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Everything posted by mspart

  1. It is all a ruse for when he has his first fight. He'll have fists of lightning then. No doubt. mspart
  2. I have not heard of Trumble. Sounds like an up and comer. Captain America has to be defeated at some point I suppose. I just don't think this is the year for that. mspart
  3. Genocidal behavior would be to wipe out all Gazans. Has that been attempted? mspart
  4. That is democracy at work according to the D's. Subvert the laws and regulations to get a desired outcome, that's democracy. In what universe is the vineyard and Beverly Hills low income? mspart
  5. What? Citing the actual language of the law in question is going way over the edge? mspart
  6. I have no disdain for assault survivors. Where did you get that? I have disdain for declared assault survivors that cannot remember when it happened. You claim a man sexually assaulted you but cannot remember the year? Preposterous. The judge should have thrown it out as frivolous. mspart
  7. This is complete nonsense. Here is what you are proposing. Let Hamas do what they want and retreat like cowards. Don't allow Israel to forcefully find these miscreants. If Israel somehow gets ahold of them, they can put them on trial only. Israel cannot declare war on Hamas no matter what Hamas does to them. That is where your line of illogic leads. Hamas was brutal and indiscriminate. Israel has the right to do the same. You will notice Israel took no unilateral action until Hamas attacked. There was a peace so to speak. Israel did not decide to invade Gaza. Gaza decided to invade Israel. And now Israel cannot defend itself. mspart
  8. This is where it feels that you are purposefully being dishonest. You dismiss questions you don't want to respond to by asking stupid question designed to divert attention. You play the classic card of a professional politician. Never answer and always pivot. mspart
  9. The Ohio law states the following regarding mental health therapy: https://legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/hb68 Sec. 3129.03. (A) Notwithstanding section 5122.04 of the Revised Code, no mental health professional shall diagnose or treat a minor individual who presents for the diagnosis or treatment of a gender-related condition without first obtaining the consent of one of the following: (1) At least one parent of the minor individual; (2) At least one legal custodian of the minor individual; (3) The minor individual's guardian. (B) No mental health professional shall diagnose or treat a minor individual who presents for the diagnosis or treatment of a gender-related condition without screening the minor individual for both of the following during the course of diagnosis and treatment: (1) Other comorbidities that may be influencing the minor individual's gender-related condition, including depression, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and other mental health conditions; (2) Physical, sexual, mental, and emotional abuse and other traumas. ...Sec. 3129.06. (A) Medical assistance provided under the medicaid program shall not include coverage for gender transition services for minor individuals. (B) This section does not apply to any of the following: (1) The circumstances described in section 3129.04 of the Revised Code; (2) Mental health services provided for a gender-related condition; (3) Any services that are not gender transition services. This does not stop mental health therapy, it just puts some restrictions on it. The above is what the bill says. mspart
  10. Please tell me how a trans woman is a woman. Put your definition in there for all to see. Regarding you question for me, gender confused children probably need counseling and other similar therapy. When you start with puberty blockers and hormones or surgical remedies, that is where the line should be drawn. mspart
  11. Your point is to experiment on children. That is your point. You can't make it anything else than a heinous position. If you don't like being compared, you might change your position. You want to experiment on people who haven't matured enough to make a well reasoned decision for themselves and possibly sterilize them for life. How more monstrous can your position be? My comparison is correct. Truth is hard. mspart
  12. TPT has taken this discussion down a rabbit hole which is his aim anyway. This topic was about the border and now we are talking about reparations. The fact of the matter is that Biden has all the authority he needs right now to do what he says he will do if the bill passes. So what does he mean he needs new legislation? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/biden-promises-shut-border-authority-bipartisan-bill-rcna135980 President Joe Biden on Friday vowed to halt crossings at the border when it’s “overwhelmed” if Congress passes bipartisan immigration legislation giving him that authority. This statement is very telling. He won't close the border unless someone (who might that be?) determines that the border is overwhelmed. Well it is overwhelmed right now. The legislation passes and he says nope, not overwhelmed enough. From the article here is his direct quote which is no different than the above. “What’s been negotiated would — if passed into law — be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country,” Biden said Friday night. “It would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law.” From this statement, I have doubt that he would take action with the new legislation because he has put the caveat on it. But it will LOOK like the Ds are doing something hopefully enough so to save the election. This is the most cynical thing he could be doing in my opinion. This is a stupid thing and the Rs should not support because Biden has said in essence he won't close the border until a time he chooses based on it being overwhelmed. More likely based on timing of the polls and election. mspart
