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For the political types: What is your end game here?

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As many know, I tend to stay away from political discussion because, well, it just usually devolves into bickering and eventually gets into personal attacks and potshots. 

My question is for those here who will post about your favored candidate/party - or more often than not - post negative things about the candidate/party you actually don't like. 

What is the end goal here, to convince someone that you're correct or you've exposed some type of "gotcha" that's going to change the other side's opinion? I'm generally wondering what the obsession is to constantly doing this. This might be the worst I've ever experienced in my 20-something years working on social media (FB came out my last year of college). 

I've had to mute, unfollow and straight up unfriend people due to the volume of schlock being posted (again, from both sides of the aisle). 

I do understand the value in healthy discussion and the exchange of ideas, because that's what makes discussion boards and (some) comments sections places for knowledge to bloom, but the Trump side isn't going to change the opinion of the Harris side and vice versa due to some weblink (regardless of its origin). 

I mentioned on another thread, this is a "people watching" part of the boards for me, but since we're all wrestling people, I figure you folks are the ones I generally interact with the most given our shared passions for the sport. 

  • Bob 1
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Insert catchy tagline here. 

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21 minutes ago, Jason Bryant said:

As many know, I tend to stay away from political discussion because, well, it just usually devolves into bickering and eventually gets into personal attacks and potshots. 

My question is for those here who will post about your favored candidate/party - or more often than not - post negative things about the candidate/party you actually don't like. 

What is the end goal here, to convince someone that you're correct or you've exposed some type of "gotcha" that's going to change the other side's opinion? I'm generally wondering what the obsession is to constantly doing this. This might be the worst I've ever experienced in my 20-something years working on social media (FB came out my last year of college). 

I've had to mute, unfollow and straight up unfriend people due to the volume of schlock being posted (again, from both sides of the aisle). 

I do understand the value in healthy discussion and the exchange of ideas, because that's what makes discussion boards and (some) comments sections places for knowledge to bloom, but the Trump side isn't going to change the opinion of the Harris side and vice versa due to some weblink (regardless of its origin). 

I mentioned on another thread, this is a "people watching" part of the boards for me, but since we're all wrestling people, I figure you folks are the ones I generally interact with the most given our shared passions for the sport. 

Its kind of like arguing about Iowa vs PSU wrestling.  Whats the point in having a forum if we can't discuss and argue.  Its the Non Wrestling Topics, what are we supposed to do just sit back and watch @WrestlingRasta and @mspart argue about whats best on the smoker - fish or squirrel?  🤔

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It’s pretty hilarious seeing this whole forum crowded with the same 5-8 people having the same argument in 20 different threads. I do like when wrestling conversations pop up.

I get enough politics talk in real life. Can’t imagine wanting to talk to strangers about it.

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Its kind of like arguing about Iowa vs PSU wrestling.  Whats the point in having a forum if we can't discuss and argue.  Its the Non Wrestling Topics, what are we supposed to do just sit back and watch [mention=741]WrestlingRasta[/mention] and [mention=135]mspart[/mention] argue about whats best on the smoker - fish or squirrel?  

But I also agree with this. Forums are for bantering and arguing, who am I to complain about what the arguing is about. Go nuts I suppose!

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It's therapeutic for me. This is a place where I can express how I really feel about the current political situation. I am surrounded by people that literally have no clue what Kamala Harris and Tim Walz stand for. All they can reiterate is she's a "black woman" and he's the "guy next door"/"coach". Both chameleons who would say anything to get in power. 

  • Bob 2
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I'm with @wrestlingguy on this one—it’s therapeutic. Real life can be isolating when it comes to talking about important stuff. My men's baseball team is stacked with Democratic politicians, my county leans Democrat, my workplace leans Democrat, and my wife couldn’t care less about politics. The Reddit channel for non-work discussion was a no-go for different opinions—it felt like walking on eggshells. Twitter? Same story. It was a leftist echo chamber with cancel culture.  Some people's comments and beliefs change the way I think about that person; I don't want too much of that in real life.

But here? This wrestling forum felt like a safe space for discussion—no fear of getting body-slammed for having an opinion. We share values like work ethic, perseverance, and personal responsibility, so there's some solid common ground. Close enough in our shared interest in the sport, but far enough removed from real-life relationships.

Even through the bickering, there’s a lot to be learned.

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2 hours ago, ionel said:

Its kind of like arguing about Iowa vs PSU wrestling.  Whats the point in having a forum if we can't discuss and argue.  Its the Non Wrestling Topics, what are we supposed to do just sit back and watch @WrestlingRasta and @mspart argue about whats best on the smoker - fish or squirrel?  🤔

Definitely squirrel!!!


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I am not always successful, but I try to have policy discussion and not ad hominem attacks.  I try not to attack others for their opinion, I try to argue with facts and data.   I am not always successful with this and I apologize for this.   I am trying not to be that aggressive guy attacking people rather than content.  

When I do attack Kamala or some other candidate, it is not them I am arguing about, it is their policies that make us less safe or less secure ( nationally, financially, and related to crime).   I hope that I do not do this with posters on this forum.   I try to be respectful and if I cross that line, I apologize.   I value this forum and the ability we have to discuss different topics.  


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[Announcer Voice]
Epic Rap Battles of History!
Bleeding Heart! Versus... Data-Drenched Dummy!


Bleeding Heart:
I’ve got compassion and care, my empathy’s top-tier,
While you’re buried in data, can’t even shed a tear.
You might have the numbers, but I bring the soul,
In the game of emotions, I’m always on a roll!”

