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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. 1 sentence in a 94 page document. but at the same time roundly refute that inappropriate gender stuff goes on in the classroom.
  2. do they (The U.S.) do it now? where and what industry? can we agree that (if they do) it's also wrong?
  3. presented without comment
  4. he said he got the info from an ohio state forum. i can't imagine it was 'made up'. i'd assume it was just misinformation or rumor stuff and not malicious.
  5. what temp does it go in the bath at?
  6. Brock Hardy has a huge dairy farm. as in hundreds or a thousand head.
  7. i just got off the phone with a member on the staff. he said Sammy is doing good and walking on his own and doing rehab. take it for what it's worth. perhaps there's more going on and they don't want to say much. or perhaps it's exactly as they told me. i've talked to his mother once right after it happened. and i've thought about contact sammy or his parents again. but i also want to respect their privacy and not be that guy at this time.
  8. gotcha. my family had a dairy farm for a few generations. sadly, it is no more. loved that place. tough life, but gratifying (imo).
  9. do we really need a remedial math thread?
  10. wow. what temp and duration, WKN?
  11. that looks gorgeous. does the smoke still penetrate after sousing?
  12. anyway...welcome to the boards, Maxwell. you'll find your fill of wrestling talk here.
  13. this guy has been emailing the intermat 'contact us' link complaining of our 'hawkeye love' for a couple weeks now and i'm not sure i understand it.
  14. uhhh, you can't figure out the gigantic difference?
  15. lol. my credibility? oh the irony. in the same post you say i know nothing about a family farm. anyway - stop getting butt hurt i'm simply stating that no 'dairy' farm doesn't cool the milk immediately. if you mean the place has/had like 1 or 2 cows i get it.
  16. dang. i never knew. i don't think i made it abundantly clear when i started this thread that i don't know crap about smoking things. i just want to. and i thoroughly enjoy cooking. so i wanted pics and tips and to start a conversation.
  17. pics or gtfo.
  18. that would explain GWN. immensely.
  19. you smoke chuck roast?
  20. when did you work on a dairy farm in which the milk wasn't cooled immediately? by like 1995 every small dairy in america had a pipeline.
  21. i made spaghetti sauce today. just thought you guys should know.
  22. Billy, you're so far off it's not funny. and that's all i'll say about that. your first sentence is "it's misleading" and then you go on to produce absolutely nothing but speculation.
  23. there's certainly enough chatter out there that those two + B1G likes them. not sure what you're missing.
  24. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/feb/28/hate-body-odour-youre-more-likely-to-have-rightwing-views
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