Just because you and the doc are eggercccateerred doesn't mean that you are not idiots. Kids are being chemically and physically castrated before adulthood. It's not hard to find the research and guidelines that show it.
Why else would they be granting elective surgeries and medications that puts people in much worse health than when they walked in? Is not the intent of the hospital to improve ones health and not worsen it??
To conclude:
There are a number of heavyweights that could slot into the 5-8 AA range but McDermott does not seem to be in that group. Final verdict - case closed.
There are children in my own community that are being chemically castrated an there are children all around the country that are. You need to educate yourself on the carload of information that is available that backs my claim.
Why do you think the medical community does not stand up and say that this is all wrong? Taking the body and altering it to do something that it is not intended to do results in horrible health. Instead of getting these people the mental health help and counseling that they need, the medical community is completely fine with telling them to pursue sex change. Why? Because when a young person makes that decision, the medical community is in for a 7 figure paycheck over the lifetime or that person. It will be a life riddled with surgeries, chemicals, medication and severe physical and mental health issues.
All states takes great pride in their colleges and like to see their college athletic teams succeed. I would doubt we see states lining up to start investigating students betting but rather use Iowa as a cautionary tale to look the other way. Furthermore, there are now lawyers on the defensive side that are saying what the state of Iowa did as far as geo-tracking the betting and such was not legal or constitutional. Should be interesting to see how it all plays out. An overzealous prosecutor might have gotten out a bit over his skis on the whole matter.
I listed Trephan in the original group but stands to reason that Boone McDermott is not a threat to AA was the whole point. Unless of course he makes a huge offseason jump
Perhaps the difference in build has something to do with the fact that Dake wrestles 74kg and Snyder wrestles 97kg?? I knows it’s an out there thought but just throwing mud at the wall to see what sticks…
If you do not think it is wrong to permanently change a young child's gender than you are part of the problem. A child cannot vote or drink alcohol, etc because they are not mental and physically developed enough but they can hack off their body parts? The people pushing this agenda want our young people to hate themselves and want to change themselves. God made each person unique just the way that they are and loves them just the way that they are.
On the flip side Cleveland Belton has shown that he has the ability to beat AA level wrestlers such as Parker Fillius (7th) and Malyke Hines (R12). If he can get more consistent he could make the jump to an AA threat.
Snyder is the man and seems to have 97kg locked down for the foreseeable future. Some USA guys that was had age level success are Rocky Elam (Jr Workd champ at 92kg) and Tanner Sloan (U20 and U23 silver).
Starocci would be my pick for highest level of confidence based on his dominance and the field of competition. Brooks will be a big favorite as well but there are some hammers at 197 to deal with in Sloan, Hidlay, Elam..
I very much believe that he is enjoying it and is looking forward to reaping the benefits of what he has built at SDSU in his time there. He spent much of his previous years in a fundraiser role trying to finance the new wrestling facility. The new facility is built (its great, by the way - one of the best college facilities in the country) and now he can get back to spending his time focusing more on wrestling and less on financing, which he has stated that he is looking forward to. I hope that he makes SDSU his home and builds his legacy there!