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Everything posted by Gus

  1. If he is actually applying for jobs Terry Brands will be at or near the top of the list for any school that has an open position.
  2. The grid that is connected to northern Texas is also shared by western Iowa.
  3. Price gouging is messed up no matter who does it.
  4. It’s a private organization governed by a board of directors and has oversight from the TX public utilities commission. It’s supposed to be a non-profit. But so are a lot of hospitals, the NCAA, etc and we see how they achieve that non-profit status so it’s not surprising
  5. It’s called price gouging and it should be illegal. Just like when baby formula was going up 2 or 3 times in cost at the start of Covid. Or when business double or triple the costs of generators or bottled water before a hurricane. It’s unethical and wrong.
  6. Looks like the majority of Texas is not connected to the grid serving the Midwest but parts of northern Texas are. Yes, what they did as far as raising energy rates in Texas and causing people to pay exponentially more for power during crisis should have been criminal. https://www.weareiowa.com/amp/article/news/local/rolling-power-outages-in-iowa-cold-temperatures/524-29b03e60-0309-4217-93a8-5ac2d750463a https://spp.org
  7. Yes, I am 100% sure. The utilities companies sent out emails and they shut down power to facilitate helping out the south.
  8. Keep drinking the Kool aid
  9. I don’t need the energy companies to say anything! Two winters ago they were shutting down the electrical grid in the Midwest and leaving the midwesterners without power when it was 20 below zero to support the electrical grid in Texas because of the added load during a cold snap of weather. Now imagine adding more load from additional hvac equipment (no more natural gas allowed) and EV’s (no more gas allowed). How are you going to make it up? And at what cost? More rolling blackouts? Have you looked at the carbon footprint of one solar panel or a wind turbine? They will never even last long enough to offset their carbon footprints. How about the financial feasibility of them? With no government incentives, they are a terrible investment. What about batteries for EV’s? There’s not enough lithium and the carbon footprint of mining it is massive! It’s a sinking ship. Until there is a totally new technology developed we need to stick with fossil fuels or we need to embrace nuclear.
  10. We don't have an electrical grid to support the added load from EV's and HVAC. Just wait til they are shutting down power in the midwest again to take a load off the electrical grid and support the southern states during the winter.
  11. Yes California has mandates in place on utilities (natural gas not allowed in new construction) and vehicle fuel sources (gas vehicle sales outlawed by 2035).
  12. This is my typical setup as well and they always turn out juicy and delicious. Do you do any injecting or bringing on your pork butt?
  13. Technically James Naismith was a Canadian - American....
  14. Pork butt questions for the group. 1. Fat cap up or down? 2. Score the top side of the pork butt before cooking or no?
  15. Fair enough. I can see man’s immoral actions but God has no immoral actions is my stance. I agree that is comes down to faith alone. 1 Cor 2:14 “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
  16. Christians say to start with the New Testament because it is doctrine for the church the body of Christ today. God’s message of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross is only found in Paul’s epistles. What specifically about the Old Testament did you find unethical? God’s dealing or people’s dealings?
  17. Agreed on the texts. Lots of dings haha
  18. I was raised Lutheran as well. I believe that all of these denominations still believe in salvation they just have different ways in which they think they will be saved. Some think you need to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins (baptist), some believe that it is all predetermined (reformed and assembly of his type churches) while others believe a mixture of things.
  19. In the past I have attempted to read the Bible multiple times and always came away very confused as well. I believe the key to understanding the Bible is found in 2 Tim 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” ‭‭When I learned to rightly divide the word of truth the Bible opened up and I was able to understand it in a way like never before. The church today, the body of Christ, was a mystery hid in God from the foundation of the earth (“Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭16‬:‭25‬ ‭KJV‬‬) and God selected Saul of Tarsus whom you may know as the Apostle Paul, to build the body of Christ.
  20. I agree that any human written book would not be immune to error. The Bible, in its original manuscripts, however, was not written merely be humans. The people that wrote the Bible were a conduit for the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul, through revelation from the ascended Lord Jesus Christ, tell us that all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof and correction (2 Tim 3:16). The key to unlocking the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). Most of the Bible (from Gen 12 through Acts 9 and then again from Hebrews to Revelation) was written to the nation of Israel. A Christian today should look to Paul’s letters (Romans - Philemon) for doctrine. This is where a person learns how to be saved - the shed blood of Christ. And how it is by faith, without any works (Eph 2:8), just God’s grace. The rest of scripture should be used for reproof and correction. We can build our faith, awe and reverence from God through the Old Testament but our doctrine for the church (the body of Christ) should be found in Paul’s Epistles.
  21. Do you believe the Bible to be the inspired and true Word of God? I hear your a response similar to yours a lot and I am curious to understand the reasoning
  22. Which Christian traditions do not believe in salvation?
  23. By salvation I mean the deliverance from hell. There is a Heaven and a hell and when a person experiences salvation, they will be saved from spending an eternity in hell.
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