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Border Wars

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On 1/26/2024 at 10:47 PM, Husker_Du said:

Dems like to run around virtue signaling that they want whats best for the lower class but they don't have the mental capacity to process what that is.

endorsing mass / illegal immigration is endorsing tougher times for America's lower class.

so either get a clue or spare me how much you care about people. 

I'm having a difficult time understanding what it is you are trying to say. Please elaborate on all of your points? 

You would rather I stop responding about my desire to help people create better lives for themselves? Why is that? 

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On 1/27/2024 at 5:49 PM, Bigbrog said:

That meme pretty much sums it all up.  People forget about the choices people are making.  There's talk about empathy and caring about others, yet, there is no talk about personal responsibility and personal choice for their actions.  Which includes the people trying to come here illegally and the countries in which they are fleeing. 

I'll never understand the logic people on here use and say these poor people are leaving a country that is so bad, and it is so bad because of the US, but they want to get to the US??

Our government are a bunch of idiots about a lot of things, and we need to make changes, but holy crap, we are a GREAT country and there is a reason so many people want to come here unvetted.  Letting people in without any sort of vetting process is essentially wanting us to be like the very countries these people are trying to leave.  

Personal responsibility gets brought up as defense in a number of issues. I never understood it. Well I think I kinda do. You just don't care. That's ok. You don't have to. I'm not saying you do. But then say it. Be honest. Its happened before. Brexit just happened a few years ago. They said, 'screw it, we're out, you're on your own.' They were wrong and continue to be punished, economically, for allowing themselves to be tricked by racists bigots. That's why I'm not jazzed about that way of thinking. If half the record profits from the inflation crisis was taken and used to help the countries in central and south america with the issues that cause many migrants to head north, we might not have an issue with the border. Also, those companies would probably have a good amount more people that could afford to buy their products. As it stands, they jacked up prices because they could, bought back stock and continue to shove it in our faces that they are the only game in town and there isn't anything we can do about it. Sorry, ranted there for a min. Back to my point. If you want to be isolationist, then just say it. Then I'll ask 'what should be the criteria for letting people in at all?' To which you will say... Then I'll say, 'when has that ever been the criteria for letting people emigrate to this country?' And you'll say.... Then I'll say, 'how is this not a knee jerk reaction that might not be but could be construed as racist?' Then you'll say.... Then I'll say, 'oh'.  

'I'll never understand the logic people on here use and say these poor people are leaving a country that is so bad, and it is so bad because of the US, but they want to get to the US??' The country they are leaving may not have had their issues caused by policies of our country today. But more than zero of them have been effected by us in negative ways. Some of those consequences persist today. Also, people who are leaving for whatever reason, pick your poison, may not be aware that WE were the cause of some of their country's issues. Should that matter? Do they need to pass a social studies test to determine their motivations? 

'Our government are a bunch of idiots about a lot of things, and we need to make changes, but holy crap, we are a GREAT country and there is a reason so many people want to come here unvetted.  Letting people in without any sort of vetting process is essentially wanting us to be like the very countries these people are trying to leave.' Agreed to the first bit, but to say we are a GREAT country considering how badly we treat the rest of the world smacks of your narrow sightedness. At no point did we hesitate to break promises to people when it was financially advantages to us. We expanded our territory to annex mineral deposits, huge tracks of land we turned into a dust bowl, and islands in the pacific that were militarily important. That you try to justify these horrible acts by saying that we are great. Fails to admit, or learn at all, what this is all built on. Am I privileged to live here at this time? Oh yea. I understand how hard things were 100 years ago for everyone. Knowing what I know now, I would not choose to do it. I admit that. But it seems that your opinion lacks even a bit of acknowledgment to the obviously terrible things in our history when we were NOT GREAT!

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There is a time for all things.


Should an emergency situation occur, put on your mask first... says the Flight Attendant who knows that if you run out of oxygen yourself, you cannot help others.  

30 trillion in debt while having struggling domestic citizens is an emergency that must be fixed before considering global help priorities.

Go away with your global empathy narrative until it's time for the adults to revise priorities.

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3 hours ago, jross said:

There is a time for all things.

