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Everything posted by mspart

  1. As predicted. More expensive, more expensive to repair when broken down, heavier to tow, just a screaming deal. mspart
  2. People are better off with Biden? Have you read the polls? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-biden-trump-economy-presidential-race-rcna136834 Poll: 20-point deficit on handling economy highlights Biden’s struggles against Trump The president’s approval rating has fallen to a new low in NBC News polling, as Trump narrowly leads in a 2024 general election matchup. This poll has the leftists in a tizzy because it was produced by one of their own. mspart
  3. That was really a good read. mspart
  4. Con - has been very divisive. Said he would bring the country together and then immediately calls half of the country MAGA extremists who want to get rid of democracy. Very similar to Hillary calling half the country deplorables. This does not bring the country together, it further divides. If you don't believe that, ask yourself why we are so divided as a country and then ask yourself what he has done to bring us all together. He can't put sentences together without problems. Cognitively impaired. Ruined the border, gave us inflation like we haven't seen, put energy companies on notice that he is shutting them down and signed an EO to that effect on the first day. Pros - He's not Trump and completely dismantling his policy wins with stupid tweets etc. mspart
  5. I haven't read a book in a while actually, my last post was a joke post. I have read Undaunted Courage about Lewis and Clark. That was good. I have read John Adams and that was really good. 1491 was a good but tough read about pre columbian America. Lost in Shangri-La was a good WWII story of a joy ride gone bad in the Pacific. True story. I'm more of a non-fiction type. I read all these in the last 20 years or so. I get enough reading at work. mspart
  6. Oh the BeeGees. The worst!!! Funny post though. mspart
  7. Can Biden serve as President if he is not capable of defending himself in court? A weak attempt to steer the conversation back to the subject. mspart
  8. Of course it doesn't happen. Shoplifiting is down because stores do not report because police do not arrest, and courts do not punish. So that's why stores keep closing down. Not for shoplifting, mean CEOs. mspart
  9. Walls are stupid. But they reduce illegal entry. Even Biden said he needed the bill to secure the border. He is saying that under his watch, the border is not secure when all these years he has been saying it is secure. What a liar. mspart
  10. WR, I disagree with your Pros. He has been very divisive. mspart
  11. I read Black's Law Dictionary. Fascinating really. mspart
  12. If you are referring to the border bill from the Senate, R's would have to swallow 1.8 million illegals coming in per year. But they would no longer be illegal. It's like saying the crime rate is down when measured by convictions when DAs etc are no longer prosecuting. Idiotic bill. mspart
  13. This is pretty stupid. So blacks are just supposed to sit back and let the man take it to them? That would make them last longer? More drivel from the left to keep the black man down. That is their MO. We will fight for you. they vote them in but nothing changes for the better. Where are they since the 1960s? In worse shape than they were back then. mspart
  14. Pros and Cons TPT. Keep with the subject matter. mspart
  15. Pro - Generally policies were good. Immigration, Israel embassy to Jerusalem, Agreement with many middle eastern states and Israel, Getting NATO nations to pay more for their own security, promoted national oil extraction keeping prices down, did not squander the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, did not see rampant inflation, Cons - Did not move quickly on border wall, did not clean out DOJ and FBI, did not drain the swamp or even get close, signed some bills that spent too much, I can't think of anything he could do different on the foreign front. Gets in his own way, can't let a good policy happen without sabatoging himself. I myself was tired of the drama. I would rather someone else be the candidate. mspart
  16. You can give it a try. Put your heart and soul into it like your smoked meats. mspart
  17. https://policeepi.uic.edu/u-s-data-on-police-shootings-and-violence/ So braves, assuming these 600 were mentally ill, what you are saying is that there are maybe 601-750 police encounters with mentally ill people total in the whole US every year. Seems a little off base. I'll bet on a daily basis there are more than 800 police encounters with mentally ill people in the whole US. Granted that is just a guess, but I think it is not far off the mark. Let's say it was 100 in the whole US on a daily basis. I think that is fair. That means there are 36,500 encounters every year and 600 are killed. By anyone's definition, that is not usually. What if it was 25 encounters daily. Surely that happens. That's 9125 yearly encounters with 600 dead. Still not usually. In fact that is 6.6% of the encounters. Still not usually. mspart
  18. So therefore it is proper to assume that every mentally ill person that gets police attention is usually killed by police. Perhaps you should define what you mean by "usually". The purpose of my question to you about unarmed black men is most people who don't know say 10000 are killed each year. No, as you noted from 2015 to 2021 there were 135. So that is 22.5 people killed per year. Yet you will still get the 10000 number from a number of people. This is analogous to your assertion that most police encounters with a mentally ill person ends up with the police killing them. Hyperbole at the highest level. mspart
  19. You were the first to make the claim that when a cop gets involved with a mentally ill person, the mentally ill person usually gets killed by police. You are the one that needs to provide source or data for your claim. You have not, and by moving the goal posts you are admitting that your statement is not true. You are admitting you over stated the case. How many unarmed black men are killed by police every year? Please answer this question. mspart
  20. I voted for the bill before I voted against the bill. Sound familiar? mspart
  21. So your statement is unsubstantiated. That's all anyone on here was saying. mspart
  22. OK, but that was not the question. How many mentally ill people are handled by police and are not shot. Your assertion was that a person with mental illness usually gets shot by police. Rather than show this irrelevant statistic, prove your assertion. Assertion: when police get involved in mental issues the person suffering from the mental illness usually gets killed by the police. Go! mspart
  23. Nope. Nope. You can't use anecdotes to prove a point. Even though it proves it. Also you must be an authority with a PhD that knows what he/she is talking about even though most don't and you had one at the University Riley Gaines spoke at that said you can't tell gender by a dead persons bones. Everyone laughed at him because he was demonstrably wrong, but an expert and PhD. So anecdotes work I guess. Actual experiences work also.
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