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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Welcome to the board ingridguerci94! mspart
  2. I guess i could smoke them. mspart
  3. I've never eaten a cricket but have killed many when I was a kid in Alabama, they had chocolate covered grasshoppers and crickets and ants. I never thought that sounded like eating M&Ms. Not so many crickets around here in Seattle area. mspart
  4. So you are here spouting that Trump has a case against him when he doesn't. Very good. And you thought that would get you points? Deceiving and knowingly so? Your credibility just got shot through. mspart
  5. Case was filed in 2016. That was 8 years ago. I haven't heard of a trial happening. Is there a trial planned? If not, why not? If so, why has the media not reported on this? mspart
  6. The last few years it has been police funded less and less thugs going to prison. And look what we have. There is a reason there is unreported crime. Because when it is reported, nothing happens. The police can't react the way we expect because there are less of them than before. DA and city attorneys will not press charges. Nothing happens so why report? https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/ Most violent and property crimes in the U.S. are not reported to police, and most of the crimes that are reported are not solved. In its annual survey, BJS asks crime victims whether they reported their crime to police. It found that in 2022, only 41.5% of violent crimes and 31.8% of household property crimes were reported to authorities. If true, then that means that you multiply reported crimes by 1.595 (that's 59.5 unreported violent crime) and that is closer to the real violent crime rate. Same with property crime. Multiply that rate by 1.682 and you have much closer rate of actual property crime. mspart
  7. The soup wins my vote!! mspart
  8. So to my point, the case should never have been adjudicated. mspart
  9. Which came first, the alphabet or the alphabet song? mspart
  10. That's the way to keep criminals off the streets and out of our cars. I hate to say it but what we need is for these idiot liberals to have their homes invaded, vandalized, cars destroyed etc. When the issue doesn't touch them they don't care. mspart
  11. Could Mark Schultz go up another weight class and beat Cael? That would be something to see. mspart
  12. I did too. So we are even. We both profess to have answered each other's questions. mspart
  13. I answered yours. Why won't you answer mine? See. That's pretty easy to do. mspart
  14. Again, this is no excuse for calling it disinformation in the first place when they didn't know. Or maybe FBI knew by then it wasn't. I'm guessing that is the case. But no excuse to discredit something they knew nothing about. Regardless of what Giulani said or didn't say. Your reasoning is the same as a grade school kid saying but Johnny told me to do it. Weak sauce and infantile excuses for the powers that be. It was clear and purposeful election interference plain and simple. There is no excuse for that. mspart
  15. When the asylee is persecuted in some way it is a proper process. People coming are from various countries none of which have habits of persecuting their citizens. And you know that as well as everyone else. mspart
  16. So that is the excuse for calling it Russian disinformation? Weak sauce. msaprt
  17. Yeah, but for awhile they had to "remain in Mexico" if you remember. Biden got rid of that Trump policy. Now they don't. And asylum is a joke at the border. Everyone that crosses the border claims asylum because Biden bastardized the process to the extent that everyone can claim asylum and are able to stay in the country until their hearing 8 years later. Asylum is a legal definition. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/asylum Asylum is a kind of protection granted by a foreign country to individuals, especially those who face persecution in their home countries because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. That is not an immigration process. That is chaos at the border and the interior of the country. Look at NYC and Chicago trying to deal with the illegals in their cities. It is a joke. The Executive Order does nothing to stop illegal immigration. Stopping it would reduce it to 1000 per year. That would be a good direction. But no. mspart
  18. Funny, but you are trying to say the laptop wasn't real in 2020 but it is now. There was reason to doubt its authenticity back then. There wasn't as the NYP story was well researched and written. It was the Ds and the media that didn't want this story out there. That is evident by the lengths they went to to do that. mspart
  19. https://missouriindependent.com/2024/06/04/executive-order-limiting-asylum-at-the-u-s-mexico-border-to-be-signed-by-biden/ WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden will sign an executive order on Tuesday that will allow him to partly suspend asylum requests at the U.S.-Mexico border when daily unauthorized crossings reach a threshold of 2,500 migrants. Let's see, 2500 time 365 days in the year is 912K illegals that can enter the US. Yes that is better than the bill that was not passed. That allowed twice as many. Since when is allowing almost 1 million illegals into the US in a year a good thing? mspart
  20. Let's not make excuses here for people that said stuff without knowledge. NYP had the story and it got pulled because it was Russian disinformation. 50 current and former intel officers wrote a joint letter stating so. It was a hatchet job so big there is no excuse for it. The NYP story was correct but no one looked into it. It was immediately discredited as disinformation and a hoax. Twitter took it off their platform. There was panic to save the election. And it worked. mspart
  21. Remember this was a big deal with NYPost story getting removed from twitter. Nobody wanted to know about that one. It was all Russia disinformation. The go to for the media and Ds. mspart
  22. Wow, after all those media and Ds said it wasn't so. Go figure. mspart
  23. CA passed the bill with a caveat that those enterprises that as of the date (of passage or implementation I don't know) any franchise that makes their own bread and sells it as such is exempt from the fast food min wage. Now let's guess who that carve out was for. Let's see, what place makes their own bread and sells their own bread and is nationwide and doubles as a food place? Hmmmmm Any Guessers out there? Panera. Owner of many Panera joints is a big donor to Newsome. Interesting that carve out was made specifically for him. Was that the legislature or the Governor. Again, no one forced the governor to sign the bill, but he wanted to as has been demonstrated. The legislature and executive of CA are both culpable here for the loss of 10k jobs and some business owner's livelihoods. You can bet that they are very happy about this new law. mspart
  24. Yeah, he's getting to be pretty funny and reliably predictable. As long as he keeps asking everyone to answer his question all is well. mspart
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