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Seriously, Michigan?


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You re-elect the moat evil cunt in the history of Michigan governors?  That is including the past one that knowingly segregated and poisoned an entire region with lead pipes.

A write-in option of a dead hamster would have been a better choice.

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3 hours ago, nhs67 said:

You re-elect the moat evil cunt in the history of Michigan governors?  That is including the past one that knowingly segregated and poisoned an entire region with lead pipes.

A write-in option of a dead hamster would have been a better choice.

She's not as bad as that thing that was elected in PA.  Good f'ing god.  He's literally brain damaged.  At least he'll be the butt of a myriad jokes and memes for the next few months (until he's removed from office for "health" reasons)

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My opinion is that this should have been a rout for the Rs easily.   But for Trump hanging over everything, I think it would have been.   Rs did not do well because of Trump.   That's my opinion.   D's, I's, and some R's don't like Trump and would not vote for those he endorsed. 


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2 hours ago, Fudge Tunnel said:

She's not as bad as that thing that was elected in PA.  Good f'ing god.  He's literally brain damaged.  At least he'll be the butt of a myriad jokes and memes for the next few months (until he's removed from office for "health" reasons)

1. He's not irreparably brain damaged. He has Auditory Processing Disorder. All it means is that sometimes he doesn't process things he hears correctly. The problem is mitigated through closed captioning technology and speech therapy. Unless you think deaf people are unfit for office, he's perfectly capable of serving.

2. Even if he were brain damaged, the people who voted for him have a correct understanding of our system. When you vote for senate, you are voting for an agenda, not an executive. He just has to show up and vote on the issues he supports. If you support the democratic agenda, why on earth would you vote for Oz? I'd vote for someone in a coma as long as the agenda I support is properly voted for.

As for the overall night, Republicans need to look in the mirror and reassess the insane path they're on. This should have been a layup for them. A glorified corpse in the white house, inflation, gas prices, wage stagnation, looming war with a nuclear power, etc...And yet, the majority of the country looked at what they had to offer and said no thanks. Embarrassing. Eventually they need to ask if they are the people living in a bubble.

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2 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

1. He's not irreparably brain damaged. He has Auditory Processing Disorder. All it means is that sometimes he doesn't process things he hears correctly. The problem is mitigated through closed captioning technology and speech therapy. Unless you think deaf people are unfit for office, he's perfectly capable of serving.


You're comparing deaf people, to someone who has no clue what he's talking about?  Come on, that's a pathetic comparison.  Did you watch his debate with Oz?  I felt sorry for him, it was sad.  Sad that his wife is making him do this, and putting him through this humiliation.  She's a real piece of work

And put aside his brain damage - his policy positions are terrible.  And his history as a mayor and Lt Governor are god awful as well.  He's literally one of the worst humans ever on a ballot.  This shows 2 things - 1) Oz is an equally bad candidate, and 2) The voters of PA are as brain damaged as Fetterman

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1 minute ago, Fudge Tunnel said:

You're comparing deaf people, to someone who has no clue what he's talking about?  Come on, that's a pathetic comparison.  Did you watch his debate with Oz?  I felt sorry for him, it was sad.  Sad that his wife is making him do this, and putting him through this humiliation.  She's a real piece of work

And put aside his brain damage - his policy positions are terrible.  And his history as a mayor and Lt Governor are god awful as well.  He's literally one of the worst humans ever on a ballot.  This shows 2 things - 1) Oz is an equally bad candidate, and 2) The voters of PA are as brain damaged as Fetterman

Or that you don't know what you're talking about. There's a reason he was storming to a blowout before the APD controversy late in the election. He's a good candidate who connects with working people.

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6 hours ago, nhs67 said:

You re-elect the moat evil cunt in the history of Michigan governors?  That is including the past one that knowingly segregated and poisoned an entire region with lead pipes.

A write-in option of a dead hamster would have been a better choice.

what has she done that's so bad? i don't follow michigan politics

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4 hours ago, uncle bernard said:

what has she done that's so bad? i don't follow michigan politics

Mask mandates and shutdowns.  Such things are execution worthy, don't ya know?

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13 minutes ago, Ban Basketball said:

Mask mandates and shutdowns.  Such things are execution worthy, don't ya know?

The cherry is when she shut down the seed aisle at hardware stores.

I was up visiting family during the dark timed and every Home Depot and Lowes had specifically just that aisle cordoned off.

Was particularly meme worthy.

4 hours ago, uncle bernard said:

what has she done that's so bad? i don't follow michigan politics

I know the joke is that if a politician has their mouth open they are lying, but she said a lot of stupid things and her and her husband acted in a very hypocritical way through it all.

"I know actually nothing.  It isn't even conjecture at this point." - me



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15 hours ago, nhs67 said:

The cherry is when she shut down the seed aisle at hardware stores.

I was up visiting family during the dark timed and every Home Depot and Lowes had specifically just that aisle cordoned off.

Was particularly meme worthy.

I know the joke is that if a politician has their mouth open they are lying, but she said a lot of stupid things and her and her husband acted in a very hypocritical way through it all.

anything specific? policy? or just bad vibes?

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1 hour ago, uncle bernard said:

anything specific? policy? or just bad vibes?

I actually agree with more Democrat policies than I do Republican.

The lady herself is just not a very good person.  Her husband actively ignored laws that she out in to place during the 'rona and I never saw anything come of that.  Indifference to bad or evil is worse than bad or evil, and him being allowed to 'get away' with things that the regular Joe was getting fined for just isn't right.

Looking at it, it appears that the Dems were able to make it mostly about smoshmortions, which is rather impressive with the ammo they had.

