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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. where did he suggest that?
  2. i'm literally shaking right now. i can't believe you physically threatened me. seriously considering banning you and maybe calling the cops.
  3. why are lefties so against achievement and accountability? the only thing you care about is protecting your fragility. the soccer mom mentality is practically your entire ethos.
  4. this would be great.
  5. you being a cat person is the most predictable thing ever.
  6. it's so ridiculous. the dems do everything to flounder their favor away and instead of REPs not seizing the moment, they say 'hold my beer'
  7. this is the greatest thing i've ever seen on these boards.
  8. there's a real chance Teemer moves up. and the fact that they told me that makes me think it's more likely than not. but we shall see.
  9. CP has been pretty effusive in his praise of Shapiro. he did a solo vid of the topic. quite a headline. https://www.flowrestling.org/video/11305857-soon-every-ncaa-wrestling-fan-will-be-talking-about
  10. twat is allowed and encouraged
  11. i don't know anything about the military capability of countries (and i guess, terrorists) across the globe to speak confidently, but my knee jerk reaction to this is the same as when people said 'Russia's military is archaic and will be exhausted in a few weeks' (or something to that effect)
  12. but Egypt won't let them in, correct?
  13. can you show me some examples because i don't believe you. please don't say florida, bc that was a lie just like 'dont say gay was' here's the problem, you haven't come across this material and information. if you don't want to look foolish, look some stuff up. saying they are 'just explaining what trans is' makes you sound like an effing moron. it's akin to saying 'racism isn't that bad'. you're just too stupid to know it. there are plenty of gross indecencies that are a matter of public record. there's whole docs about it. i'm done arguing about it with you. nothing gets in my crawl more than harming or taking advantage of kids and the scum who dismiss it. and you're clearly 'one of those types' who refuses to become educated on something and instead talks out their ass. between this and topic, your stanning for Palestine, and your dumbass DM's that made not one bit of sense, i don't have enough respect for you to go round and round. stay ignorant for all i care.
  14. what is the mission/plan now? has it been stated or even assumed that Israel wants to take control of the entire palestinian state? if not, what do we expect going forward?
  15. who is mchenry? and what the hell is a permanent temporary?
  16. 1) wow. what a scumbag. i guess i shouldn't have expected common decency from someone whose first and loudest reaction after infant beheadings was to lament the plight of the perpetrators. 2) where and what? what are they refusing to teach? 3) wow. what a scumbag.
  17. well, tell me about it. i plainly stated i didn't know the case. i said 'it seems interesting'.
  18. what if Finkel was Einhorn, basically.
  19. you're so....either unaware or naive or making excuses. kids are being groomed and funneled in to life altering decisions at ages and developments WAY too young. and it's far too often batshit crazy teachers encouraging them. i prefer to believe that you're just unaware and not a callous piece of shit that doesn't care about the welfare of innocent children. like i said, there are videos every single day of totally inappropriate teachers discussing what they talk about with 4 to 10 year olds. there are countless stories of youngsters taht made decisions b/c of pressure from their teachers. and there are countless cases of gender transition regret but you're right - i don't have kids. so i don't really NEED to care as much as do. i just find it repulsive. and you repulsive for defending it. below is one example. i agree with almost every single point they make. and keep in mind, Blair White, herself, is trans.
  20. you sincerely believe more people take scrutiny for their leftist views than people on the right do? please tell me you just woke up from a nap you took in 1970.
  21. a couple weeks back we were discussing how/if the powers that be target the right and sweep up after the left. i admit i didn't look up all the details of the case, but this is....interesting
  22. i don't believe in 'canceling' anyone. but these cases, which are 1) numerous and 2) that you're obviously/hopefully unaware of go way beyond an offensive remark or a harmless deed. they ruin kids' lives. if you ARE aware of them, and still feel the same way, you're scumbag of a human.
  23. to be fair/clear i was more talking about cancel culture than i was 'mass firings' at a single place. but to be sure, there have been countless cases/incidents where people, including C suite execs, who have been fired or forced out due to ideological differences that offend the left. are you trying to suggest that the number of cases where people were canned or canceled b/c they offended the right are more numerous?
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