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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. idk if it was mentioned in another thread, but it's Tarleton State in Texas.
  2. touche. Truax is right there with him (as been proven). forgot about him back at 184. so i guess Keck isn't a heavy favorite, but he's THE favorite imo. I'd pick him rn. wouldn't you?
  3. to be clear, i didn't see everything. @BobDole gave me a ring. i actually thought there was only 1 photo in question. (which was of a page of a book that was taught in a FL elementary school). i should just shut up b/c i obviously don't know everything that was posted that is in question.
  4. yeah, i don't think any title is 'tainted' b/c of the scoring system. i should have worded my response better. i think, with increased ability for bonus, comparing a team score in 2023 to 2024 and beyond has to have footnote or context.
  5. i don't understand what i'm reading in this thread. what am i missing. How is Keckeisen not a monster fave at 184 this year. (at this point in time?)
  6. that's a really good point. i wouldn't say 'taint'. (that's a funny word). but it's definitely a new, singular, era
  7. i alluded to that very material (the pic/book/things like it) in the NWT thread and some of you said it was baloney.
  8. Levi and Franek were 2nd and 4th in the country. this year. their best win is the same guy (PRobb (who btw, beat AOC). it's most definitely in the toss-up category. that being said, i'd pick Levi. I just gave Iowa the toss ups to make it as close as i can conceive (to make it as interesting as possible). and i'll double/triple/quadruple down that AJ 1) never wrestles 197 again in college and 2) if i'm wrong about that, doesn't beat Brooks. truly don't know what people are looking at when they say otherwise. are you watching the same things i am?
  9. a couple things: 1) regardless of what weight he goes (i don't see him ever making 197), i don't see any possible way AJ is eligible this year. a) he's not enrolled/accepted for the fall semester b) i don't think there's a way he's up-to-date with his progress to graduation. he's been out of school for so long. it's possible (kids do it with gap years). but i don't think he'd be back on track for Spring '24 unless he was taking classes either now in the fall. 2) Gable-to-Iowa has legs. i'm not saying it's happening or a foregone conclusion, but i heard it months ago and - the last two weeks - from several people. 3) i'm on pins and needles with the gambling thing. 4) That being said - My take 125 Ayala dec. Howard - IA 3-0 Toss 133 Nagao dec Teske 3-3 141 Woods dec Bartlett IA 6-3 149 Van Ness dec Voinivich 6-6 157 Franek dec Haines IA 9-6 Toss 165 Messenbrink dec. Kennedy dec 9-9 174 Starocci dec Calliendo PSU 12-9 184 Truax dec Nelson PSU 15-12 197 Brooks md Franklin PSU 19-12 HWT Kerk dec Cass. PSU 22-12 not close and that's giving toss ups to Iowa. fwiw - AJ Ferrari would never beat AB.
  10. i try not to pimp my content. actually not sure i've done it on the new boards here previously. was just trying to start a convo.
  11. That's where Basch orders from. I use Wild Fork b/c, well, one - i stumbled across it first and two - their iberico pork is OFF. THE. CHARTS. $80 for a 4lb shoulder but it's the best piece of meat i've ever had. they also haver rib cap and the prime outside skirt steak is awesome.
  12. has anyone ever cooked 'flap meat' ? sometimes i get a couple beers in me and start shopping online. i bought a bunch of meat ($600 lol) the other night and threw a 'flap meat' steak in there. absolutely no idea what it is or how to cook it.
  13. it wasn't iowa-osu it was PSU-OKST in what was the finals of the National Duals when it had that bowl-esque format. i was with flo at that time.
  14. it' Zane over Gilman and it's not close. Zane was never really close to making a team before and he dethroned a perennial medalist. Nick Lee had already beat Yianni. Chance had already beat JB.
  15. link? people on the left (although even they are coming around) loves to poo-poo the idea of China being a cutthroat imperialist bully (probably b/c trump was so vocal about it), but if you want to read up on what they're doing in Africa, it's truly despising (and scary). why does biden want to do it in Angola?
  16. a whole convo could be had about regions and what not to eat. The Northeast - don't eat BBQ or Mexican. horrible everywhere. Midwest (sans Chicago) - zero good pizza. West Coast - can't find a good hoagie if your life depended on it. etc
  17. Iowa should be in for a big 2025 i would think. even though their 2023 class was big, Nelson, Cass, and Real come off the books. Angelo and Estrada go on in 2024 but they should still have some room.
  18. before i moved to Austin to work at Flo, i didn't know what the big deal was about brisket. can't find good bbq up here in the northeast. but living in texas, i was amazed.
  19. I hear everyone raving about Traegers and other sophisticated smokers but I went to Chris Ayers house the other day and he made great smoked ribs and pork butt in a Green Egg which he swears by. i never had a smoker but i told Justin Basch (who is a Traeger worshipper) and he admitted that some people LOVE the big green egg. anyway, i love cooking and talking about it. so lets start a thread about it.
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