  13. AI is a whole different animal. Once that camel gets its nose in the tent, game over. mspart
  14. But that xxx millionth +1 and +2 guys are just as deserving. I think we had this conversation before. Terrorists have been stopped at the border luckily. How many haven't been caught? https://www.capito.senate.gov/news/in-the-news/capito-says-169-migrants-on-terrorist-watch-list-tried-to-cross-southern-border So far this year, 169 individuals with positive terrorism watchlist matches tried to cross the southern border into the United States. That’s according to U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., who says she is alarmed by the statistics. Capito, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, said the exact affiliations and identities of those 169 individuals apprehended at the southern border remain classified. She said the number of individuals on the U.S. terror watchlist who tried to cross the border so far this year is a “tenfold increase” from the fiscal year 2021 numbers. Capito, and a group of Republicans lawmakers led by U.S. Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., announced Monday that they were sending a letter to President Joe Biden demanding action at the southern border due to the rise in terrorist crossings. “Our southern border is a matter of deep national concern and insecurity,” Capito and the other Republican lawmakers wrote in the letter to Biden. “With rising violence and economic crises around the world pushing many people towards our borders, the record levels of illegal crossings and the spike in Border Patrol apprehensions of individuals matching the U.S. terror watchlist are alarming.” But I suppose these "death to america" folks have an equal interest in making it here as all the other folks that have a right to cross our borders without permission. mspart
  15. My thought was that he was not sure if he was going to worlds so didn't work as hard as normal. But he went and looked fat, not as fat as me, but not in tip top shape as in the past. He was getting beat soundly by Taz before his neck injury and it might be interesting to see him when he is actually ready to go for the Olympics. Is he really regressing or was it just a moment of doubt and not preparing? mspart
  16. Do EVs use braking as a recharging mechanism or is that just a Hybrid kind of thing? mspart
  17. Sad never went if Snyder was there. That tells me he's a scared o' him. mspart
  18. By your logic the experiments on the Tuskeegee Airmen was justified in the name of science. By your logic, checking to see how much radiation a person can take before dying is also completely justified. What you are saying is monstrous. If you are for the sterilization of vulnerable children, just say so. Actually you don't have to because you have been saying so without actually committing yourself to that. Even it was a small chance of irreparable harm, that is not a good enough reason to experiment on any children. Can you see where you are? You are advocating experimenting on the most vulnerable among us who have no real say - the children. I have no patience for this. It is mean, cruel, and evil. There are no other words for it. By your logic the 3rd Reich was justified in their human experimentations. That's a really dark place to put yourself. mspart
  19. Here is the border policy. Ignore current laws and regulations. Allow as many illegals into the country as can be tolerated. 102k people transitioned to sanctuary cities is ample witness of the above. What is the plan? https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/immigration/border-coverage/biden-shut-down-congress-bill/ President Joe Biden has vowed to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border “when it becomes overwhelmed” if Congress approves a bipartisan border security deal. This says all you need to know. Nothing will change if the bill passes or not. Biden will ignore the new law just like he is ignoring current law. If what you see reported suggests to you that the border is closed, then what would convince you that the border is open? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/record-number-migrant-border-crossings-december-2023/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/whats-behind-the-influx-of-migrants-crossing-the-u-s-southern-border https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/11/09/whats-happening-at-the-u-s-mexico-border-in-7-charts/ These charts show an indication that the border is not closed. If not closed, then the alternative conclusion would be open. mspart
  20. Perhaps the new idea of solid state batteries will come to the rescue. Actually, these look very promising. Charge faster and hold more charge. Win win. mspart
  21. The Ds aren't messing around when they are saying that Democracy is at stake. That just doesn't mean what they want the rest of us to think it means. mspart
  22. Look at Gable Steveson. There is precedent!! mspart
  23. Perhaps would have been good if Snyder were there. Did Taz participate? mspart
  24. True. We may not know much about the case other than she can't remember when it happened and that is the root of both cases. mspart
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