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Five Words for Five Words


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5 Words From 2022 Interview

Intense personality is Starocci's confession,

Loves violence, relishes in dominance.

Alpha status, his defining trait.

Switch always on, unapologetically so,

No desire to turn it off.

Life's commitment, the only option,

Serious approach, a wrestler's devotion.

Knowing his place, Starocci asserts,

Coming out firing, aggressive spurts.

Match won't linger, no distance,

Complete 180, his dominance insistence.

Tough competitor, Junior World champ,

NCAA title, a proven stamp.

Mekhi is Good, levels below,

Starocci confident, ready to show.


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It gets deeper than 6 feet. F*ck the other side. 🦍

What does this mean?

Starocci has a primal aggression to win.  He is willing to die to win.  He hates his competition.  He hates to lose.  This isn't hate on the surface, but rather an intense, serious hate that runs deep.  He mentions his need to win everything competitive, whether wrestling, video games (destroy TV), or 'anything other than school.'

His tweet isn't a jab or beef with Lewis.  He has praised Lewis repeatedly.  His tweet is one of bravado.  "Look at me!  I just dominated a junior world champ and NCAA champ!  I'm the best.  Told you so!"


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32 minutes ago, jross said:

What does this mean?

Starocci| has a primal aggression to |win.  He is willing to |die to win.  He hates| his competition.  He hates to |lose.  This isn't hate on| the surface, but rather an| intense, serious hate that runs |deep.  He mentions his need |to win everything competitive, whether |wrestling, video games (destroy TV),|or 'anything other than school.'|

His tweet isn't a jab |or beef with Lewis.  He |has praised Lewis repeatedly.  His |tweet is one of bravado. | "Look at me!  I just |dominated a junior world champ |and NCAA champ!  I am| the best.  Told you so!"|

Did the best I could

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