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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. no shit. that's precisely my point. try telling this to other posters on here. i say 'there's vids trans functions sexualizing children' and the response is 1) yeah i don't see them or 2) yeah but what about.... it's juvenile
  2. they were not/are not believed to be true 'whole cloth' by the right. i'm noticing a pattern wherein you take kooks on the right and act as if 'that's the entire right'. i.e. trump bucks. would you say the number of people that believe in pizzagate are more or less than those on the left that can define what a woman is?
  3. Me: There are a lot of videos of adults sexualizing children Him: Where. You must search them out. Me: They are all over twitter. simply saying 'i don't see them' is not an excuse. and that i see them on twitter (among other places) does not invalidate that they exist. you fucking nut bags jump through a lot of hoops to deny what's readily available and evident to most. and if you don't see them, then don't fucking talk out of your ass. it's like arguing with 3rd graders. only the intentionally obtuse part is b/c you're irrationally tied to a social movement.
  4. so, if GOP types get caught with kiddie porn, then that means that there aren't tons of vids of trans people being overtly sexual to kids? im failing to see a point and instead see deflection.
  5. so, in other words, you're uninformed on the subject?
  6. it's called Twitter. if you're on it, you've seen drag story hour vids. don't lie.
  7. yeah. all fucking delusional lefty nonsense. 'the rise in fascism' lmfao. 'the abandonment of science' lol. like what, the efficacy of the vaccine? or climate change? or electric cars? or basic understanding of the very simple concept of human genders?
  8. you don't see videos of drag queens with their genitals and asses hanging out reading to children all over the country? in public street parades? in target with 'tuck it back' written on childrens clothing? where do you sit? lol
  9. lmfao. good lord, you're further gone than i thought. why don't you just say "me and my friends are enlightened and virtuous. you other heathens are evil and debased."
  10. from where i sit, i don't see the masses offended by trans people, but rather that culture being pushed on children.
  11. it sounds like you're trying to say "Jason Nolf is the best 3xer." not "Jason Nolf is the most under appreciated 3xer."
  12. understood. but i'd say Pat Smith (who's a 4xer) and Greg Jones (3xer with less career losses than Kyle Dake) are far less referenced/lauded than Ruth or Nolf.
  13. also, spencer's MFF in his last two matches should count on his record. (as should all MFF's (especially in non-opens) 98-8 imo
  14. "Most Underappreciated 3xer ever" so you're gonna list all the 3 timers, and then you're thesis is that Jason Nolf is the least respected/'loved'/talked about/appreciate out of them all? that's what you're saying?
  15. how are they 'underappreciated' though? they were wholly lauded/beloved at the time, and are still revered now. i don't understand. unless (no offense) you have an inaccurate assessment of what the public perception is/has been.
  16. i honestly don't know. it seems like there are more committed clubs in the region now. what i do know is that most of my work is basically researching results and there are more impactful wrestlers (significance on a national level) from NE now as compared to their recent past.
  17. holistically speaking, New England is really coming along. Both quantity and quality
  18. not a good look. not sure if the admissions/compliance departments look at these things but it's not helpful for his case to be accepted.
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