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Everything posted by jross

  1. What were your thoughts on what that Democrat has already provided evidence for? https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Epstein Testimony.pdf
  2. Bing has an alternative search suggestion from google that you can see right now. It's the word that the left used to describe Musk before he expressed his desire to vote republican for the first time in his life, buying Twitter and exposing government coordination from the Trump and (primarily) Biden campaigns.
  3. The writer may be laughable. For clarity, none of those auto-suggestions were on the writer's list either in 2019. He typed "Donald Trump is," and the browser auto-suggested completions. When I tried the same test in 2021, I found that google no longer reveals auto-suggestions for 'Donald Trump is', and the other browsers provided 'pleasant' scrubbed suggestions. You can try other combinations and find significant differences in auto-search suggestions and search results today. If it is showing what everybody typed in before, then you might acknowledge that across three engines in 2019 for "Joe Biden is," you see one positive as 'going to cure cancer.' The negative results are toast, too old to run, done, creepy, idiot, joke. Most of Trump's are negative too with the moron, idiot, joke plus some creativity with fat, antichrist, and illuminati confirmed. Unlike Biden, Trump's results had positives like my president and awesome. 'Going to win' could be a question or a statement, so that context of positive/negative is unknown.
  4. Google is programming what you think.
  5. Musk will be discredited in short order. It is the people's way. What will it accomplish?
  6. This is what is scary about big tech. It can influence what you search...
  7. The Wall Street Journal studied auto-complete features for Google, Duck Duck Go, and Bing in 2019. It was interesting. [https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-google-interferes-with-its-search-algorithms-and-changes-your-results-11573823753] Now Google refrains from showing auto-complete. Duck Duck Go, Bing and several others I tried are now scrubbed and consistent.
  8. Its a start. States win $400M lawsuit against Google for location tracking. https://www.michigan.gov/ag/news/press-releases/2022/11/14/40-attorneys-general-announce-historic-google-settlement-over-location-tracking-practices
  9. One of my kids is doing an assignment tonight on where things are from. She walked around the house and identified 20 items across 12 countries; not a single one was from the U.S.A.
  10. Recent examples Collusion != Obstruction Allows for != Calls for You have the wrong conclusion from Trump's statement. The media is doing it to undercut him. What's your reason?
  11. $70 - https://www.universalclass.com/i/course/reading-comprehension-101.htm
  12. I don't know how some of these idiots get elected and then re-elected.
  13. You can make similar statements to the right... but you can't deny it on the left.
  14. I remember Clinton's economy was good; he came from Arkansas and reminded me of JFK with his womanizing ways. I read that his impeachment was not good for the Republicans. Some difference here is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand with big tech, the media, and the government/house majority behaviors. They have been overwhelmingly mean-spirited for the last six years. They've pushed hoax after hoax, but the left's people don't see it. The left doesn't get the self-critical news, and those who get presented with the facts don't believe them, just like Yuri Bezmenov said would occur. I am very impressed with BanBBall's KWWL news with their self-authored articles. But the Bias is there with their decision to show CCN national articles and not to publish the big Twitter scandal. Biden's approval rating is terrible compared to Clinton's 70% (at the time of impeachment). Unlike the optimistic view of Clinton's economy, the people feel Biden has been awful for the economy. None of this will matter. Unless more neutrality and transparency in big tech occurs, you are correct that impeachment would cause blowback against the right.
  15. 2008 149lbs World (note: World or Olympic, excluding World Cup) 4 Senior World Team Members Brent Metcalf Dustin Schlatter Bryce Saddoris Jordan Burroughs Junior Bubba Jenkins NCAA 6 National Champions Bubba Jenkins (2nd 2008, 1st 2011) Brent Metcalf (1st 2008, 2nd 2009, 1st 2010,) Jordan Burroughs (3rd 2008, 1st 2009, 1st 2011) Darrion Caldwell (5th 2008, 1st 2009) Dustin Schlatter (1st 2006, 3rd 2007, 7th 2008) J.P. O'Connor (5th 2007, 6th 2008, 1st 2010) Another 4 with a best finish of 2nd or 3rd (one loss) Ryan Lang Josh Churella Lance Palmer Adam Hall 13 All-Americans with 31 total AA achievements at the NCAAs. The other AAs not listed previously are Don Fisch Jake Patacsil Bryce Saddoris
  16. I read today that the House can impeach a president for whatever reason they like with a simple majority. Thankfully it takes a 2/3 majority in the Senate. The house can impeach Biden for any reason, including lies, Twitter files, Ukraine conflict of interest, creepy showers with his daughter, because he likes ice cream, ...for any reason. The Biden campaign influencing Twitter to suppress information and Biden's lies are reason enough to impeach him in the house. The worst possible outcome would be if somehow Biden was impeached from the Senate because we'd be stuck with Harris.
  17. Smart people have already looked into the redo question https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-happens-if-the-election-was-a-fraud-the-constitution-doesnt-say/ https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1907903 It is unclear. Doesn't matter. At this point, it's on to 2024.
  18. Mr. 159-0 Wheaties box man (Cael) listed the three goals as a first-grader: Be a good student. Be a good person. Be an Olympic champion. https://www.deseret.com/2004/9/15/19850617/athlete-of-the-month-olympic-gold-was-sanderson-s-goal
  19. It was meant to be. Max will be mentally ready when its tourney time.
  20. For specificity, are you talking about collusion or obstruction?
  21. You met me online anyways, and what was the report's outcome after an extremely expensive hunt? While the investigation found links between Russia and folks on the Trump campaign, the evidence was insufficient for criminal charges. I believe Russia hacked the DNC and hurt the democratic campaign with leaks. If Trump were found guilty of collusion with Russia and coordinated the DNC hacks and leaks... that would have been terrible... and it would not have changed my vote in 2016 since I did not vote for Trump. Russia's hacking of Podesta was bad; however, it was good that those emails were leaked because of what was learned. Like this. Imagine if Twitter had knowledge of this in 2020, they would have suppressed it. Horrible. Left-leaning CBS story said.
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