members] from the airplanes. We are fighting from inside the tunnels. As for the Gaza strip, you know and everybody knows that 75% of the people in the Gaza strip are refugees. And refugees are the responsibility of the United Nations to protect them. I have been saying this and did not make it up. Hamas takes no responsibility for the safety of the Gazans. Yet they are the governing entity of Gaza. Doesn't that strike you as somewhat incongruous? Shouldn't your ire be more directed at Hamas than at Israel? On Oct 7, Hamas counted on Israel retaliating and putting the Gazan people in danger of famine, homelessness, refugee-ism etc. They counted on that so that people get their undies in a bunch. That was their calculus. They are playing these people. These people are jokes and marionettes to Hamas. They are pulling the strings and these people parrot the talking points they want them to. I wonder how feels to be played by Hamas? Because I can see this from thousands of miles away. People should be angry at Hamas for putting the Gazans in this position, that's who they should be angry at. Is it acceptable for Hamas to put 45 lives in danger to save one Hamas soldier or die with that one Hamas soldier? That is what your question really should be. mspart
  7. Jimmy's won-loss-tie record? mspart
  8. Why are you asking? Do you think it will get outlawed any time soon? Millions of women depend on it. Millions of men also depend on it. mspart
  9. That is an important detail I left out. She wasn't that thrilled - NOT. She loved it and thanked me for making it happen. The place was absolutely packed. SRO. I still can't believe that many people wanted to see him, but I have to say they got a great show out of it. Youtube has snippets of the concert from Seattle on line now. It was pretty good. It was at the baseball stadium in Seattle and we were directly across from the stage next to the next to last row upper level. You don't get a whole lot more nose bleed than that. Could hardly see anyone on stage clearly. They were projecting things so that was good. The sound was tremendous and the show was really really good. I can't believe I am saying that about Billy Joel but I have to call it like I saw it. mspart
  10. That's why the senator wrote to the head of the parks dept to understand if this is policy of the Parks Dept. Get this on the record. Yeah, it was a solo act. mspart
  11. I just heard on the radio this morning that it was the head administrator of Denali Park that made the demand. She is a urban planner by education and work experience and recently worked for the City of Portland. Great credential to run a national park. But there you go. It was her call. mspart
  12. Aluminum is used as a conductor in many applications. In fact, I had to run 100 amp service to an out building and the wiring was Aluminum. I was surprised. Lighter but gage needs to be bigger, but it can be used. Its fairly cheap. mspart
  13. Well I went to the Billy Joel concert with my wife. Jason Bonham with his Led Zeppelin Experience (he is the son of LZ's drummer John Bonham and an excellent drummer in his own right). I was more excited about them than Billy Joel. They were good but I have to say Billy Joel was excellent. He sounded like Billy Joel, the voice was still there and strong. His band was really really good. It was more of a rock concert than I figured from him. But the band was extremely tight. I have seen Kansas and Yes, both really good and tight bands, and I rank this concert right up there with that kind of proficiency. I have seen a lot of other concerts and they were good, but I was really impressed with Billy Joel and his band. Very good concert. If he is coming to a town near any of you, I highly recommend it and I don't really like his music all that much. It was a great concert and I had a great overall experience. Thank you to those that encouraged me to go. mspart
  14. Yeah, this is probably not good for wrestling as a whole. I guess we'll see. mspart
  15. I think Gable and Cael are exceptions on being out of this world head coaches. Smith was pretty good but not on that level I don't think. J Robinson was also good but worked with Gable for years so he could be labelled a clone, but still didn't have the longevity of stellar team performance that Gable and Cael have had. They were/are both able to get in their wrestler's heads and get the very best out of them. You just don't see that very often. That is probably something that cannot be taught. Now it could be it was really their assistants that did all that. I don't think that was the case for Gable. But Cael has Casey and I think he has that ability - so maybe two that have that ability at PSU currently. Casey is just a whale of a good coach. mspart
  16. What? Who ordered them not to fly the flag? That should be illegal to demand on federal property. msaprt
  17. You answered it yourself above. And here is the cell phone info you wilfully claim you need proof of. mspart
  18. You will keep going down that rabbit hole. I have no time for that other than to provide links to news articles. https://www.gao.gov/products/t-hrd-93-33 https://www.bestcolleges.com/blog/gender-affirming-care-for-college-students/ https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/what-grooming-truth-behind-dangerous-bigoted-lie-targeting-lgbtq-community Regarding taxes, taxes go up because of inflation, spending value goes down due to inflation. That is a tax on every person. Feds have not raised taxes maybe but states are. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/15/op-ed-the-potential-tax-increase-coming-and-what-you-can-do-about-it.html mspart
  19. What? Those are not questions, those are wishes from an uninformed person. Illegal Aliens get to come here, get a cell phone, get a debit card, and get to stay in the country. Those things come from some government program. What higher taxes? Have you been absent with the Ds calling for more and more money all the time? Any school that grooms children and by now there are plenty, get government money as their main funding source. So the governemnt is giving money to schools that are grooming children. You just don't get anymore clueless that that. mspart
  20. And they will want a transponder to show every mile, which incidentally will also show where you've been and your normal routine day in and day out. Not for me thank you. mspart
  21. Yet he has the faculty to run the country AND to run circles around his staff while doing so. mspart
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