30 trillion in debt while having struggling domestic citizens is an emergency that must be fixed before considering global help priorities.

Go away with your global empathy narrative until it's time for the adults to revise priorities.

So, someone has a different opinion and they need to leave? That tracks.

How scared are you to have a conversation? 

I understand my privilege. I am happy to do a little extra to help people who, through no fault of their own, need a hand. If you only care about you and yours, fine. Then say it? You've all but done that already. This is why other countries don't like us. You think we can exist separate and apart from the world because we're so great. A mistaken moral superiority that we(and I mean YOU) have. Which blinds you to any blemish in our history that might threaten the opinion you hold of an otherwise flawed country. 

“I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.”

 James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time

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So laughable...the "privilege" card, the "moral superiority" card, and the "hate" card all played out in one post.  And I didn't even touch on how crappy the US and terrible our history is.

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31 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

So, someone has a different opinion and they need to leave? That tracks.

How scared are you to have a conversation? 

I understand my privilege. I am happy to do a little extra to help people who, through no fault of their own, need a hand. If you only care about you and yours, fine. Then say it? You've all but done that already. This is why other countries don't like us. You think we can exist separate and apart from the world because we're so great. A mistaken moral superiority that we(and I mean YOU) have. Which blinds you to any blemish in our history that might threaten the opinion you hold of an otherwise flawed country. 

“I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.”

 James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time

How many unlawful immigrants do you have living with you ??? 

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27 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

1.  So, someone has a different opinion and they need to leave? That tracks.

2.  How scared are you to have a conversation? 

3.  I understand my privilege. I am happy to do a little extra to help people who, through no fault of their own, need a hand. If you only care about you and yours, fine. Then say it? You've all but done that already.

4. This is why other countries don't like us. You think we can exist separate and apart from the world because we're so great. A mistaken moral superiority that we(and I mean YOU) have.

5. Which blinds you to any blemish in our history that might threaten the opinion you hold of an otherwise flawed country. 

“I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.”

 James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time

1.  No.  

2. No.  

3. No.

4. No.

5. No.

You live in a fantasy world with fantasy beliefs about what I and others think.

Sci Fi Lol GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown

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1 hour ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

What is border policy? Is it truly 'open' as you say? Where can I read that? 

Here is the border policy.   Ignore current laws and regulations.   Allow as many illegals into the country as can be tolerated.   102k people transitioned to sanctuary cities is ample witness of the above.  

What is the plan?   https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/immigration/border-coverage/biden-shut-down-congress-bill/

President Joe Biden has vowed to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border “when it becomes overwhelmed” if Congress approves a bipartisan border security deal.

This says all you need to know.   Nothing will change if the bill passes or not.   Biden will ignore the new law just like he is ignoring current law.    If what you see reported suggests to you that the border is closed, then what would convince you that the border is open?  




These charts show an indication that the border is not closed.    If not closed, then the alternative conclusion would be open.  

A line graph showing that migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border reached their highest level on record in 2021

A line graph showing that more than 1 million southwest border encounters in 2021 involved people from countries other than Mexico

A line graph showing that encounters with migrants form some countries rose dramatically in 2021

A line graph showing that border encounters with single adults, families and unaccompanied children all increased in 2021

A map showing that migrant encounters more than doubled in all nine southwest border sectors in 2021

A bar chart showing that most migrant encounters during COVID-19 have ended in expulsion, but less so in recent months


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6 hours ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

more than zero of them have been effected by us in negative ways.

Us?  Which us?  Allen Foster Dulles? Theodore Roosevelt?   

Whom of us treated these people poorly and deserve what we are getting?  The people of Chicago whose schools were shut down to house these - according to you - people simply giving the people of Chicago what they deserve?  The people of Denver whose hospital systems are claiming near collapse?  Are those Denverites the ones who deserve this because they did something to the 100+ countries from which strollers are walking and swimming into Texas?  Or is it the people of El Paso, Eagle Pass, Laredo, Brownsville, and every other border town who negatively affected people in 100+ countries and therefore deserve this and are just playing hot potato by passing their deserved punishment on to the those less deserving people in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Massachusetts, Denver, etc. who don't really deserve it

I have a couple questions for TD3 in particular and the whole "we deserve the close and personal presence of uninvited non-Americans in our lives" crowd: 

- Why don't the 81 million voters/endorsers for this open border policy (Biden said he was going to do it.  He did not equivocate about it) identify themselves and take in a strapping young military aged man to sleep in their daughter's bedroom, eat their food, watch their TV, drive their car, get an equal vote on all household matters, etc. while he awaits his immigration hearing?  3 million BIden-illegals leave another 78 million Biden voters with a welcoming house, food, utilities, etc. to share with their new besties.

