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Everything posted by jross

  1. As a software engineer trained in security, I advise you to do the following: Sign up for a password manager like https://www.lastpass.com/ or https://1password.com/ Commit all of your passwords to the password management tool Have a unique account password to social media, finance, and other meaningful websites. Never use the same password twice, and use the password manager's suggested passwords. It's okay! You only need to remember your master password, and your pw tool will handle the rest on your mobile devices and your browser. This password must be very secure - think of three words with symbols and numbers (e.g. wrestle74@cyber!_chuckles OR harder... qaXSSXw*XgEe5re*kn24n) The odds are that every person that reads this post will have used the same password for multiple accounts. For example, your intermat pw will be the same pw you use for your bank or facebook. Further, the odds are that you've used an email account for at least one site that has been compromised, and both your email and password have been compromised. You can check your email at https://haveibeenpwned.com/ and passwords at https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords. I checked some of my generic passwords today, and they've been pawned. You are at risk if one account is exposed and you use the same credentials elsewhere. A baseball teammate discovered last week that someone in Brooklyn, New York spent $4K on TVs, dinner, Uber, and $300 on OnlyFans. He's a construction worker and has no idea about this stuff. Learn from him. ---- Now to the juice. Are elections hacked? Who knows? I know the techniques in this HBO document are real, and they work. I've had to refactor my websites to guard against security risks, and I've run the tools that report security risks across my company's assets.
  2. This is what I'm talking about. Asinine is the appropriate word for this example where PV is claimed to be deceptively editing... but in what context is this appropriate for 14-17-year-old students to have this optional educational 'opportunity?' Note that one's SxOrient. is irrelevant. The dean's words are his words. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/elite-chicago-private-schools-dean-of-students-brags-about-bringing-in-lgbtq/
  3. This thread is still unrolling...
  4. When you see your god-daughter hit a move for the pin. Which move?
  5. I just watched this video and love it. I came to the same conclusions doing my own raw data research and critical thinking. This confirms the importance of using data and thinking for oneself, rather than blindly listening to the media. It's also sad!!!
  6. What am I missing? Either US citizen for the MoD was a lousy trade. All that Russian video did was highlight how stupid this was.
  7. Unroll https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601352083617505281.html
  8. 2021 - I have the receipts. Our federally aligned employees followed the federal covid policies first and then it became a company-wide mandate.
  9. I'm mostly concerned about felony gun crimes. Do they go to the gun range, etc.? Where do the gang members get found in non-threatening situations? I am very upset with suicide. Guns make it easy. I don't find suicide to be a compelling enough reason to ban guns and regulating guns will not reduce it.
  10. My experience with guns... Rural: I have owned several rifles and shotguns starting early childhood. I sometimes hunt and practice shooting. Roadtrip: my dad bought and brought a handgun while going on a cross-country multi-week family road trip in an RV for personal safety Rural: Ashamedly, I threatened to fight a guy at a party, and he aimed a handgun at me. I backed down. (This was two months after an 88yr driver caused a vehicle accident that killed my 43 yr old father. I was 20 years old.) City: my primary gas station by work was riddled with bullet holes after being robbed. Rural: raccoons kept eating my ducks. I captured them and called animal control. It was illegal to relocate the raccoon on public and private land without permission. Animal control told me to dispatch them. The media hysteria almost influenced me to buy a concealed carry, and then I looked into the stats and found I had a ~0% chance of gun violence. There are three times in the city where a crime occurred that I thankfully missed. Had I been present, I wished I had concealed carry. Gas station robbery. Someone drilled holes in my gas tank. Someone broke out my truck windows. I intend to conceal carry in the city after my children graduate high school. Its just not worth keeping in the house with my kids at this age.
  11. I'm all for stronger gun regulation if it's effective. Gun regulation I've seen seems to penalize good people and has little effect on bad people. Driving in a car is visible, and anyone can get pulled over. During that time, checking for insurance is opportunistic. What opportunity exists to check bad people if they have gun insurance? These are not the scout's honor type that are going to volunteer possession. How does anyone know a 3d gun was printed, to begin with?
  12. Will people with bad behaviors report their possession of guns and pay insurance for them? Sadly no. I can see the insurance influencing responsible parents to secure their firearms better or to get rid of them. This may prevent some school issues. Maybe there are fewer guns left in cars and therefore fewer stolen... I'd be willing to regulate that all guns must have registered fingerprint IDs to work. However, this could be easily bypassed by those committing crimes. Let's say we banned all gun sales. Okay, now we're going to 3D print them at home...
  13. When I kept ducks, the raccoons kept eating them. I started trapping and called animal control. It was illegal to relocate the raccoons to public land. It was illegal to relocate to private land without the owner's permission. I asked the gov/Animal Control for options, and they said, "you dispatch them." And so I did. My unpopular views on the instadeath penalty extend beyond this MoD when there is 100% certainty Violent rapists Large-scale illicit fentanyl distributers Violent hate crimes; the type where someone beats up an elderly person on the street because of Asian bigotry Criminals (normally gang members) involved in public / open-air shootings of other people like you see in the cities Premediated murder There's probably a tiny list of bad crimes in which humanity is better off without the criminal. Frequently there is not enough evidence to be 100% certain and jail time is tolerable. But when it is certain... be gone with the criminal.
  14. Ron Paul nailed the concept of blowback.
  15. What's the end game for having citizens purchase insurance and will it work?
  16. Probably because I'm rural and a data guy but the gun topic is confusing. Guns are statistically a nonissue. 3M of 330M U.S. citizens (1%) die annually. The causes of death are not limited to: Heart disease - 700K Vehicles - 40K Homicide by firearm - 19K 0.5% of deaths are caused by homicide from a firearm. The average citizen has a 0.006% chance of dying from an idiot using a gun. Your chance of death from a public mass shooting is 0.0~%, while over 80M citizens own guns and over 400M guns exist in the U.S.
  17. Only when including suicides are gun deaths similar to vehicle death counts. Nobody talks about banning car sales. The salesman who sells a car later used to drive into a crowd is not a Merchant of Death. The legal gun dealer that sells guns for legal purposes is not a merchant of death, regardless of what someone does. The Russian Arms dealer that sells guns to people for the open purpose of killing people is a Merchant of Death. This is not comparable at all.
  18. The rhythm and flow were great. I listened to it several times and then paid attention to the lyrics. The song seemed to be about having fun and partying. I noticed some drugs in the lyrics and went and looked this up. The song is based on what his exaggerating story-telling co-worker used to tell him on the ride to work.
  19. Unpopular take. The MoD should have been dispatched swiftly after conviction several years ago.
  20. The real keys to happiness Do kind things for others Be part of something bigger Be comfortable in your skin Routinely express gratitude every day Take care of your health Say yes and have fun Find ways to bounce back
  21. Secret to happiness, "yes, dear."
  22. But that's not the point The point is trust and fairness. The user base will eventually grow beyond where it has been, and the company may become profitable for the first time. The public is informed. More democrats like Tulsi Gabbard and independents (me) may recognize the shady behavior and move center-right. More people will be skeptical of big tech, presidential debates, elections, and mainstream news. Big tech is going to be regulated for sure. Watching people exposed for lack of integrity and who defends it is enlightening.
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