Even living in Florida, I was personally effected.  I actually had two of my grandchildren stay with me for their 2020-2021 scholastic school year.  My kin essentially felt trapped enough by very restrictive and controlling laws that were put in to place.

All this said, I don't look forward to the future any of my posterity will have.  I don't believe the current regime actually cares about them.

"I know actually nothing.  It isn't even conjecture at this point." - me



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Uncle Bernard is right.   Rs should have slam dunked this one.   The economy, the covid, the inflation, the debt, etc should have tanked the Ds.   But my point remains, Ds and Is are deathly afraid of Trump or anyone associated with him.  Some Rs are too.   Trump is toxic and I think the result we have with this midterm is directly related to Trump.  

I don't know how all of his candidates did, but high profile ones didn't do well.   I heard a guy on the radio saying that anyone that is R running for office will do the will of Trump no matter what.   I think there is enough of that sentiment that it tanked the Rs tsunami. 


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43 minutes ago, mspart said:

Uncle Bernard is right.   Rs should have slam dunked this one.   The economy, the covid, the inflation, the debt, etc should have tanked the Ds.   But my point remains, Ds and Is are deathly afraid of Trump or anyone associated with him.  Some Rs are too.   Trump is toxic and I think the result we have with this midterm is directly related to Trump.  

I don't know how all of his candidates did, but high profile ones didn't do well.   I heard a guy on the radio saying that anyone that is R running for office will do the will of Trump no matter what.   I think there is enough of that sentiment that it tanked the Rs tsunami. 


that, and a lot of the republican culture war hysteria doesn't resonate with normal voters who aren't 100% plugged into internet politics. probably should have spent more time on inflation - i mean what was their message on that other than "it's bad"?- and less time on trans kids.

on top of this, overturning roe was always going to be a major short term issue for them electorally. popular with their hardcore base, but extremely unpopular with a large majority of the electorate. especially the suburban women that have become the battleground demographic.

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With regard to Abortion, the Ds want 9 month abortion where most Americans can see 1st trimester but acceptance after that drops significantly.  80% of Americans don't want 3rd trimester abortions legal.  If a D Congress fixes abortion, it will be for a full 9 months.  So it goes both ways.  

With regard to trans kids.  I don't think anyone is against trans kids.   What they are against is chemicals such as puberty blockers that have long term effects that are not desirable and not fully irreversible?  Why not irreversible?  Because puberty is a process that happens at a certain time.   It doesn't happen after that.  And surgical methods of affirming trans is irreversible.   Anyone advocating either of these do not have a kid's best interest at heart.   The kids are kids, they hardly know what they are doing and don't think through things very well.  That's why we don't let them drive until 16 when they have some semblance of recognizing deadly consequences for behaviors.  But what kid thinks much about the future and long term consequences?  None that I know of. 

Remember the Alice Cooper Song 18, "don't always know what I'm talking about," applies here.  We don't give a minor in school an aspirin without a parent giving it to them.   But by golly we can provide body altering chemicals etc to them and tell no one.    That is what everyone should be against.   The fact that there are some that think it is ok doing this to a kid who is easily moved in different directions is criminal.    Let them do it when they are 18 or 21, when they have a capability to really know what they want and can weigh the consequences of their decisions.  


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On 11/9/2022 at 1:31 PM, Fudge Tunnel said:

 He's literally one of the worst humans ever on a ballot.

If this is true, it really tells you what voters think of Trump and anyone he endorses. As others pointed out, so many things should have favored the Rs, but Trump has led the party down a path that revolves around him and his ego and not policy.

On 11/10/2022 at 10:42 AM, uncle bernard said:

anything specific? policy? or just bad vibes?

A D next to your name makes you evil, dontcha know? 

On 11/10/2022 at 6:56 PM, mspart said:

With regard to Abortion, the Ds want 9 month abortion

That is an absolutely insane assertion. 

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On 11/10/2022 at 5:56 PM, mspart said:

If a D Congress fixes abortion, it will be for a full 9 months.

How many Democratic states allow full-term abortion, and how many Republican states ban abortion outright?  Just about every state compromises with some form of legal abortion for cases of danger to a woman's health, rape or incest, or damaged fetus. An estimated 43% of women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old.  That % explains the support for abortion rights.  However, abortion procedures are monstrously performed on 46K viable babies (5% of abortions on babies 16 weeks+) each year.  About 20% of annual pregnancies result in an abortion.  The average woman gives selfish reasons for choosing abortion: parenthood interferes with her responsibilities, costs too much, or she has a bad/no partner.  This is where using the word 'fetus' is an attempt to lessen one's guilt.  However, even 'baby' people second-guess the morality when 1.5% (13K) of abortions come following rape or incest.  Compromise is the best current solution.

Facts: http://guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html 
Monstrosity: https://www.abortionprocedures.com/

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On 11/9/2022 at 1:34 PM, uncle bernard said:

Or that you don't know what you're talking about. There's a reason he was storming to a blowout before the APD controversy late in the election. He's a good candidate who connects with working people.

I agree with you on the auditory response issue. it's not prohibitive.

but i'll tell you what is - his intellect and agenda. he's a moron and radical.


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Oregon is under the same deal.   Their gov did not run but she was the worst and a D.   D has seemingly won the gov race this year but it was very close and should give someone pause before going full leftist, which is probably what she will do.  It's not just Michigan that is seemingly crazy.

You might remember Portland during 2020, riots every night for the whole summer.   The mayor of Portland did nothing by coddle them and the governor did absolutely nothing.   As a result, Portland is half boarded up now.   A shell of the beautiful city it once was.   Remember not so long ago it was one of the most livable cities.   Not anymore.



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