- How many illegals per day is the number we deserve?  10,000 a day doesn't seem to make you blanche.  How about 20,000 a day?  50,000?  When do even you say, "Ok, that XXX millionth illegal alien in the country giving us what we deserve now makes it right.  Commence normal immigration law enforcement and rational policies again."?

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But that xxx millionth +1 and +2 guys are just as deserving.   I think we had this conversation before.  

Terrorists have been stopped at the border luckily.   How many haven't been caught? 


So far this year, 169 individuals with positive terrorism watchlist matches tried to cross the southern border into the United States. That’s according to U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., who says she is alarmed by the statistics.

Capito, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, said the exact affiliations and identities of those 169 individuals apprehended at the southern border remain classified. She said the number of individuals on the U.S. terror watchlist who tried to cross the border so far this year is a “tenfold increase” from the fiscal year 2021 numbers.

Capito, and a group of Republicans lawmakers led by U.S. Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., announced Monday that they were sending a letter to President Joe Biden demanding action at the southern border due to the rise in terrorist crossings.

“Our southern border is a matter of deep national concern and insecurity,” Capito and the other Republican lawmakers wrote in the letter to Biden. “With rising violence and economic crises around the world pushing many people towards our borders, the record levels of illegal crossings and the spike in Border Patrol apprehensions of individuals matching the U.S. terror watchlist are alarming.”

But I suppose these "death to america" folks have an equal interest in making it here as all the other folks that have a right to cross our borders without permission.  


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3 hours ago, mspart said:

Here is the border policy.   Ignore current laws and regulations.   Allow as many illegals into the country as can be tolerated.   102k people transitioned to sanctuary cities is ample witness of the above.  

What is the plan?   https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/immigration/border-coverage/biden-shut-down-congress-bill/

President Joe Biden has vowed to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border “when it becomes overwhelmed” if Congress approves a bipartisan border security deal.

This says all you need to know.   Nothing will change if the bill passes or not.   Biden will ignore the new law just like he is ignoring current law.    If what you see reported suggests to you that the border is closed, then what would convince you that the border is open?  




These charts show an indication that the border is not closed.    If not closed, then the alternative conclusion would be open.  

A line graph showing that migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border reached their highest level on record in 2021

A line graph showing that more than 1 million southwest border encounters in 2021 involved people from countries other than Mexico

A line graph showing that encounters with migrants form some countries rose dramatically in 2021

A line graph showing that border encounters with single adults, families and unaccompanied children all increased in 2021

A map showing that migrant encounters more than doubled in all nine southwest border sectors in 2021

A bar chart showing that most migrant encounters during COVID-19 have ended in expulsion, but less so in recent months


Really nice job. Good work. Thanks.

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5 hours ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

What is border policy? Is it truly 'open' as you say? Where can I read that? 

the self imposed naivety of biden apologists is among the most impressive phenomena of all time

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1 hour ago, Paul158 said:

Maybe his TV is broke. Maybe his computer is broke. Maybe he lives on Mars.

Last checked the Martian border is in fact closed so this makes sense.  

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BPE 10/14/24 IWB's SC

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3 hours ago, Paul158 said:

Maybe his TV is broke. Maybe his computer is broke. Maybe he lives on Mars.

His information is broke.  And woke.  He is misinformed, disinformed, and uninformed.  On purpose.

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9 hours ago, Bigbrog said:

So laughable...the "privilege" card, the "moral superiority" card, and the "hate" card all played out in one post.  And I didn't even touch on how crappy the US and terrible our history is.

Don't... and I mean don't. 

You think it's funny to call the US, and US history "crappy"? 

Whoever the f' you are. Stop that shit right now.

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