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Everything posted by jross

  1. Misbehavior is no surprise. These behaviors are a surprise: valuing facts over emotion listening, challenging self-beliefs, and openness to change admitting when you are wrong and apologizing directly acknowledge and address rather than deflect
  2. I don't enjoy talking about how bad people are, and I am not interested in describing who is the worst. Cause then we start talking about Biden, the bad father, the racist, the bad policies... and Trump is a bad man... Which of those 16 statements do you believe in? Zero, eight, sixteen for sixteen?
  3. On your point. I bet there is truth to whatever is documented on your wiki link. Trump does bad things. Biden is also a bad dude, but not all is listed. There is a large list with Obama too. Back to the question, which of those 16 statements is true?
  4. How does the media go from the context of allow "gives permission" to call "orders?" I don't like Trump, the person. I didn't vote for him in 2016; I did in 2020; I probably won't in 2024 unless it's Biden or Harris as opposition. Trump is asking what can be done. "Do you throw out? Do you have a new election?" This situation, in his words, permits termination... But hear me, if he said 'demands termination,' I am comfortable with his statement of preference. He has no power to be a dictator in this country. Trump supports the country and the constitution on the people's rights. In a fraud situation, there is no constitutional policy/law that says what to do. Some say a new election could occur. Others say the current president could be impeached. It's unclear, and a court would decide, not the constitution and not Trump. I've got my popcorn ready for the forthcoming lawsuits. Given the swamp on both sides, I don't expect anything to become of this, but it will be fun to watch.
  5. A leftist signaled this was already occurring. The critics said BS. The Twitter files confirm the serious risk of big tech influencing elections. https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Epstein Testimony.pdf
  6. Cool. I thought you might believe in the 2016 Russia Collusion hoax. You didn't say that so there's how my own bias shows.
  7. You know the Steele dossier was fake and funded by the Clinton campaign, right?
  8. I go on an annual fishing trip with a childhood friend, a good man, and a Democrat (same guy :)). Stuck in a cabin for four days, we discuss social issues and character and agree on the big picture on most issues. In 2020 I was satisfied with Trump's policies but Trump was getting murdered on social media and in the news for his character. This changed my opinion to where I disliked Trump enough to look past his policies and vote against his character. As time passed, social media became so toxic from the left side, with what I guessed was banned/suppression from the right, that I grew sick of the "we the democrats." My friend was not like this but my social media changed to this. The entire mass of democrat complainers canceled out Trump's behavior, and I voted for more of Trump's policies and economy.
  9. Deflect, deflect, deflect. Biden's people influenced the employees at multiple big tech companies in an attempt to sway an election through one-sided information suppression, and Biden won. What if Trump had won the election, and you discovered big tech was 99% Republican influence rather than Democratic influence?
  10. Skip to the 42s if you must. This is surprisingly good guitar music.
  11. Trump doesn’t actually demand the constitution to be thrown away. He is asking what should be done. It’s very similar to what democrats asked in 2016. It’s ambiguous what to do. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-happens-if-the-election-was-a-fraud-the-constitution-doesnt-say/amp/
  12. Musk paid a ridiculous amount of money to reveal a serious concern about the power and misuse of information control. That misuse should be a bipartisan concern. Beware that next time it could be used against you.
  13. That's All! Three others have medaled at each of U23, Junior, and Cadets. Which one made a World team as well?
  14. Again and again, O'Toole is a magician.
  15. Unrolled https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1598853816874831872.html
  16. How soon would you allow brand-new wrestlers to compete in a varsity tournament? My local school has new girls wrestling varsity tournaments after a few days of practice, and I don't understand how this is good for retention. Should they hold off on competition until a certain status of technique, etc., is reached?
  17. Mr. Basketball. The front page has several articles that are simply reporting the facts, as you say. There is also a biased article coming from the CNN Wire. https://www.kwwl.com/news/national/hate-speech-dramatically-surges-on-twitter-following-elon-musk-takeover-new-research-shows/article_909eb974-60ba-52e9-a1d3-9f13b16b1ec1.html
  18. My previous research didn't clarify the PV article, and I'll look later. When researching that story originally and today, an overwhelming amount of stories focus on how PV is deceptive and skip the part of what is revealed. They describe how PV gets footage and interviews through deceptive practices (lying about who they are and what they believe in). They carry over that deceptive behavior to wrongly label PV's material as phony. If you look past how PV gets their videos and listen to leftists tell their own story, I hope it repulses you. As PV has grown in popularity, they are getting more whistleblowers telling the story, which is different from getting materials through deception.
  19. More crack pot studies. https://www.allsides.com/blog/wikipedia-biased
  20. Here is the left's activist. The Undercurrent https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfWDu0q3Ep7JXCcZor6l5Cg
  21. I'm incredibly grateful for PV and its findings, regardless of their deceptive methods in achieving it. Have you read what the Wikipedia founder says about Wikipedia bias being far-left? https://larrysanger.org/2020/05/wikipedia-is-badly-biased/
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