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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I can see now that the big miss is in not having any understanding how the IBA, and particularly in conjunction with the Russian federation, operates. And without that understanding, I can see why we would put our faith into what the Russian officials say, but do not show.
  2. It’s interesting that supposedly failed the same test in 2022. Yet was able to compete in and keep the medals from 2022, 2023 continentals, enter the 2023 worlds and compete, only until she defeated a couple Russians. All that needs to be said has been said here. If you want to put that much weight into a known corrupt group of Russians, you are certainly entitled to. That’s the great thing we have here in the US. Enjoy the Games.
  3. That’s an interesting statement there. But what I think is important is to differentiate is what is opinion and what is proven facts, as it relates to this situation. There are a lot of facts available. There are also a lot of opinions out there that doesn’t exactly square with the facts presented.
  4. A corrupt individual who wouldn’t provide any documented results. People don’t understand, (or don’t want to understand depending on what kind of outcome they were hoping for), but when Bert Kreischer said “F that bitch, this is Russia”……that shit is real.
  5. Appreciate the article, however there is nothing in there that hasn’t already been discussed in this thread. Not sure what you’re trying to hold on to.
  6. You are correct in your last sentence, and I completely agree with you. Fortunately in this particular case, that is not happening. Now we can all relax and enjoy the Games!
  7. In an interview with Italian daily Gazetta dello Sport published on Friday, Carini said she did not mean to stir up such heated controversy. "All this controversy certainly made me sad, and I also felt sorry for my opponent, she had nothing to do with it and like me was only here to fight," she said. "It was not intentional, in fact I apologize to her and to everyone. I was angry, because my Games had already gone up in smoke. I have nothing against Khelif and on the contrary if I happened to meet her again I would give her a hug."
  8. Saw this when it happened and it’s an absolute farce. No way in the world this should be even considered in a combat or contact sport. (Not to say I’m for it in others, but this was ridiculous).
  9. It’s been fun watching the goalpost move throughout this story, from trans to proven XY; to not proven XY but just look at her; to she should go out on her own to get a test to show that all the other times throughout the last seven years she’s been allowed to compete (in IBA) are legit; to but what about this other…. But I’m glad we can put all the silly screaming to rest now, and go back to enjoying the Olympics, and these athletes who put their whole lives into this and get on that stage, allowing us to drag them through the mud all across the world because we like to blindly follow SM hysteria while we sit on the couch and watch them perform!!
  10. If you’d like to start another topic on that particular case, I’ll be happy to go over and comment.
  11. For what it’s worth, the Italian has apologized to the boxer that punched her in the face, and said if she saw her she would ‘embrace her’.
  12. That is definitely a conversation. A big one that is had often, in a lot of places. It’s just not the subject of this particular conversation.
  13. A) she wasn’t banned. She was DQ’d from A tournament, and qualified and eligible for the Olympics. B) what evidence is there pointing to XY chromosome? There’s a DQ from a tournament headed by the most corrupt sport in the Olympic movement, with no evidence only a statement provided, a statement that has changed, or at best evolved, over time. This is your evidence you are wanting to stand on, with everything else that is documented and presented?
  14. I’ve heard a number of these stories from other states as well. Unreal.
  15. I don’t think you’re a man Jross. If you don’t go out and get these tests on your own and bring them back to me, I will never believe you. Seriously, this is the hill you’re going to stand on now? When it is absolutely documented that she has always been a woman, has competed as a woman in this organization for seven years. Had always been cleared and allowed to compete, by this same group, until she beat a Russian and Uzbek, then immediately DQ’d (not before the tournament), and had qualified and was eligible for the Olympics, but not the most corrupt organization in Olympic sport, providing no proof of her failed test. Sorry, but that’s ridiculous. This is the very definition of refusing everything in front of you because it’s not what you want to believe. Everything that is actually documented and presented goes against what you want to believe, so she has to go out and get tests, which you say are affordable and timely……for your feelings. If so timely, why couldn't IBA have the results before the tournament started? Doesn’t that seem……logical?
  16. A) She doesn't have the truth to show, the IBA and Russian official didn’t release it. I’m starting to believe you truly have no understanding with how things work with Russian authorities, again don’t mean that to be rude, just matter of fact. B) What she could possibly lose is the time and energy and focus on the Olympics, to go through with an appeal in front of the corrupt organization that placed the suspension on her.
  17. It is not the first time she has quit in a bout similar to that.
  18. You’re not dealing with Russians either. To think it’s just as simple as you describe, shows you have no understanding of the situation, and I don’t say that to be rude, just matter of fact. As for dropping the appeal…she was qualified for the Olympics. That decision by the Russian didn’t affect her Olympics. So she could either spend the money, time, and stress to appeal, to the same corrupt organization that DQ’d her after she beat their boxer, an organization that has nothing to do with the Olympics (because they’re so corrupt)…..or she could focus on the Olympics. Seems like a pretty easy choice, if you understand who you’re dealing with that is.
  19. It does not matter if everything that has been actually documented and presented (not just simply stated by a Russian official with nothing to actually show) states that this athlete is and always has been a woman, and is and always has been eligible to compete (prior to defeating a Russian and Uzbek in succession at the world championships in the most corrupt organization in Olympic sport). What matters is my feelings.
  20. According to the brackets it was before the semi final (unless the bout was contested and later overturned with the opponent moving to the final), but on the bracket it shows defeating a Russian, an Uzbek, then loss by DQ in the semi.
  21. So we can at least put to bed that she is trans or male, even with the completely unsubstantiated claim of an XY chromosome. Which leaves the question is her genetic makeup an unfair advantage. Mike Tyson came on the scene with genetics like no one had ever seen before. The kind of power that can do serious serious damage with one punch. But I never heard any recommendations for him not being allowed to fight because his genetics and power are an advantage. So are we not going to put a cap on power for naturally born males, but we are on naturally born females? It also needs to be noted, that since so much weight is being given to the Russian Head of IBA saying she had an XY chromosome, using a test that only they use, and without releasing the results….that the DQ happened after her first two rounds, not prior to the tournament, in which she beat a Russian and then an Uzbek…
  22. It’s all a matter of what you want to believe. You can believe their birth certificates, and passport (which in the one case, both generating in a country where the type of thing people are claiming is highly illeagal, a country where FAFO is steep in history); you can believe the process and testing of every single other competition entered, except the one as stated above, in which the report that DQ’s them wouldn’t be released. An organization so corrupt, to the point they are not allowed to run their own tournament these two weeks. Or, you can believe things people are typing on their keyboard without anywhere near the level of documented information that is listed above. Someone said there is nothing wrong with concern and raising question. I completely, 100% agree. People should question a lot more rather than just follow. There is also a difference between questioning, and flat denying every answer.
  23. IBA is one of the most corrupt sporting orgs on the planet.
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