Data-Drenched Dummy:
Your feels are just fluff, can’t compete with my stats,
I’ve got the hard truth, and I bring the cold facts!
You think you’ve got heart, but I’m the brainy boss,
When it comes to real knowledge, you’re at a total loss!”

Bleeding Heart:
Oh, here we go, you’re bringing data to a feelings fight?
You crunch numbers, but have you ever had a joyful night?
I’m the master of compassion, got empathy in spades,
While you're lost in spreadsheets, I'm catching all the shades!

Dummy With the Facts:
Oh, please, you’re drowning in emotions, sinking fast!
I’ll hit you with evidence, and let the truth blast!
You think your feels matter? That’s really cute,
But without hard citations, your arguments are moot!
You can cry all you want, it won't change the stats,
I’ve got reality on lock, and that’s where it’s at!

Bleeding Heart:
You think numbers are everything? Wow, that’s sad!
But you can’t measure kindness, and that’s just too bad!
I fight for justice, I fight for my truth,
While you’re lost in your charts, missing the proof!

Dummy With the Facts:
Your "justice" is shaky, just based on a feel,
But facts don’t care if your outrage is real!
I’ll win this debate with evidence in hand,
You can’t fight reason—it’s how the truth stands!

[Announcer Voice] 
Who won? Who’s next? YOU DECIDE!

  • Bob 1
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I enjoy the back and forth and on occasion learn something new.  Like mspart, I TRY to stick to policy/data/facts/reality and not delve into the cesspool of attacking; however, admittedly I do tend to get sucked into it at times. 

And as others have said, it can be therapeutic to discuss things in a "safe" manner where the people who get super upset because people have different views aren't people I personally know and thus it doesn't bother me.

Funny...just had a meeting with my boss and my peers and the subject of talking politics at work was brought up and I guess the policy has changed and supposedly it is acceptable now.  However, we all agreed the problem is there are a lot of people who aren't intellectually/emotionally mature enough to be able to have those type of conversations in a work setting.  This forum allows me to have those conversations I can't have at work because again, I couldn't care less that people on here get all bent out of shape and emotional when they disagree with me.

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It’s a sad tale with no end game.  Started as a good place to just observe and escape at the time, and evolved into a place to troll stupidity.

But to be honest, getting kind of burned out on reading from Americans who have such a poor vision of America, and can’t stand other Americans.  End game might be to just ✌️

Edited by WrestlingRasta
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On 9/19/2024 at 6:27 AM, Jason Bryant said:

As many know, I tend to stay away from political discussion because, well, it just usually devolves into bickering and eventually gets into personal attacks and potshots. 

My question is for those here who will post about your favored candidate/party - or more often than not - post negative things about the candidate/party you actually don't like. 

What is the end goal here, to convince someone that you're correct or you've exposed some type of "gotcha" that's going to change the other side's opinion? I'm generally wondering what the obsession is to constantly doing this. This might be the worst I've ever experienced in my 20-something years working on social media (FB came out my last year of college). 

I've had to mute, unfollow and straight up unfriend people due to the volume of schlock being posted (again, from both sides of the aisle). 

I do understand the value in healthy discussion and the exchange of ideas, because that's what makes discussion boards and (some) comments sections places for knowledge to bloom, but the Trump side isn't going to change the opinion of the Harris side and vice versa due to some weblink (regardless of its origin). 

I mentioned on another thread, this is a "people watching" part of the boards for me, but since we're all wrestling people, I figure you folks are the ones I generally interact with the most given our shared passions for the sport. 

What's the point of posting about wrestling on a message board? Nobody is going to convince a PSU fan that the sport would be better off with more parity, an Iowa fan that their team shouldn't be so reliant on transfers, or a Cornell fan that their athletes shouldn't evade the ivy league rules by taking a community college redshirt year. But without those types of posts, the forum would much more boring and more like a list of factual statements. 

I think if anything, this is a much better place for the discussion than on social media because the people are coming to this section of the forum specifically for it. People can skip threads they don't like without much issue. Somebody could post about the wildest conspiracy theory about a vaccine containing recording devices embedded within it, but then also have a really good point about Oklahoma State's prospects to win a team trophy in 2027 in the college section. As opposed to being on facebook or twitter and seeing somebody constantly post about politics or some conspiracy when you are friends with them for a different reason. 

Edited by billyhoyle
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I feel like there's arguing about wrestling and fandom, which no matter what, you know your rival is just that, a sports rival and it shouldn't impact one's perspective on who that individual is because they went to a different school. 

Then there's arguing about politics, which when it gets deep into it, people seethe and hate like no other. There's levels to it - like Oklahoma/Texas or Auburn/Alabama for example, but only on a very rare exception have I been embroiled in a debate with a wrestling fan on a wrestling topic and thought to myself "that person is a complete piece of whatever."

It's like the window for pleasant discourse and civility is so tiny, it's only a matter of one or two back and forths before it devolves into a muckraking attack on each other's character. That's what I don't like about it. I've disagreed with many a fellow fan over the years on wrestling topics, but the vitriol with some of these political discussions is unlike anything I've ever seen in your average wrestling topic. It gets way nasty, way quickly. 

There's a difference on the severity of barbs like "I wear my Auburn shirt because I went to Auburn, you wear your Alabama shirt because you went to Wal-Mart" compared to statements like "You want your children to get brainwashed by transgender illegal immigrant Satan worshipers."

There's posters here I like generally for their wrestling input, many of whom I've met personally. When I see them go at each other's throats over something like this just kinda bothers me I guess. Just an opinion. I'd like to think we can act better than what these things often turn into. 

But again, I do now have a better understanding of why people will jump in here and rant and rave. 

Insert catchy tagline here. 

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