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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. there's been several instances....from VA to CA. most of the instances there were no threats, just concerned parents.
  2. he's talking about the picture of mini me numbnuts. and ffs, lighten up. me saying 'lol at the left' is not 'attacking half a nation, ya sally' but it's totally ok for you to post a picture of a banjo kid suggesting completely prejudicial, that people are backwards and stupid. or how about your post from a half hour ago calling someone's state a 'shithole'. stay classy, hypocrite.
  3. did a pork butt today. came out solid. but when i bought it the other day, the store had a whole rack of Beef Ribs on sale so i scooped them too. any advice on cook time/temp? i've never made them.
  4. you know you're slippin when you have to resort to personal insults. advantage: me. that being said, i didn't research it myself and took Kirk's tweet at face value. that's my bad.
  5. did anyone ever question what their elementary school's curriculum was? DHS hits ya with a 'domestic terrorist' label for that.
  6. LMFAO at the left.
  7. awesome dude. tom clark
  8. Multiple things can be true at once. Russia is better than us. they also cheat. Americans hate cheaters.
  9. thanks, Gimp. i had read something about unlimited coaches (all sports). but i honestly haven't kept on top of it.
  10. it's unlimited coaches now, isn't it? Kokesh's father said he was done farming and if Robert didn't take it over he was going to sell it. Robert chose the family farm. The James Green thing was just coincidental.
  11. Greco doesn't translate. almost a total non factor. i wouldn't look at Fargo team standings as any measure of a state's collective ncaa-readiness. look at Big Boards which show a more complete picture.
  12. you see that part where PA was ahead by 151pts after Freestyle? that's what you should be focusing on.
  13. to be clear, my 'illinois overestimates their talent' was in response to Ludwig's recruiting and the Illinois wrestling community criticizing him for it.
  14. ? i don't think anyone on earth, not even Trump haters, would say he's bad for ratings.
  15. talking cooking meat solves all our ills. unless you're a vegetarian, i guess.
  16. no Flo takes UWW's feed that is available world wide and pays them. except in North America you have to have Flo.
  17. who gets that money? i mean 'class action' means 'the people' get it, correct? if a group of people are the ones that put this suit forward why are we just hearing about it now? y'all know i'm not a flo apologist but i find this weird and trivial.
  18. what in the actual ef are you babbling about? i never said i 'rejected' anything about the rebranding. i honestly don't give a rip. the fact you're so passionate about it is borderline disturbing. it's a company that changed it's branding. who cares? did you care this much about meta/fb? or anything else? ever? bizarre
  19. interesting. every liberal i know is a blooming idiot.
  20. i agree that Poeta & Co. are doing well. and i'm optimistic about them. seems like a good culture, too. what my tweet meant was that i didn't think the dig at Ludwig was accurate or reasonable.
  21. Ruth and Byrd are not from the state of Illinois.
  22. what is a smoking tube? do you put pellets in it?
  23. i'm not sure how the tweet you cited and this year's ILLRTC summer success correlate. however, yes, people in the state of illinois do overvalue/overestimate how good their HSers are. (also, if you're saying Ludwig should land more blue chippers at Norther, please tell me who he should have landed. i think the Illini are actually more guilty of that than Northern, who is a mid major. There were six Top 50 recruits from Illinois in 2023 and Illinois only got one of them. Last year, Illinois had zero in the Top 50. Let's now look at AA's. The state of Illinois produced 8 AA's in 2023 and 2022 and 7 in 2021. This is how many wore block I's. 2023 - 0 2022 - 0 2021 - 1 (Dylan Duncan)
  24. liberals' fascination with complaining about twitter is really something. like junior high girls. they love to bash anything twitter (that is an option to use/look at) but lined up in droves to take an experimental vaccine
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