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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I think this is correct. It is just too bad he wasn't able to continue, a lot of people were looking for him to be successful. Maybe he was successful based on his goals and objectives. Again, he now has a full year to recover and gain strength in his knees and psyche. Best of luck to him. mspart
  2. Will the Argentinian brute Destribats be there? Right in his home. mspart
  3. Honestly, I don't like the multiple racking up of points via leg lace or other move. But there is some truth to the don't get in it. I remember at US Nationals many years ago, someone got Joe Williams in a very deep leg lace. Joe would not move. No matter how much leverage was put on, he did not roll. I couldn't believe it. I don't remember who tried it on him but I remember that very clearly. mspart
  4. I remember that!!!! mspart
  5. I'm still trying to figure out the venue argument. Is it the venue, the location, the amount of seating, the number of valets? mspart
  6. Yes he is but not for what you think. He has "quit" two major tourneys in the middle of them. Not something you want to be famous for I'm guessing. This is no knock on Lee from my standpoint. He has apparently misjudged his physical health and not been able to continue. I hope that he will heal up in the next year. I did not see Vito at US OPEN but I did see footage at NCAA finals. I don't think there is anyone that beats Vito currently. He made RBY look like he didn't belong in the finals. And a tech fall against DeSanto in under a minute? This guy is on another level in my opinion. The sky is the limit for Vito. mspart
  7. Seems kind of quick. It must have been a fluke!! mspart
  8. Nope not that. It was just a great place to live and play. mspart
  9. Not sure what you are saying, "doing away with these programs", but when you lend to a person that does not have a history of being able to pay loans off, you are asking for trouble, like what culminated in 2008. That was the lesson we were supposed to re-learn. But they just can't leave that idea to die. mspart
  10. I tell you what. That 4 years went by really really fast. mspart
  11. She'll do better in the consi's. mspart
  12. When we lived in HI, we had a local kid recruited to CAL. Family moved there. I thought that was odd. mspart
  13. Yes, this. Did they not learn anything from the 2008 meltdown? Oh but they'll do it better. It just wasn't done appropriately. It will be done perfectly this time. Yeah right. WKN - you have it exactly right. mspart
  14. Wow, this is a bummer. Too bad for Lee. There is no WTTs for that weight class this year. So he now has almost a full year to get himself to a better physical condition. Good luck to him. mspart
  15. It is apparent that Disney played the same game that DeSantis is playing. The board was full of Disney synchophants that happily changed the rules so that DeSantis would have a hard time doing what he wanted. So that was all taken care of before the law changed and DeSantis' synchophants took over. Granted, Disney outmaneuvered DeSantis in that. But DeSantis is taking care of that and now Disney is crying foul. What other corporation gets the consideration that Disney has had for so many years in FL? Let's expand that to the nation? Nowhere. I think Disney is out on a limb here. There is no precedent for the situation they have been in for decades there. And now they want to maintain that and serve a lawsuit to do that? The State of FL can do what it wants. Disney overstepped, not by saying they disagreed with the law, but when they said they would do everything they could to overturn it. Now Disney is a political actor doing something outside of their corporate fiduciary duties to their shareholders. All while enjoying special privileges bestowed by FL government. So FL government is removing those special privileges. For all those crying about this, it is a reverse of what they usually cry about. Usually they cry about how corporations are so powerful they run the governments. Poor governments, they need to rein in those evil corporations. But because the issue is a woke issue, and Disney is on the side of the woke, they are not complaining about how powerful Disney is, but rather that the government is too powerful. Really, this is untenable and intellectually dishonest. They applaud when government puts the brakes on corporations but not in this case. Not only that, but the woke issue is one that is sexual in nature. By siding with Disney and the Don't Say Gay folks, they are saying that they want gender dysphoria taught to K-3. Does anyone really want to be on that side of this? Or is it fantasy for those of us to desire that this is not done? Here in WA, if a child runs away, the state can harbor that child without telling the parents, this is a new law passed this session. And new legal guardianship will be given because a child that says their parents don't want them to transition is viewed as the parents are abusive and have lost their rights to the child. So now with new guardianship, the child can access puberty blockers and other hormonal therapy, and even gender surgery. And supposedly the actual parents are financially liable for this. Is that really where we want to go with this? A minor making these kinds of decisions, when they are aware enough to drive, to vote, to drink, to smoke, to marry, to buy firearms, but by golly they can are aware enough of all the consequences of gender dysphoria? That is crazy talk. If they are aware enough that the government say they can do this, then the government has no authority to stop them from driving, drinking, smoking, marrying, or buying firearms. That is the logic that this is taking. Do we really want Playboy, Penthouse, and like pornographic materials in the elementary school libraries? Of course we do, because not allowing them is book banning. But the books under consideration are just as bad, the content of which is disgusting and the pictures are pornographic. I really cannot believe any sentient adult, much less a sentient parent wants any of this. But that is what is being fought over here. Perhaps FL should not have given Reedy Creek governance to Disney in the first place. There would not be an issue if that was the case. mspart
  16. Headgear? Very unusual in Freestyle. Maybe he wants pretty ears. mspart
  17. Well, it looks like he is sitting this year out. mspart
  18. Good for him. He did not make that mistake this time. mspart
  19. Chris Campbell was a beast no doubt. I hope Rulon lets this motivate him so that we see him next year. Get that mind set back. Not only good for his health, but fun for everyone to see. mspart
  20. I have seen this. I saw a match at US Nats where this happened in the final. This was 2000 I'm pretty sure. Then the OTTs that I saw later had the same scenario. Previous WT member was not our Olympian that year. mspart
  21. I agree with the above assertion that Cunningham is the mad scientist in the room. I think if they want 3 point TD, they need to adjust the TF and MD point spreads to compensate. mspart
  22. Too bad. I guess we are all disappointed. Mostly him. I'm sure he is embarrassed. mspart
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