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Everything posted by jross

  1. Is China planning to invade the USA?
  2. @Offthemat That FY from Eli Crane made my day and maybe my week brighter.
  3. Is Russia planning to invade the USA?
  4. The government should provide the greatest possible economic liberty and the least possible government regulation of social life, as its primary purpose is to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens. You, me, and citizens should be free to make our own choices and live according to our values and preferences as long as we do not harm others or infringe upon other's rights. What is the fewest amount of regulations and funding required to do so? You can use that last statement to answer your questions. Drunk driving endangers others and should be regulated. Closed borders, police, military, etc., are all helpful to protect our rights and freedoms... clearly, government support deserves my taxes. In contrast, big government does to you and me what a nanny does to the children she rears; controls our personal choices for our own good. Censors what information we can read. Vomit. I get into a thinker's dilemma through an example like this. Nanny McGovernment bans your ability to eat fast food. This is an intrusion on your personal choice. Vomit. But regarding your choice of diet, your choice has indirect consequences on me, such as increased healthcare costs due to obesity-related illnesses. Given enough evidence behind regulation, my small government mind could get behind a fast-food tax or restrictions on marketing unhealthy food. Like all the 'sugar added' and 'seed oils' are secretly wrecking our health and inflating insurance costs. The least government regulation required to protect against rising health care costs (my security) is okay by me.
  5. People actually want a big government and want it bigger yet.
  6. Biden ordered a halt to border wall construction shortly after he took office and officially ended the “national emergency” that President Donald Trump declared to take money from the Pentagon to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump took roughly $6 billion from military funds under the national emergency he declared after Congress refused his demands for wall funding, leading to the longest government shutdown in history. The Supreme Court upheld a legal challenge to Trump’s action in a 5-4 vote in July 2019. By the end of Trump's administration, the U.S. had completed more than 450 miles (720 kilometers) of new wall construction along the 2,000-mile (3,145 kilometer) border. https://web.archive.org/web/20210212013736/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-decree-ends-emergency-that-trump-used-to-build-wall/2021/02/11/7b3180ce-6ca5-11eb-a66e-e27046e9e898_story.html
  7. Perhaps you could explain what is bad, and then I will see it.
  8. I don't understand why so many pages are necessary. 1. Deport current illegal aliens. 2. Cap how many illegals can be in the country for asylum review. 3. Fund border patrol initiatives as needed to keep illegal immigration near zero and process asylum cases promptly. 4. Update amendment 14 to eliminate confusion; no birthright citizenship to illegal alien children born on US soil. Some complexity with a pathway to citizenship and worker visas.
  9. When I was 17, still in high school, I had a gig at this equipment rental shop. One day, I had to fire up a customer's big ol' dually truck to move it around to the back of the shop. And guess what? Toby Keith's tunes were blasting! It was my first real introduction to his music. I went out and bought his greatest hits and have been a fan ever since!
  10. Parts of it - https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf Good and bad. Dead. Example Good $584,116,000 shall be for the hiring of U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel $139,000,000 shall be for overtime costs for U.S. Border Patrol Training Example Bad The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if (i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or (ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered. Change the terms to something like 100 or more aliens encountered daily or 5,000 or more aliens encountered monthly.
  11. Do dogs refuse to eat the crumbs off the floor? It's a terrible deal.
  12. Caseload is the surface angle to underhandly pack the court like FDR tried before. A good justice will interpret the law as intended rather than today's political agenda. Folks like to believe that the 14th Amendment grants birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. It does not. This phrase excludes certain individuals from automatic citizenship, such as foreign diplomats and their families, who are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction. It excludes illegal immigrants, tourists, and their families, who owe allegiance to another country. https://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/birthright-citizenship-fundamental-misunderstanding-the-14th-amendment If expanding the Supreme Court was about handling caseload with strict constitutional interpretation rather than biased ideology, nobody would care whether Biden or Trump picked the next justices. The left wants to pack the court now with left ideologists the way FDR wanted. https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/how-fdr-lost-his-brief-war-on-the-supreme-court-2
  13. Would expansion be appropriate in 2025… to handle the caseload? Some are calling for 27 total… https://time.com/5338689/supreme-court-packing/ Sort of depends on who is president.
  14. Not too long now before Congress has the majority and then adds size to the Supreme Court. Democrats are calling for it... its a matter of time.
  15. The party is not dead yet. Its voters are being rapidly outnumbered.
  16. Use data and think critically. The Republican party is dead. The US has been on the path of a one-party state and will succeed by 2044. Who is the primary voter for the Republican party? White Christians Who do nonwhites vote for? Democrats Nonwhites provide 40% of the Democratic vote Nonwhites provide less than 20% of the Republican vote How has the population of white people changed in the USA from the original 13 colonies to 2020? What is the nonwhite demographic that is increasing in the USA? How is the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives computed? The number of people regardless of citizenship. What can the House of Representatives do? Pass bills, spend money, impeach, etc. Are there bills proposing to allow noncitizens to vote? Yes. How long does it take for an illegal immigrant to become a citizen and vote? Depends. It can be immediate with amnesty, while other paths take years. Children of illegals are immediate citizens and can vote on their 18th birthday. Illegal immigrants have multiple children. Does the ordinary public citizen support illegal immigration? No, because it redistributes wealth from them to illegals. Who benefits from illegal immigration? The immigrant and the immigrant's employer of cheap labor. What is the likely reason for the mass increase in illegal immigration from those in power? To stay in power and profit How long will it take for Democrats to gain a permanent voting majority? 20 years. Most likely less. Are white and black citizens losing political influence? Yes, rapidly to Hispanic people. Does Biden want to secure a one-party state? Biden's string pullers do. References Demographics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_racial_and_ethnic_demographics_of_the_United_States#endnote_NatAmPop Laws - https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_permitting_noncitizens_to_vote_in_the_United_States Voters - https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/demographic-profiles-of-republican-and-democratic-voters/ Unraveling the immigration narrative / wealth redistribution - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6zFREz1Lp0&ab_channel=NYUDRI https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/03/21/public-sees-an-america-in-decline-on-many-fronts/
  17. Great dig on Woods there. FWIW: The best bridges are found in women's wrestling. The flexibility and arch are genuinely incredible.
  18. Don't confuse my digital magic with being an admin. I'm not an admin.
  19. 8. Who is 'we' and 'you' in your statement? 9. In simple terms, the left cares more about helping criminals change and improve their lives than punishing the criminals for their actions. There are numerous posts across forum topics about weak consequences for criminals (in the name of social justice). My critique is that you seem to participate in most of these discussions, and I find it hard to believe that you cannot associate 'soft on crime' posts as related to Thomas's statement. 10. The purpose of this post was not to debate. The purpose of this post was to share how a libertarian-conservative thinks about issues. I agree with every statement Thomas made. Thomas uses rhetoric but no 'bad' argument is detected.
  20. 7. I 100% agree with you (and Thomas) that it is easy to sympathize with the plight of refugees. Immigrants want to improve their lives and believe/hope their destination will be better for them and their heirs. I agree with Thomas about Middle East refugee 'fit' concerns in America. The USA doesn't just get workers; it gets people, not necessarily the people it desires. There is a difference in 'fit' for potential immigrants. America is an English-speaking, Individualistic, Christ-religious country with personal freedoms. The Middle East is less English-speaking, collective, Muslim, with different views on freedoms. There are generational conflicts still occurring today between these people. Americans hear much about how diversity makes everything better... but less discussed is the research presenting the downside of diversity https://www.puttingourdifferencestowork.com/pdf/j.1467-9477.2007.00176 Putnam Diversity.pdf. And we can see clashes in videos from across the pond. One clever statement made by George Borjas on immigration is that people should look at immigration as a redistribution of wealth as a social policy. Your support relies on whether you want to better support your country's natives versus immigrants, BUT also how much you want to redistribute wealth from natives that compete with immigrants to the natives that use the immigrants. For my comments earlier... I was thinking about immigration during colonization being compared to today. That was different than comparing 1900 to today. Reframing my thinking to 1900... the public's desire to have immigration, and specifically Middle East immigration, changes over time.
  21. 1. Don't care to discuss outside the original point. There have been other discussions on this topic on this forum. 2. The definition of entitlement is in the original sentence. "A feeling that the world owes you something while you owe nobody anything." 3. Please tell me more about how Thomas and his siblings were raised. Tell me if he was raised left or right-leaning. What politics did he support in his college paper writings? What caused his belief system to change? What about him makes him awful in your opinion? Why bring up Trump? I am critical of Trump's behaviors while supportive of his policies and execution. This is stated with specifics across these forum discussions. 5. The metric is wealth. North Korea, South Korea is the obvious live example. This is one of those self-evident items at this point. One enables wealth creation. The other redistributes wealth. Listen to Argentina talk about their lived experience. 6. I may not understand your concern? Here is the original statement with 'oppression' listed. Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for the oppression that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for the oppression they themselves are doing today? I'm assuming you are dissagreeing with the first point... which is fine... my point is that many people do not have any guilt or responsibility for their ancestor behavior.
  22. 5 Words Big Government Support Is Childish
  23. My argument is with your accusation that Trump 'literally' tortured the children. I'm surprised you didn't say, 'and the evil man enjoyed it hugely.' What did the article say about this from what was provided before? It was several comments ago...
  24. I don't think about visa holders and non-immigrant students as immigrants. If I did, they would be classified as legal immigrants. If that's how you think about them, then fair point.
  25. 1. My reading into Thomas' statement was that the government monopoly is poor quality. 2. The statement is about encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility for their actions and contributions. It criticizes societal attitudes toward achievement and entitlement. 3. Will you address it without dismissing it with rhetoric? 4. The media needs to cover facts without spin. Its what citizens want per the surveys. 5. LOL. Would you deny that capitalism has lifted more people up than socialism? Look around and read a book. 6. The generalization is irrelevant. Thomas emphasizes the importance of individuals taking responsibility for their actions today, which is a foundational principle in ethics. 7. One of the key comments is that there are negative cultural clashes that are occurring in other countries and will increase in the USA. You keep talking about actions from previous generations and comparing immigration today as if the context was the same as the past. Feel free to explain why this matters and why you think the situation is the same. 8. https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/climate-crimes-must-be-brought-justice-0 ...I (Catriona McKinnon) have proposed that international criminal law should be expanded to include a new criminal offence that I call postericide. It is committed by intentional or reckless conduct fit to bring about the extinction of humanity. 9. I don't accept your ignorance. We talk about this on this forum. 10. Remember this isn't me... rather a readout of the article from Thomas. I think he is saying we need to be wiser and avoid monumental tragedies caused by politics.
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